Sunday, 28 June 2009
Carol的一萬字~Part 11.1
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Economic relationship between Hong Kong and other countries
(too much tables on relationship between HK and mainland, included in the .doc. verison)
Division of labour refers to the production of good or service is divided into different production stages and each worker specialises in one or more stages.
International division of labour
Different countries/regions specialise in different production stages – with improvement in communication and transport facilities, business man act as the middlemen to separate production into different stages.
Different countries/regions specialise in producing different products – This country/region can produce these products or services at a lower cost than others.
International trade refers to the buying and selling of goods and services between different countries and regions. It has the following advantages:
1) Acquire resources – This satisfies the demand of residents and supports industrial and commercial development. e.g., HK acquire raw materials through importing.
2) Improve living standard – Through international division of labour, countries/regions can engage in economic activities that they’re good at, and exchange good and services they need, and raise quantity and quality of output, thereby improving people’s standard of living. (e.g. HK imports car to give residents more transportation options)
3) Earn foreign exchange – through international trade, manufacturers earn foreign exchanges, they’re used to purchase raw material or for investment, and further promote Hong Kong’s economic development.
4) Provide job opportunities – International trade provides job opportunities.
5) Facilitate international understanding and exchange – through economic corporation, countries can get know of others’ strengths and needs and strengthens the link between HK and other countries, and promote mutual understanding and exchange of technology.
Hong Kong participate to international organizations to foster trade liberalization and international economic corporation, and use the name “Hong Kong, Chine” according to the Basic Law.
World Trade Organisation (WTO) – set up multilateral trade system; promote liberalization of international trade and conduct trading business.
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) – Regional forum for senior government official to discuss issues on promoting economic growth and cooperation, and trade and investment as well.
Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC)- Promote active collaboration on matters of common interest.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) – Promote economic development among members and assist development on industrialized countries and emerging countries.
EPA notes - Mass media
(oh... hateful mass media XD.)
(I have to use font 10, Arial to fit the note in 2 page ~_~)
Mass media transmit information to general publics; e.g. radio and the Internet. Through the mass media, we can receive local and international news.
There’re four functions of mass media:
1) Transmitting information – we can receive variety information from mass media.
2) It also provides channels for the public to express their opinions, including letters to newspaper and phone-in program.
3) It also educates the public though educational programmer or publications.
4) It also provides entertainment; examples include serialized drama for television channels and musical programmes for radio channels.
1) Monitoring society and government – highlighting social problems and monitor the government. e.g. concerning on unemployment problem and government policies.
2) Source of different viewpoints – They report social issues on different angles and viewpoints. People can gain more through understanding of the situation. This helps promote idea exchange, and government may informed of public opinions.
3) Outlet for express dissatisfaction constructively and helps maintain social stability.
4) They provide global news and information and promote international communication and understanding.
In order to fulfill those functions of mass media, they exercise the freedom of press and publication; and shouldering their responsibilities as well.
Freedom of press – journalist can report the news freely.
Freedom of publication – people may express themselves through publication.
They can freely report in different angles and channel different viewpoints.
They should also act in the interest of the public and highlight social problems, and giver factual, accurate, objective and fair reports.
Mass media can be further classified into print media (newspaper, magazines, and books) and electronic media (radio, TV, the Internet).
There’re lots of print media in Hong Kong, varies from technical matters to entertainment.
Domestic free television programme services: Television Broadcasts Limited and Asia Television Limited→the only 2 licenses, and the publicly founded Radio Television of Hong Kong produces television programmes to let TVB or ATV to broadcast.
Domestic pay television programme services: Hong Kong Cable Television Limited and Hong Kong Broadband Network→the only 2 licenses, offering 24-hours news and movie broadcast.
Non-domestic television programme services: Galaxy Satellite Broadcasting→only license.
Radio: Hong Kong Commercial Broadcasting Company Limited (Commercial Radio) and Metro Broadcast Corporation Limited (Metro Broadcast) are two commercial radio stations, providing 24-hour news and entertaining programmes.
Films: Hong Kong is a major film-producing center, it produce nearly 100 films a year.
Print and broadcast media will also upload their publications, radio, programmes or broadcasting onto the Internet and open to public through this Internet platform.
Improper use of mass media and its impact
1) False and inaccurate reports – exaggerated reports, e.g. showy headlines and sensational descriptions. It may also contain conjecture, inaccuracy and lies. This will mislead public and even damage the reputation or interest of people involved
2) Intrusion of privacy – they chase on public figures and made news on them to achieve high rate. This infringes on public figures’ privacy and causes disturbances to their lives.
3) Emphasising improper values, e.g. sexual, violent or gang-related, giving negative influence on children and teenagers, corrupt general social morals and indirectly cause social problem.
4) News mixed with entertainment information –over-emphasise of entertainment information, lowering quality of news report and public won’t take the news seriously, and understand it in a sincere and objective way.
Measures taken of government
-Legislation on defamation (person who is being defamed may sue the mass media for defamation or damages), contempt of court (before the judgment of court, the mass media mustn’t made any judgment on the case) and the Indecent and obscene articles (mass media are subject to the Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance, who publishes obscene articles can be jailed).
-Regulatory bodies:
Broadcasting Authority regulates and sets guidelines for broadcasting services.
Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority examines samples from TV and radio to see if codes of practice are violated and penalises them. Handle public complaints and censor films that intended for public exhibition aw well.
Obscene Articles Tribunal determines whether an article is obscene or indecent.
Self discipline of mass media
-Set up (independent) monitoring organization to do internal monitoring and handle public complaints and conduct investigations.
-establish guidelines.—journalist take public interest as basis of their work, and uphold the principle of truth, objectivity and fairness.
-Upgrade the quality of profession – provide more training on their staff.
Individual roles:
- Assess the credibility of the report – whether its views are credible.
- Don’t trust authoritative source blindly – it may not necessarily be fair, impartial or correct.
- Distinguish between facts and opinions.
- Don’t grasp information from headlines and lead paragraphs to avoid misleading yourself.
Sunday, 21 June 2009
International cooperation
Hague conference
The first Hague Conference – 26 countries met at Hague, Holland to discuss disarmament among major European powers, in 1899.
The second Hague Conference – 40 countries joined, in 1907.
They failed to prevent outbreak of WWI, but they have set up the Hague Tribunal to settle future international disputes.
The League of Nations
In 1919, President Wilson of US suggested to form a peacemaking organization, and to solve problems by discussing but not by fighting. It was set up in 2020, its HQ were in Geneva, Switzerland.
The objectives include: cooperate with others; work for peace among all nations; respect other’s boundaries; settle dispute peacefully through this organizations; take action if a member was attacked, and set up and accept the decisions of the Court of International Justice.
Achievement: It encouraged its members to provide better wages and working conditions in their country; controlled the spread of epidemics; and improved the health services of under-developed areas in the world.
1) President Wilson thought that members can protect each other by arm force originally, but many countries didn’t want to use armed force after WWI, and thus it’s lack of armed force to carry out its decisions.
2) Lack of support from US which had a strong influence to the world at that time.
3) Lack of fund.
At the end, it can settle dispute among small nations, but failed to maintain world peace – failed to stop aggression from the axis power and led to the outbreak of the WWII. It was formally dissolved in 1946 (the year after WWII).
The United Nations
Britain, China, the US and USSR planned for a new organization to replace the League of Nations after WWII. 51 countries met in San Francisco and signed the United Nations Charter in 1945. It officially started on 24 Oct. 1945. Its HQ is at New York City. There’s two olive branches surround the world and symbolizing world peace in the UN flag.
- The General Assembly for all members to debate world issues and set policies of UN.
- The Security Council is responsible to preserve international peace and security, and Britain, France, Russia (former USSR), China (PRC) and the US are permanent members of the Council.
- The secretariat – Administrative region, carries out day-to-day work of UN. Headed by the secretary-general and as a mediator between administrative region and other parts of UN. (Kofi Annan → Ban Ki-moon)
- The Economics and Social Council – to raise living standards and improve economic conditions throughout the world. Agencies include FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization), UNESCO (The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and WHO (World Health Organization).
- Trusteeship Council – promote self-government in non-independent countries.
- The International Court of Justice – handles dispute against international law.
- Other works include providing shelter for refugees; providing financial aid to developing countries; take care of underprivileged children; protecting human rights; increasing food production; developing education and Improving sanitary conditions.
1) Settling International Disputes successfully so far. Examples include quarrels among Israel, Palestine and Arabia; forced Iraq to remove troops from Kuwait during Persian Gulf War.
2) Promoting International Cooperation – held conference to solve global problems since 1960s, and worked on international disarmament and banned nuclear and biological weapons.
3) Providing humanitarian assistance – help refugees, underdeveloped and war-torn nations; emergency aid for developing countries. Examples: Vietnam refugees.
4) Improved social, economic, cultural and sanitary conditions in the world, and established the basic rights of every person on earth. It also helped developing countries to improve the public health service.
1) It’s only a voluntary organization and lack of independent armed force→ reliance on members to supply armed force.
2) Lack of sufficient funds. (The US didn’t give money to UN.)
3) Overuse of veto power in the Security Council – Once veto power is used, the issues is canceled. Therefore some countries used this power for their own selfish reasons, and the UN is hard to make effective actions against those countries.
Friday, 19 June 2009
「……好吧。為甚麼血壓是用mm Hg量的?」他的聲音帶著一種不捨。
「唉~你的common sense也太common了吧。手動式的血壓計充氣時也會對水銀柱施力,水銀受壓上漲,所以就用mm來量水銀上升高度作為指標啊!」電話另一邊傳來了嬌嗔,「難怪你連滇越公路和滇越鐵路也搞混了吧。」
「我才不會!滇越公路是雲南軍民在1942年以人力 9個月內建成的吧!」
Maths 「煎」
中史 「炒」
I.S. 「炸」
Thursday, 18 June 2009
Circulatory system
We need a transportation system to link up different parts of our body, to supply nutrients and oxygen, and take away wastes and carbon dioxide. It’s known as the circulatory system, made up of the followings:
1) Blood, fluid that transport materials. It’s the suspension of cells in a pale yellow liquid called plasma, containing water, dissolved nutrients, wastes and other substances, and make up 55% of blood. (tables of different blood cells missed here.)
2) Blood vessels, a network of tube for blood to pass through.
(Arteries, capillaries and Veins)
(Tables on different kinds of blood vessels missed here)
3) Heart, the pump to make the blood to circulate the network. Blood flows like this
“(different parts of our body)→right auricle→right ventricle→lung→left auricle→left ventricle”. There’re heart strings to hold the valves between auricles and ventricles, septum is used to separate the left and right parts of heart, and there’re valves in the arteries in the heart (the only arteries that have valves)
When auricles relax, blood flows in the auricles, when it contract, blood was squeezed into ventricles, and when ventricles contract, it flows into the large arteries. Blood flows through the heart twice (lung: pulmonary circulation and the rest of the body: systemic circulation) to complete one circulation so it’s called double circulation.
Heartbeat rate, pulse rate and blood pressure can be the indicators of our health. Heartbeat rate which we can feel at left chest, equal our pulse rate which we can feel it on areas that arteries pass through near the skin, e.g. wrist, neck and temple. It’s about 70 when we’re at rest. Varies of diseases can be indicated in the change of rate, rhythm and force of the pulse.
When blood is pumped out, it rushes into blood vessels and presses on their walls and produces a pressure on the blood vessels, called blood pressure. It’s measured in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). When the heart contracts, it’s about 120mm Hg, when the heart relax, it’s about 80mm Hg, and it’s expressed as 120/80mm Hg. It can be measured with a stethoscope and a sphygmomanometer. There’re also some electronic measuring devices as well. However, it will change with age, sex, health condition and the mood of the person.
Eating for a healthy circulatory system
We should not eat a lot of cholesterol, which always appear in fatty foods. Some of them come from membranes and hormones, and also come from our body. There are some uses in our body, but it’ll also deposits in the inner walls of the blood vessels and hardens the walls and cause high blood pressure. When the deposits keep increasing, it’ll even trigger the blood platelets to form clots and totally stuck the blood vessels. If blockage happens in the cor0onary arteries, supply of O2 and nutrients for heart muscles is not enough, coronary heart disease my happen and heart attack will happen. If blockage or rupture happens in the brain arteries, stroke may result, brain cells which can’t be recovered are damaged due to lack of O2, paralysis or death may happen depends on how the brain is damaged. We avoid eating of fatty meats, organ meats and egg yolk. It’s recommend that we shouldn’t take over 300mg per day.
Fats are made up of glycerol and fatty acids and can be classifying into two types:
1) Saturated fatty acids raise the cholesterol level in blood. They mainly come from animal origin and some plant product such as coconut and palm oil.
2) Unsaturated (can be further classify into monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) fatty acids reduce the cholesterol level in the blood, usually found in nuts, seed, nuts and oil.
No. of red/white blood cells, blood platelets, blood haemoglobin content, blood glucose and blood cholesterol is also indicators of health.
We have to keep fit (fitness of body, not the body shape) to have a higher resistance to disease, withstand stress better, react faster, keep a good body figure with healthy weight and fully enjoy our life. There’re several indicators:
1) Body Mass Index (BMI) = Weight (kg)/height (m)2, and18.5-24.9 is normal. Regular exercises help us to keep normal weight.
2) Pulse rate. Healthier person has a healthier heart that can pump more efficiently, and they have a lower resting pulse rate and shorter recovery time after exercise.
3) Vital capacity is the max. vol. of air can be blow out from the lung by the deepest breath, which can be measured by a breath volume kit. Normally 4000mL.
4) S-factors: Strength – the amount of force that your muscles can exert; suppleness --- for us to stretch, bend and twist freely; and stamina keep us going when we exercise hard. Stronger heart and lungs can supply more oxygen to support us.
Physics – total internal reflection and colours
Total internal reflection
By Shell’s Law, we know that the value of sin x can’t be larger than 1. But if one side of the equation is larger than the refractive index on another side, we’ll found that another side of the equation can never equal to another side, and the total internal reflection occur. It’s a “reflection” so that it obeys the law of reflection.
For example, the light strike from glass (R.I. 1.7) to air, 1.7sin (angle of incidence) =1sin (angle of refraction), if the angle of incidence is big enough, equation can’t hold. The “big enough” limit is called the critical angle, and c=sin-1 (1/x).
It follows that when the R.I. is bigger, critical angle is smaller and total internal reflection is easier to happen. This explained why it mostly happen in medium with higher R.I..
1) Views under water – when you’re under water, you may not see the image above water if the angle of incidence is big enough, and the range that you can see image above water is in cone shape, with the axis from your eyes, perpendicular to the water surface. (This is because the angle of incidence is limited.)
2) Periscope – If we use glass with enough big R.I.(bigger than 1.5, usually, is enough), we can make two 45-90-45 triangular prisms to reflect light just like plane mirrors.
3) Diamond – it’s so bright because it’s R.I. is too high (above 2) such that all light (especially after process) will be reflected back.
4) “Cat’s eye” in front of the car uses the same rule to give out strong light.
Optical fibres
Optical fibre is a tube-like device which can transmit light. It's made by glass and some other material, layer by layer. Since total internal reflection always occur inside the tube, and the tube can be bent into a certain angle, it can transmit light in the curved path.
There is various application of optical fibre. The most important use is the usage on telecommunication services. Comparing with the traditional wire, it's much cheaper since the traditional wire uses a lot of copper. Even the material cost is more expensive than the production cost of optical fibre considering the same volume. Another important use is endoscope for surgery.
When a narrow white light passes through a triangular (△ shape) glass prism, it will changed into a fan of colours, from the top to bottom; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple. This band of colours is called the colour spectrum, and we say that it is the dispersion of the white light.
One of its applications is the rainbow. After raining, the air is full of small water droplets. They refracted (twice; in and out the water droplets), reflected (total internal reflection within the water droplets) and disperse the sun light to colour spectrum into our eyes.
White light is the mixture of three primary coloured lights, red, blue and green. They can produce all colours. Red and blue produces magenta, red and green produces yellow, blue and green produces cyan, and all three together produce white light.
Colour televisions produces different colours on the TVs by giving signals to three phosphor dots inside the TV and give out red, blue and green colours.
We sense colours also because the three types of cones cells and receive the three kind of primary coloured lights. Those who do not have enough cones cells is called to have colour blindness, and it’s inherited and can’t be corrected. Those who have defect on all three types of cones cells are called total colour blindness.
We see object because they reflect that light to us. For example, apples reflects red light to us. Other lights will be absorbed (and turned into heat energy). Another example is that white object reflects everything to us and thus we see it’s white, which is the mixture of red, blue and green light.
“The object with colour N, shined by colour X, will reflect light that N and X contains commonly and absorb the remaining part.”
E.g. When a cyan object shined by yellow light, it will reflect green light (which cyan and yellow contains commonly) and absorb red light (the remaining part of yellow.)
Colour filters are used to let certain lights to pass through and absorb the remaining light. “The colour filters with colour N, shined by colour X, will let light that N and X contains commonly to pass through, and absorb the remaining part.”
The function between a normal object and a colour filter a nearly the same, but colour filters is designed to let light to pass through it.
註1:這篇是趕考試打的,所以"文革的後果"沒打上去,錯漏也比較多 註2:這篇可能比較長(約3800字),因為涉及到近60年的近代史,而且有少許補充資料是課本以外的。
雖然國共合作後仍然實力不足,但日本視之為實力增強的大患,於是展開全面侵華。37年6月,日軍於北平外圍進行挑釁性軍事演習。7月7日,日軍借口一士兵失蹤要求進入宛平城被拒,砲轟城外的盧溝橋,第二十九路軍予以抵抗,中日戰爭正式開始,稱為七七/盧溝橋事變,事後共產黨發表抗日通電:蔣介石在廬山發表抗戰的宣言。從七七事變到次年10月武漢撤守為退守的階段,日本揚言三個月佔領中國,一方面攻陷北平、天津,又開啟淞滬戰場;並守上海達三個月,年底始被攻陷,日軍屠殺城市三十萬人,史稱南京大屠殺。南京陷落前國民政府遷都重慶。退守期間曾取得平型關和台兒莊大捷。 (日軍稱之為「玉碎戰」)
在38年武漢失守到41年底珍珠港事變為相持階段,國軍主力撤入西部高山丘陵地帶,利用地形抗衡日軍的機動化優勢。日本亦實行以華制華,進一步扶植汪精衛於南京成立偽國民政府,維持日佔區秩序和提供補給。 此時東南沿海已為日佔區,只能依靠西南邊境,但西方列強無暇東顧,因此與日本妥協,封鎖了滇緬公路和滇越鐵路。但中國當時奇跡地九個月內不以重型機械輔助,以軍民力量九個月內建成滇緬公路。此外,中國在長沙會戰中接連勝利,華北和江南地區的八路軍和新四軍(均為共產黨)亦參與對日遊擊戰。
國共合作──西安事變後雙方站在同一戰線,國軍在正面戰場與日軍對抗製造大戰役,八路軍和新四軍(共軍)在敵佔區發動遊擊,造成夾擊之勢。 戰略奏效──日軍深入內地時機械化裝備的優勢難以發揮;國軍退至高山丘陵地帶,共軍於日軍後方建立抗日根據地,使日本不能構成有效的佔領,腹背受敵。
抗日時國共仍有磨擦,40月1月,皖南新四軍被國軍聚殲。後來國共為了爭奪日佔區的利益而磨擦加劇,國共分別有自己的行政轄區和軍隊,出現大規模內戰的跡象。抗戰結束後,蔣介石邀毛澤東到重慶會談,10月10日簽下雙十協定,雙方願意以和平、民主、團結為基礎建立中國,次年初在美國調停下簽訂停戰協定,並在重慶召開政治協商會議,決議包括實施和平建國綱領、整編軍隊、召開國民大會、制定憲法且實施前國民政府為最高權力機關。但實際上雙方武裝衝突沒有停止。46年6月,國民政府召集大軍發動全面進攻,國共內戰正式開始。 當時國民黨兵力四百三十萬人;控制三億人口,有大城市,主要鐵路和豐富生產資備,又有日軍裝備和美國支援;共軍一百二十萬人,控制一億三千萬人口,雖接收日軍少數裝備,但在軍力及生產資源上都處於劣勢。
內戰初期國(政府)軍搶攻,佔領百多座城鎮,更一度佔領延安,而解放軍採取運動戰消耗對方兵力。次年夏國軍兵力降到四百萬,失去全面進攻能力,而解放軍增到二百萬人,開始反擊;48年8月,共軍280萬,國軍360萬。期後的三場大戰使國民黨大勢盡去:遼瀋戰役(48年9-11月),國軍47萬人被殲;准(南至准海)海(東至海州)之戰(48年11月到49年1月),國軍失去南京的門戶和軍事基地徐州,55萬人被殲;同時的平津戰役國軍被殲52萬人。蔣介石輸掉東北、華北、中原地區以及150萬軍隊後引退,由李宗仁接任總理。當時共軍增至300萬人,49年4月國民黨派人到北平談判,談判裂後共軍過江攻下首都南京。國民政府先後遷都至廣州、重慶、成都,李宗仁見無事可為,經香港前往美國,12月國民政府遷台。 9月時共產黨在北平召開中國人民政治協商會議第一屆全體會議,通過中國人民政治協商會議共同綱領,選毛澤東為中央人民政府主席。10月1日周恩來被任命為政務院總理兼外交部長,並舉行開國大典。
中華人民共和國(下稱中國)在最初兩三年實行「土地改革」──50年6月頒佈中華人民共和國土地改革法;「鎮壓反革命」──同年7月頒佈關於鎮壓反革命的指示,又稱「鎮反」;「三反五反」,即「反貪污、反浪費、反官僚主義」(對內部機關)、「反行賄、反偷稅漏稅、反盜竊國家資材、反偷工減料、反盜竊國家經濟情報」(對工商業者)。五年計劃(53-57)──農業、手工業、私人工商業的社會主義改造(生產資料從私有改為公有,包括了集體所有制和全民所有制),生產了很多中國原本沒有的商品。農民和手工業者合作化:改組成農業生產合作社和手工業生產合作社,又將私營工商企業改為公私合營,採取贖買政策,逐漸改為國營。 56年基本完成了農業、手工業集體化和工商業國有化等三大社會主義改造。
59年第二屆全國人民代表大會上劉少奇取代毛成為國家主席,毛仍為黨主席。劉和鄧小平進行較為實際調整工作,62年經濟有所恢復。 由於毛澤東的三面紅旗使其聲望受損,而劉少奇實行三自一包,即自留地、自由市場、自負盈虧和包產到戶,被認為是資本主義復辟,使毛不滿,他亦不承認其失誤,同時想收回失去的權力。62年之後,他不斷強調社會有階級鬥爭,黨內也出現「走資本主義道路的當權派」於是在66年發動文革。
66年5月16日,中共發出毛制定的中國共產黨中央委會員通知,成立中央文革小組,目標為整肅黨內的走資派和資產階級反動學術權威。毛亦親自寫了炮打蝨令部的大字報。文革開始後不久,清華大學附中率先組成紅衛兵,全國仿效,毛先後八次接見紅衛兵。他們借「破四舊、立四新」(思想、文化、風俗、習慣),到處批鬥和銷毀文物,還自稱遵照毛「造反有理」來做。 67年起各地革命造反派奪取地方各級黨和政府領導權,另組革命委員會。次年劉少奇終被鬥下台。林彪取代劉成為接班人後急欲成為國家主席,引起毛的反感。 71年他發動政變事敗墜機於外蒙古,周恩來接手主持中共中央日常工作。江青、張春橋、姚文元和王洪文結成四人幫攻擊周恩來,希望得到實際權力。
76年1月周恩來去世,由鄧小平接任,他著手改正文革偏向;同年清明發生民眾悼念周恩來、抨擊文革的天安門事件,鄧小平再被罷黜。同年9月,毛澤東死。華國鋒在軍權的葉劍英等支持下逮捕四人幫,繼任中共中央主席,文革至此結束。 鄧小平後來取代華國鋒,又推動四個現代化(農業、工業、國防、科技),對內廢除人民公社,在城市擴大企業自主權,建立社會主義市場經濟體制。對外亦在深圳、珠海設經濟特區,在上海、廣州等多個沿海港口城市設沿海經濟開放區。
80年代以來工農業均有大幅進展,解決了溫飽問題;03和05分別發射神舟五和六號載人飛船。不過改革期間也出現通脹加虧、貧富懸殊擴大、幹部貪污腐化,期間89年民眾悼念前中共中央總書記胡耀邦時觸發反貪污、反官倒活動,軍方於6月4日出動坦克鎮壓,屠殺市民,因此又被稱為六四事件。 另外國營企業的低效益和腐敗亦受到批評。97年鄧小平去世後江澤民、朱鎔基相繼接任,03年由胡錦濤任國家主席,溫家寶任國務院總理。 其外交堅持五項原則:互相尊重領土和主權完整;互不侵犯;不干涉他人內政;平等互利和和平共處。到06年中國已有180個國家與中國建立外交關係,71年取代民國在聯合國的合法席位,成為安理會五個常任理事國之一;01年加入世貿和取得08年夏季奧運會主辦權。現時中國已在世界有舉足輕重的地位。 49年國民黨遷台後與對岸呈長期對立。75年蔣介石去世,總統先後由嚴家淦、蔣經國和李登輝出任。00年起陳水扁成為總統,但他被揭分涉及貪污舞弊案,民眾發起反貪腐倒扁大合動。台灣於50年代實行土地改革,60年代實行9年免費教育、70年代後成為亞州四小龍之一。79年元旦共產黨對台發表告台灣同胞書,建議三通(通商、通航、通郵),80年代初又提出一國兩制。93年4月,共產黨派海峽兩岸關係協會會長汪道涵和海峽交流其金會董事長辜振甫在新加坡會談,簽署多項協議;03年歷史性通航;05年國民黨和親民黨主席連戰和宋楚瑜先後到大陸訪問胡錦濤。台灣在李登輝時強調雙方是特殊的國與國關係;陳水扁時提出一邊一國論、去中國化,推行台獨,表示台灣是個主權獨立的國家。
雖然國共合作後仍然實力不足,但日本視之為實力增強的大患,於是展開全面侵華。37年6月,日軍於北平外圍進行挑釁性軍事演習。7月7日,日軍借口一士兵失蹤要求進入宛平城被拒,砲轟城外的盧溝橋,第二十九路軍予以抵抗,中日戰爭正式開始,稱為七七/盧溝橋事變,事後共產黨發表抗日通電:蔣介石在廬山發表抗戰的宣言。從七七事變到次年10月武漢撤守為退守的階段,日本揚言三個月佔領中國,一方面攻陷北平、天津,又開啟淞滬戰場;並守上海達三個月,年底始被攻陷,日軍屠殺城市三十萬人,史稱南京大屠殺。南京陷落前國民政府遷都重慶。退守期間曾取得平型關和台兒莊大捷。 (日軍稱之為「玉碎戰」)
在38年武漢失守到41年底珍珠港事變為相持階段,國軍主力撤入西部高山丘陵地帶,利用地形抗衡日軍的機動化優勢。日本亦實行以華制華,進一步扶植汪精衛於南京成立偽國民政府,維持日佔區秩序和提供補給。 此時東南沿海已為日佔區,只能依靠西南邊境,但西方列強無暇東顧,因此與日本妥協,封鎖了滇緬公路和滇越鐵路。但中國當時奇跡地九個月內不以重型機械輔助,以軍民力量九個月內建成滇緬公路。此外,中國在長沙會戰中接連勝利,華北和江南地區的八路軍和新四軍(均為共產黨)亦參與對日遊擊戰。
國共合作──西安事變後雙方站在同一戰線,國軍在正面戰場與日軍對抗製造大戰役,八路軍和新四軍(共軍)在敵佔區發動遊擊,造成夾擊之勢。 戰略奏效──日軍深入內地時機械化裝備的優勢難以發揮;國軍退至高山丘陵地帶,共軍於日軍後方建立抗日根據地,使日本不能構成有效的佔領,腹背受敵。
抗日時國共仍有磨擦,40月1月,皖南新四軍被國軍聚殲。後來國共為了爭奪日佔區的利益而磨擦加劇,國共分別有自己的行政轄區和軍隊,出現大規模內戰的跡象。抗戰結束後,蔣介石邀毛澤東到重慶會談,10月10日簽下雙十協定,雙方願意以和平、民主、團結為基礎建立中國,次年初在美國調停下簽訂停戰協定,並在重慶召開政治協商會議,決議包括實施和平建國綱領、整編軍隊、召開國民大會、制定憲法且實施前國民政府為最高權力機關。但實際上雙方武裝衝突沒有停止。46年6月,國民政府召集大軍發動全面進攻,國共內戰正式開始。 當時國民黨兵力四百三十萬人;控制三億人口,有大城市,主要鐵路和豐富生產資備,又有日軍裝備和美國支援;共軍一百二十萬人,控制一億三千萬人口,雖接收日軍少數裝備,但在軍力及生產資源上都處於劣勢。
內戰初期國(政府)軍搶攻,佔領百多座城鎮,更一度佔領延安,而解放軍採取運動戰消耗對方兵力。次年夏國軍兵力降到四百萬,失去全面進攻能力,而解放軍增到二百萬人,開始反擊;48年8月,共軍280萬,國軍360萬。期後的三場大戰使國民黨大勢盡去:遼瀋戰役(48年9-11月),國軍47萬人被殲;准(南至准海)海(東至海州)之戰(48年11月到49年1月),國軍失去南京的門戶和軍事基地徐州,55萬人被殲;同時的平津戰役國軍被殲52萬人。蔣介石輸掉東北、華北、中原地區以及150萬軍隊後引退,由李宗仁接任總理。當時共軍增至300萬人,49年4月國民黨派人到北平談判,談判裂後共軍過江攻下首都南京。國民政府先後遷都至廣州、重慶、成都,李宗仁見無事可為,經香港前往美國,12月國民政府遷台。 9月時共產黨在北平召開中國人民政治協商會議第一屆全體會議,通過中國人民政治協商會議共同綱領,選毛澤東為中央人民政府主席。10月1日周恩來被任命為政務院總理兼外交部長,並舉行開國大典。
中華人民共和國(下稱中國)在最初兩三年實行「土地改革」──50年6月頒佈中華人民共和國土地改革法;「鎮壓反革命」──同年7月頒佈關於鎮壓反革命的指示,又稱「鎮反」;「三反五反」,即「反貪污、反浪費、反官僚主義」(對內部機關)、「反行賄、反偷稅漏稅、反盜竊國家資材、反偷工減料、反盜竊國家經濟情報」(對工商業者)。五年計劃(53-57)──農業、手工業、私人工商業的社會主義改造(生產資料從私有改為公有,包括了集體所有制和全民所有制),生產了很多中國原本沒有的商品。農民和手工業者合作化:改組成農業生產合作社和手工業生產合作社,又將私營工商企業改為公私合營,採取贖買政策,逐漸改為國營。 56年基本完成了農業、手工業集體化和工商業國有化等三大社會主義改造。
59年第二屆全國人民代表大會上劉少奇取代毛成為國家主席,毛仍為黨主席。劉和鄧小平進行較為實際調整工作,62年經濟有所恢復。 由於毛澤東的三面紅旗使其聲望受損,而劉少奇實行三自一包,即自留地、自由市場、自負盈虧和包產到戶,被認為是資本主義復辟,使毛不滿,他亦不承認其失誤,同時想收回失去的權力。62年之後,他不斷強調社會有階級鬥爭,黨內也出現「走資本主義道路的當權派」於是在66年發動文革。
66年5月16日,中共發出毛制定的中國共產黨中央委會員通知,成立中央文革小組,目標為整肅黨內的走資派和資產階級反動學術權威。毛亦親自寫了炮打蝨令部的大字報。文革開始後不久,清華大學附中率先組成紅衛兵,全國仿效,毛先後八次接見紅衛兵。他們借「破四舊、立四新」(思想、文化、風俗、習慣),到處批鬥和銷毀文物,還自稱遵照毛「造反有理」來做。 67年起各地革命造反派奪取地方各級黨和政府領導權,另組革命委員會。次年劉少奇終被鬥下台。林彪取代劉成為接班人後急欲成為國家主席,引起毛的反感。 71年他發動政變事敗墜機於外蒙古,周恩來接手主持中共中央日常工作。江青、張春橋、姚文元和王洪文結成四人幫攻擊周恩來,希望得到實際權力。
76年1月周恩來去世,由鄧小平接任,他著手改正文革偏向;同年清明發生民眾悼念周恩來、抨擊文革的天安門事件,鄧小平再被罷黜。同年9月,毛澤東死。華國鋒在軍權的葉劍英等支持下逮捕四人幫,繼任中共中央主席,文革至此結束。 鄧小平後來取代華國鋒,又推動四個現代化(農業、工業、國防、科技),對內廢除人民公社,在城市擴大企業自主權,建立社會主義市場經濟體制。對外亦在深圳、珠海設經濟特區,在上海、廣州等多個沿海港口城市設沿海經濟開放區。
80年代以來工農業均有大幅進展,解決了溫飽問題;03和05分別發射神舟五和六號載人飛船。不過改革期間也出現通脹加虧、貧富懸殊擴大、幹部貪污腐化,期間89年民眾悼念前中共中央總書記胡耀邦時觸發反貪污、反官倒活動,軍方於6月4日出動坦克鎮壓,屠殺市民,因此又被稱為六四事件。 另外國營企業的低效益和腐敗亦受到批評。97年鄧小平去世後江澤民、朱鎔基相繼接任,03年由胡錦濤任國家主席,溫家寶任國務院總理。 其外交堅持五項原則:互相尊重領土和主權完整;互不侵犯;不干涉他人內政;平等互利和和平共處。到06年中國已有180個國家與中國建立外交關係,71年取代民國在聯合國的合法席位,成為安理會五個常任理事國之一;01年加入世貿和取得08年夏季奧運會主辦權。現時中國已在世界有舉足輕重的地位。 49年國民黨遷台後與對岸呈長期對立。75年蔣介石去世,總統先後由嚴家淦、蔣經國和李登輝出任。00年起陳水扁成為總統,但他被揭分涉及貪污舞弊案,民眾發起反貪腐倒扁大合動。台灣於50年代實行土地改革,60年代實行9年免費教育、70年代後成為亞州四小龍之一。79年元旦共產黨對台發表告台灣同胞書,建議三通(通商、通航、通郵),80年代初又提出一國兩制。93年4月,共產黨派海峽兩岸關係協會會長汪道涵和海峽交流其金會董事長辜振甫在新加坡會談,簽署多項協議;03年歷史性通航;05年國民黨和親民黨主席連戰和宋楚瑜先後到大陸訪問胡錦濤。台灣在李登輝時強調雙方是特殊的國與國關係;陳水扁時提出一邊一國論、去中國化,推行台獨,表示台灣是個主權獨立的國家。
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Monday, 15 June 2009
國民黨成立後,孫中山就在廣州重組軍政府,自任海陸軍大元帥,籌備北伐,但於1925年病逝。他死後國民黨將廣州軍政府改組為國民政府,以汪精衛為主席,1926年7月,蔣介石任革命軍總司令開始北伐。當時直系的吳佩孚控制湖南、湖北、河南,孫傅芳控制福建、江西、浙江、江蘇和安徽,奉系張作霖則控制東北和北洋政府。北伐首先指向直系兩人,分三路出發;西路向兩湖進攻(吳),東路福建,中路江西(孫)。西路成功打敗了吳佩孚的主力,佔領武漢三鎮,國民政府遷到武漢;中、東路亦打敗孫傳芳,佔領了南京。 但同時國民黨內部對「聯俄容共」一直存在分歧,在蘇俄指使下,共產黨更嘗試在國民黨內擴大勢力。
寧漢復合後蔣介石繼續北伐,直指奉系張作霖。他兵敗撤出關外,在瀋陽附近的皇姑屯車站被日本特務埋下的炸彈炸死。1928年6月,其子張學良宣佈擁護南京政府,東北易幟,北伐完成,中國基本上統一,國民政府統治全國。 國共破裂後國民政府大舉捕殺共產黨和傾向共產黨人士。
1927年8月,周恩來、朱德率領北伐軍中三萬多士兵在南昌起事失敗;9月毛澤東率領北伐軍一部及農民武裝共八千人,在湖南發動秋收暴動,進攻長沙失敗。毛澤東於是帶餘部到井岡山,成為首個農村根據地。次年4月朱德亦率餘部會合毛澤東,組成紅軍,其後多達十多萬人,在贛南、閩西開闢基地,成為後來的基礎。 國民黨後來五次圍攻共產黨,頭4次(1930年底到1933年3月)因紅軍以靈活遊擊應付,日本又加緊侵華,四次圍攻均失敗。1931年11月共產黨在打退3次圍攻後在江西瑞金建立了蘇維埃政權。第5次(1933年底),蔣介石調動一百萬軍隊,配以空軍向以瑞金為中心的共產黨根據地圍攻,紅軍今次全線出擊,硬打硬拚,之後又分兵把守,被動挨打,最後面臨嚴重損失。
1927年日本軍人田中義一成為首相後著手侵略東北。1931年9月18日,日本關東軍炸毀南滿鐵路瀋陽近效柳條溝的一段路軌,指是中國所為並砲轟瀋陽,翌日將其佔領,又分兵侵佔遼寧、吉林、黑龍江三省,東北於次年一月淪陷。 1932年1月28日,日軍以上海市民抵制日貨、毆打日僧為借口進去上海閘北,砲轟吳淞要塞,十九路軍抵抗一個月後簽下停戰協定,允許日本在上海駐軍。 同年3月,日本於東北成立偽滿州國,國聯不予承認,日本隨即退出,後來日本在偽滿州國行帝制,溥儀再一次成為傀儡皇帝。同月,日軍進犯熱河並併入偽滿州國,進兵長城,威脅北平、天津,迫使國民政府簽下塘沽協定。
九一八事變以來蔣介石堅持「攘外必先安內」,先行消滅共產黨勢力,沒有抗日之餘反而全力剿共。 1936年國民政府令張學肋的東北軍和楊虎城的西北軍加緊進攻紅軍,他們提出「停止內戰,一致抗日」但不獲接納。同年12月蔣介石到西安督戰,他們實行兵諫,軟禁蔣介石,通電全國,要求停止內戰,一致抗日,史稱西安事變。 在宋美齡和周因來的斡旋下他終於默許停止內戰。張學良陪蔣介石回京,旋即被軟禁。西安事變後西北主力紅軍改編為國民革命軍第八路軍,朱德任總司令,南方紅軍遊擊隊改編為國民革命軍新編第四軍,葉挺任軍長。此為國共第二次合作。
國民黨成立後,孫中山就在廣州重組軍政府,自任海陸軍大元帥,籌備北伐,但於1925年病逝。他死後國民黨將廣州軍政府改組為國民政府,以汪精衛為主席,1926年7月,蔣介石任革命軍總司令開始北伐。當時直系的吳佩孚控制湖南、湖北、河南,孫傅芳控制福建、江西、浙江、江蘇和安徽,奉系張作霖則控制東北和北洋政府。北伐首先指向直系兩人,分三路出發;西路向兩湖進攻(吳),東路福建,中路江西(孫)。西路成功打敗了吳佩孚的主力,佔領武漢三鎮,國民政府遷到武漢;中、東路亦打敗孫傳芳,佔領了南京。 但同時國民黨內部對「聯俄容共」一直存在分歧,在蘇俄指使下,共產黨更嘗試在國民黨內擴大勢力。
寧漢復合後蔣介石繼續北伐,直指奉系張作霖。他兵敗撤出關外,在瀋陽附近的皇姑屯車站被日本特務埋下的炸彈炸死。1928年6月,其子張學良宣佈擁護南京政府,東北易幟,北伐完成,中國基本上統一,國民政府統治全國。 國共破裂後國民政府大舉捕殺共產黨和傾向共產黨人士。
1927年8月,周恩來、朱德率領北伐軍中三萬多士兵在南昌起事失敗;9月毛澤東率領北伐軍一部及農民武裝共八千人,在湖南發動秋收暴動,進攻長沙失敗。毛澤東於是帶餘部到井岡山,成為首個農村根據地。次年4月朱德亦率餘部會合毛澤東,組成紅軍,其後多達十多萬人,在贛南、閩西開闢基地,成為後來的基礎。 國民黨後來五次圍攻共產黨,頭4次(1930年底到1933年3月)因紅軍以靈活遊擊應付,日本又加緊侵華,四次圍攻均失敗。1931年11月共產黨在打退3次圍攻後在江西瑞金建立了蘇維埃政權。第5次(1933年底),蔣介石調動一百萬軍隊,配以空軍向以瑞金為中心的共產黨根據地圍攻,紅軍今次全線出擊,硬打硬拚,之後又分兵把守,被動挨打,最後面臨嚴重損失。
1927年日本軍人田中義一成為首相後著手侵略東北。1931年9月18日,日本關東軍炸毀南滿鐵路瀋陽近效柳條溝的一段路軌,指是中國所為並砲轟瀋陽,翌日將其佔領,又分兵侵佔遼寧、吉林、黑龍江三省,東北於次年一月淪陷。 1932年1月28日,日軍以上海市民抵制日貨、毆打日僧為借口進去上海閘北,砲轟吳淞要塞,十九路軍抵抗一個月後簽下停戰協定,允許日本在上海駐軍。 同年3月,日本於東北成立偽滿州國,國聯不予承認,日本隨即退出,後來日本在偽滿州國行帝制,溥儀再一次成為傀儡皇帝。同月,日軍進犯熱河並併入偽滿州國,進兵長城,威脅北平、天津,迫使國民政府簽下塘沽協定。
九一八事變以來蔣介石堅持「攘外必先安內」,先行消滅共產黨勢力,沒有抗日之餘反而全力剿共。 1936年國民政府令張學肋的東北軍和楊虎城的西北軍加緊進攻紅軍,他們提出「停止內戰,一致抗日」但不獲接納。同年12月蔣介石到西安督戰,他們實行兵諫,軟禁蔣介石,通電全國,要求停止內戰,一致抗日,史稱西安事變。 在宋美齡和周因來的斡旋下他終於默許停止內戰。張學良陪蔣介石回京,旋即被軟禁。西安事變後西北主力紅軍改編為國民革命軍第八路軍,朱德任總司令,南方紅軍遊擊隊改編為國民革命軍新編第四軍,葉挺任軍長。此為國共第二次合作。
中史- 清未革命以及民國初期的軍閥混戰
黃花崗之役的失敗使其在珠江流域於短期內大舉的計劃受挫,並把軍事目標轉到長江流域一帶。同年初,清政府將民辨的川漢、粵漢鐵路收歸國有,借此向外國銀行借款,出賣路權予列強,受到人民強烈反對,以四川最激烈,他們又成立了「保路同志會」。湖北新軍一部到四川鎮壓,造成武漢兵力空虛,湖北革命黨人借機發難。10月9日,他們在漢口製造炸彈時不慎爆炸,計劃洩露,翌日戒嚴,他們當晚發難,11日控制武昌,成立湖北軍政府,推舉新軍將領黎元洪為元首,國號中華民國,同時,漢陽、漢口亦有新軍起義,武漢三鎮光復。 其後全國共有14個省宣佈獨立,清玫府只能控制直隸、河南、山東、東三省和西北地區。事次革命又稱「辛亥革命」。年底各省代表在南京開會,商討籌組中華民國臨時政府的事宜。次年元旦中華民國成立,孫中山在南京就職成為臨時大總統,成立臨時政府,改用陽曆,以(中華)民國紀元。不久宣統帝退位,清亡。此時中國二千多年來的君主專制統治終於結束。
武昌起義後,清延以袁世凱為內閣總理,全權統領北洋軍鎮壓南方革命。他攻陷漢口、漢陽,又砲轟武昌,迫使革命軍議和。當時革命軍軍力難以抗衡,孫中山服從大局,聲明只要袁世凱議和並宣統帝退位,就讓位給他。 1912年3月,孫中山將臨時大總統之位讓予袁,但他為了避免被革命黨人限制,借口北京、天津、保定駐軍譁變,為維持治安拒絕南下,最後臨時政府遷到北京。 8月總幹事宋教仁將同盟會改組為國民黨,計劃成立內閣,但遭袁改組並安排親信出信總理。次年國會召開前夕,宋教仁被暗殺於上海,全國震驚。孫中山主張討伐,但國民黨內意見不一。其後袁世凱未經國會同意向英、法、德、日、俄五國銀行借貸,簽「善後大借款合同」,以增強實力。 6月,袁氏免去江西、安徽、廣東的國民黨國籍都督,另派兵入江西。江西都督李烈鈞首先宣佈獨立,黃興於南京響應並出任討袁軍總司令;事次革命又稱二次革命。但革命軍各自為戰,被袁的強大軍力逐個打破;9月南京陷落,二次革命失敗。孫中山、黃興等流亡海外。其失敗的原因除了缺乏民間支持外(辛亥革命後人民普遍厭戰,上海和廣東商人曾公開反對),也因為只有國民黨反袁,而國民黨籍都督在21人中只佔8人。革命失敗後,袁操縱國會並當選成正式大總統。
為了獨攬權力,解散國會,取消臨時約功,另頒中華民國約法──任期10年,不限連任任期,由現任總統推舉繼任人。 1915年一戰期間日本乘機提出二十一條作為支持帝制的條件,袁為了取得日本支持而答應大部分要求。他派人製造輿論,指中國不宜共和,只宜君主制度,他於12月接受擁戴,1916年元旦登基,改元洪憲。前雲南都督蔡鍔組「護國軍」,獨立、討袁,西南各省響應;孫中山亦發表討袁宣言。原本支持袁稱帝的外國領事怕事情發展為內戰威脅到其國家在華利益,要求袁暫緩稱帝。同時袁親信如段祺瑞和馮國璋均勸其取消帝制。他在眾叛親離下撤銷僅83日的帝制,復任大總統,命段祺瑞組閣,孫中山發表第二次討袁宣言,不久袁病逝。 同年發生府(總統府)院(國務院)之爭,黎元洪(總統)恢復臨時約法,召開國會,與主張責任內閣制的段祺瑞水火不容。黎元洪罷免他,但他號召九省都督獨立作威脅,黎調張勳入京,6月,他入京解散國會,7月1日擁溥儀復位,史稱張勳復辟。黎重新任命段討張,溥儀上任僅十二天就再次退位,結束復辟鬧劇。 段後來以功臣自居,黎退任後由馮繼任,段放棄臨時約法,引發護法之役。1917年,孫中山以西南地區軍閥(雲南滇系唐繼堯,廣西桂系陸榮廷)組護法軍政府,自任大元帥討段。但軍閥沒有護法誠意,此役最後不了了之。 袁死後北洋軍閥分成三派:以馮為首的直(隸)系,張為首的奉(天)系及以段為首的皖系。另外還有閻錫山的晉系。重要戰役有三場:1920年,直+奉VS皖,皖敗,勢九瓦解。1922年直奉戰爭,奉敗;1924年第二次直奉戰爭,直敗。
黃花崗之役的失敗使其在珠江流域於短期內大舉的計劃受挫,並把軍事目標轉到長江流域一帶。同年初,清政府將民辨的川漢、粵漢鐵路收歸國有,借此向外國銀行借款,出賣路權予列強,受到人民強烈反對,以四川最激烈,他們又成立了「保路同志會」。湖北新軍一部到四川鎮壓,造成武漢兵力空虛,湖北革命黨人借機發難。10月9日,他們在漢口製造炸彈時不慎爆炸,計劃洩露,翌日戒嚴,他們當晚發難,11日控制武昌,成立湖北軍政府,推舉新軍將領黎元洪為元首,國號中華民國,同時,漢陽、漢口亦有新軍起義,武漢三鎮光復。 其後全國共有14個省宣佈獨立,清玫府只能控制直隸、河南、山東、東三省和西北地區。事次革命又稱「辛亥革命」。年底各省代表在南京開會,商討籌組中華民國臨時政府的事宜。次年元旦中華民國成立,孫中山在南京就職成為臨時大總統,成立臨時政府,改用陽曆,以(中華)民國紀元。不久宣統帝退位,清亡。此時中國二千多年來的君主專制統治終於結束。
武昌起義後,清延以袁世凱為內閣總理,全權統領北洋軍鎮壓南方革命。他攻陷漢口、漢陽,又砲轟武昌,迫使革命軍議和。當時革命軍軍力難以抗衡,孫中山服從大局,聲明只要袁世凱議和並宣統帝退位,就讓位給他。 1912年3月,孫中山將臨時大總統之位讓予袁,但他為了避免被革命黨人限制,借口北京、天津、保定駐軍譁變,為維持治安拒絕南下,最後臨時政府遷到北京。 8月總幹事宋教仁將同盟會改組為國民黨,計劃成立內閣,但遭袁改組並安排親信出信總理。次年國會召開前夕,宋教仁被暗殺於上海,全國震驚。孫中山主張討伐,但國民黨內意見不一。其後袁世凱未經國會同意向英、法、德、日、俄五國銀行借貸,簽「善後大借款合同」,以增強實力。 6月,袁氏免去江西、安徽、廣東的國民黨國籍都督,另派兵入江西。江西都督李烈鈞首先宣佈獨立,黃興於南京響應並出任討袁軍總司令;事次革命又稱二次革命。但革命軍各自為戰,被袁的強大軍力逐個打破;9月南京陷落,二次革命失敗。孫中山、黃興等流亡海外。其失敗的原因除了缺乏民間支持外(辛亥革命後人民普遍厭戰,上海和廣東商人曾公開反對),也因為只有國民黨反袁,而國民黨籍都督在21人中只佔8人。革命失敗後,袁操縱國會並當選成正式大總統。
為了獨攬權力,解散國會,取消臨時約功,另頒中華民國約法──任期10年,不限連任任期,由現任總統推舉繼任人。 1915年一戰期間日本乘機提出二十一條作為支持帝制的條件,袁為了取得日本支持而答應大部分要求。他派人製造輿論,指中國不宜共和,只宜君主制度,他於12月接受擁戴,1916年元旦登基,改元洪憲。前雲南都督蔡鍔組「護國軍」,獨立、討袁,西南各省響應;孫中山亦發表討袁宣言。原本支持袁稱帝的外國領事怕事情發展為內戰威脅到其國家在華利益,要求袁暫緩稱帝。同時袁親信如段祺瑞和馮國璋均勸其取消帝制。他在眾叛親離下撤銷僅83日的帝制,復任大總統,命段祺瑞組閣,孫中山發表第二次討袁宣言,不久袁病逝。 同年發生府(總統府)院(國務院)之爭,黎元洪(總統)恢復臨時約法,召開國會,與主張責任內閣制的段祺瑞水火不容。黎元洪罷免他,但他號召九省都督獨立作威脅,黎調張勳入京,6月,他入京解散國會,7月1日擁溥儀復位,史稱張勳復辟。黎重新任命段討張,溥儀上任僅十二天就再次退位,結束復辟鬧劇。 段後來以功臣自居,黎退任後由馮繼任,段放棄臨時約法,引發護法之役。1917年,孫中山以西南地區軍閥(雲南滇系唐繼堯,廣西桂系陸榮廷)組護法軍政府,自任大元帥討段。但軍閥沒有護法誠意,此役最後不了了之。 袁死後北洋軍閥分成三派:以馮為首的直(隸)系,張為首的奉(天)系及以段為首的皖系。另外還有閻錫山的晉系。重要戰役有三場:1920年,直+奉VS皖,皖敗,勢九瓦解。1922年直奉戰爭,奉敗;1924年第二次直奉戰爭,直敗。
Friday, 12 June 2009
Geography - Japan Miricle (Heavy Industry)
(thanks for whom used my notes...)
The heavy industry in Japan refers to:
1) Car industry – during Korean War in 1950s, U.S. ordered lots of army trucks from Japan which stimulates the growth of Japan’s car industry, the rapid increase on domestic demand also boosted the growth. Moreover, its overseas market has expended due to its reasonable prices. The production process is now computerized and automated.
2) Iron and steel industry – The iron and steel plant are large so that those integrated works can produce huge amount of iron and steel at a low cost, due to the economies of scale (when the profit is higher, the fixed cost of each product is lower.). It’s slightly decreased due to competitions from other countries.
3) Japan consists of four islands – Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu, and also separated from other Asian countries by seas so ship is a important means of transport, and shipbuilding industry has a long history development in Japan.
4) Chemical industry, machinery industry, transport equipment industry and petroleum and coal refining industry are also important heavy industry in Japan.
They contribute more than 80% of the total export value of Japan, and provide a source of raw materials for other industries for Japan.
Raw materials affect the development of heavy industry in Japan a lot. Japan has a limited reserve of iron ore, copper, lead and zinc, and mostly scattered along coasts.
In the past, heavy industry located close to the source of raw materials and fuels. Coal and iron ore deposits had a strong influence to the location of iron and steel plant. They located near those deposits to deduce the transportation cost.
But now, local supply is nearly exhausted and can’t meet the demands of rapid development, and so those raw materials come from the importing from other countries. Therefore heavy industry now located mainly at eastern and southern Honshu and northern Kyushu, with following reasons:
1) Locating near shelter bay. It’s important to source of raw materials in Japan so that those imported raw materials can be protected.
2) Good ports with deep habours have been developed, are well-equipped and with modern port facilities. These facilities allow Japan imports raw materials and fuels and export finished goods safely.
The distribution of heavy industry refers to:
1) High population density. Large population in cities provides abundant workers for factories, and those urban centers are also markets for finished goods.
2) Different types of heavy industry closed to each other. It’s called industrial agglomeration, which provides mutual benefits for the owners. e.g., by locating near the iron and steel plant, the car industry save the cost of transporting raw materials. Also, the cost of services required by heavy industries can be shared.
Heavy industry needs huge amount of raw material and fuels, but Japan only has a limited supply, so she import lots of raw materials and fuels from others.
(* holds the biggest share)
Iron ore
Australia*, Brazil, India and Philippines
Australia*, China and Indonesia
Middle east*, Indonesia and China
On the other side, the aid of technology and government policy helps those industry a lot. Technological improvements help minimize the expenditure by reducing raw material and fuels needed in the production. Also the use of scrap iron further reduces the need for iron ore. Dumped cars and scraped iron can replace some of the iron ore. Energy-saving devices reduce the use of fuels. Improved transportation technology lowers the cost of importing raw materials and fuels. All of the above technologies increase the competitiveness of Japanese goods.
Also, production by machines (mechanization) is adopted and has the following advantages:
1) Work faster and run the clock – increase the efficiency. (efficiently)
2) Help to standardize production process → consistent quality
3) Less prone to human error → more precise (precisely)
4) Can do dangerous process such as welding.
The following institutions were set up:
1) Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) (1949), planning industrial development every year, and set up guidelines based on the most up-to-date information for industrialists. Became the Ministry of Economy (METI) in 2001 to provide government leadership and assistance to increase industrial productivity.
2) The Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) (1959) was set up to promote and expand foreign market of Japanese products.
The government has regulations to control the import of manufactured goods and the quota and tariffs systems on imported good help protecting the local industries.
Subsidies and low-interest loans are provided to the industrialists, and financial support is given for projects on researches and development. Japan government also invested lots of money in technological development of heavy industry; they’ve established many scientific institutes and research centers.
Science cities are built for high technology industries. Tsukuba near Tokyo and Keihanna are examples.
There’re still other factors affecting Japan’s industry.
Positive factors
1) High quality work force. Good education system smooths the implementation of automation and computerization in production. They’re hard-working as well.
2) Development of alternative power resources. It reduces the import of fuels. Nuclear power, geothermal power and wave power are examples of alternative power resources. They reduce the reliance of importing fuels.
Negative factors
1) Over-reliance on importing raw materials and fuels. Fluctuations in the prices of raw material and fuels directly affect the production cost; and Japan is vulnerable to disruptions in the world trade market. Conflicts between Japan and its importer affect the development of its industries, and insecure supply of energy could seriously affect Japan’s heavy industry.
2) Environmental protection policies. Heavy industries and power plants are major polluters which cause serious pollution problems on the early stage of Japan’s industrial development. Under the “Polluter Pays Principle”, they’ve to pay for its cost of polluting. Also they’re required to install pollution control equipment and energy-saving devices. All those increase their production cost.
3) Trade protectionism. Japanese products are well-known for the high quality and reasonable prices. e.g. their car are well-equipped and use friendly. As a result, trade protectionism arises and many countries impose quotas or tariffs on Japanese products. And this will affect its export value.
4) Many neighbouring countries such as China and South Korea have cheaper labour costs which lower production cost. Their technological improvements improve their quality of product and so Japan gradually lost its advantages.
5) The shifting to develop high-tech industries further declines her heavy industry.
Recent developments
- As to avoid effects on quotas and tariffs, Japan manufacturers move their assembly line to overseas market.
- The export quantity and value of completed product decreased while individual parts and equipments increased
- The government encourages the cooperation of heavy and high-tech industries.
Monday, 8 June 2009
Chemistry – Materials of the modern world
(Crude oil and plastic)
(table unavilable here)
There’re various kinds of materials around as, such as paper and wood. All products are made by raw materials (extract from nature), processed into product, and their fate at last is becoming wastes.
Materials can be further classify into natural material (such as wood and silk) and man-made material (such as plastic and alloy), Different material have their own properties and purpose.
Crude oil
The raw material of plastics mostly come form crude oil (petroleum). They come from Earth’s crust and sometimes trapped in the rock under the sea bed. It’s dark, thick, smelly and viscous. It formed from the remains of dead sea plants and animals buried under thick layers of rock millions of years ago. They slowly changed to crude oil under high pressure, heat and the effect of bacteria. They distributed in many places in the world. We use oil rig to get the crude oil if it’s found under sea bed. The oil is then carried by pipelines or vehicles to the oil refinery.
Crude oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons with only contains carbon and hydrogen; common hydrocarbons include methane (CH4), ethane (C2H6), butane (C4H10) and hexane (C6H14) , which methane is the simplest hydrocarbons molecule. Generally larger hydrocarbons have higher boiling and melting point. Fractional distillation is used to separate different hydrocarbons with different boiling point, and separate them into different fractions. In the fractionating tower, heated crude oil is in gas form until the temperature is low enough for it to condense, them it’s collected. In fact, fractions are still mixtures of hydrocarbons, but they have similar size and properties.
Those fraction maybe be further transported to other factory can process into useful product. Naphtha is useful as a maw material for plastics, detergents, paints and drugs. It’s so useful so that it’s also called “black gold”.
Plastics and made from chemicals derived from naphtha. Naphtha can be broken into small molecules (e.g. ethane C2H4). Through breaking down the double bond between carbons, they can from a macromolecule with the help of heat pressure or chemicals. The processes of plastic production include mixing raw materials, applying heat and pressure, adding other chemicals, moulding into shapes and colouring.
Epoxy resin comes from the chemical reaction between the epoxy resin (large molecule) and the hardener (small molecule). Those hardener joins the epoxy resin together and forms a macromolecule and the macromolecule makes up the strong and rigid epoxy resin glue. Polystyrene comes from the styrene, with help of some catalysts. During the reaction it may release heat.
The properties of plastics include easily moulded into different shapes, easily to be coloured, elastic, resistant to corrosion by acids and alkalis, insulators of heat and electricity, and it’s light.
Although there’re many advantage of using plastics, the overuse of plastics will waste natural resources, and produces lots of wastes aw well because they do not decompose naturally.
Those plastic wastes may spoil the scenery, block the drains and lead to the accumulation of foul waters, causing bad smells and provide a breeding place fir mosquitoes and pests. Birds and fish caught by plastic wastes in water won’t be able to find food and may die due to suffocation if they swallow the wastes.
The two ways to treat with those wastes is to put them into landfill sites or by incineration. However, burning plastics gives out lots of toxic substances and carcinogens, so that most plastic is put into landfill sites in Ta Kwu Ling, Tuen Mun and Tseung Kwan O. But still, plastic will not be decomposed and usually are bulky, once they’re buried; they stay nearly forever and take up lot of space. It’s expected that all landfill sites will be used up in 2020.
There’re several possible solutions to the environmental problem of the overuse of plastics:
1) The 4Rs – Recycle, reuse, reduce and replace. When plastic is put into recycling bin and is collected, it’ll be sorted into different kind of plastic referring to the plastic code, and transport to the corresponding recycling plant. After removing the dirt and impurities, it’s grinded into powders, melted and moulded into new products. The above process is the recycling period of plastics.
However, recycling industry still faces lots of problem like the high cost of land and man power, as well as the difficulties to sort different plastic. Thus some plastic is transported to mainland and other countries to finish the recycling process.
2) Degradable plastics – Some plastics can be decomposed under sunlight (photodegradable plastic) and by micro-organisms (biodegradable). Note that photodegradable plastics will become debris under sunlight and can be decomposed by micro-organisms. It’ll finally becomes CO2 and water.
Sunday, 7 June 2009
Carol的一萬字~Part 10(III)
我沒有六呎高 我卻會待你好 我會接受你一切的改造
你似美麗城堡 的一個待嫁的女巫
有著各樣法術 一再施法使我迷倒
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Carol的一萬字~Part 10(II)
Monday, 1 June 2009
IMO prelim過去。
你給F.3一份CE A-maths卷,我可以做到滿分,對F.3來說,淺嗎???
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