Wednesday 2 October 2024

被青梅竹馬抓來(略) (11):蝙蝠可以獵但不能拿來吃

Character design: @kuonyuu, Illust: @mid commissioned by forretrio. Skeb
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不論如何解釋,地下城也很難天然地長成適合人類開發的樣子,所以這都只能推給魔法了吧。長出來的環境都是模擬某一類生物的生長環境,而這些環境的大小至少容許人類出入,我只能這樣想了。其實這有點像寵物小精靈(Pokemon)?每條道路都有著完全不同的精靈出沒率而且非常清楚(clear cut),這隻只能在這邊抓到,另外一隻就只能在那邊抓到。雖然我完全不能理解草地和草地之間的環境差異為何大到精靈出沒率截然不同就是了。至於樓層問題,只能說每個地下城的約定俗成都不同。像王都地下城垂直通道能到達的深度,第27層就是指樓梯向下的第27個出口,並不代表27層的天花板向上必然就是26層。有些地下城每個地區被明顯分隔開來,那也會被當成一種分層。至於構造像大樓那樣有清晰分層的地下城當然也有,這種地方的樓層划分就簡單多了。







Sunday 22 September 2024

Thoughts on CTWC2024

I watched 2020-2022 CTWC finals live. In 2023, I was 2 months late before Youtube started pushing videos to me.

On 2024 September Youtube started pushing videos to me again. hmmm...CTWC? The grand one not regionals or masters? I look into it and it really was CTWC. The videos were like 8 days old and had 40K views, contrasting to some of the greatest finals with millions of views. What happened?

It seems like they are finally not a part of another retro gaming event in Portland. I guess it is not easy to find a venue at affordable price, so they had to change the time as well. CTWC 2024 was actually held in CA early June, so I am late by almost 4 months.

Questions immediately arose: why didn't I know the changed schedule from the end of CTWC 2023 all the way up to now? And did the attention really dropped by a lot?

2023 CTWC final accumulated 350K+ views in 9 months and semis got 50K+ and 100K+ views. 2024 finals got 55K in 2 weeks and the semis got 12K and 17K in 3 weeks. Granted the livestream on 2024 day 3 accumulated 140k+ views, but it does not seem like that CTWC 2024 surpasses the 2023 one -- before you realize the 2023 one was actually much worse than all the previous ones. 

Look at the viewcount for the finals of each year. 2022 got 800k+, both 2020 and 21 at around 400k. Then further way back? They were all counted in million. 2019 at 3.6M, 2018 at 19M, 2017 at 1.4M, 2016 at 13M. 

Instead of asking "is the popularity been dropping recently", we know the drop has been there for a few years already. But why?

My understanding is the fast growing period of classic tetris, has come to an end. It did not start during the pandemic, but way back from 2016 where top rankers shifted to the next generation as well as play style (DAS to hypertapping). Lots of memes (Jeff/boom/neck and neck etc) entered social media drawing large attention, and every final match-up is a story-teller. 

The pandemic is an unique booster to the growth. Covid really brought players into the game instead of just watching the top rankers play. It applies on all game categories including retro gaming, speedrunning, and of course classic tetris despite the drop in views. The surge caused another shift in generation by another shift in play style (hypertapping to rolling), and the result really wow'd the general public including the news when Blue Scuti 'defeated' the game.

When all the growing factor finally faded out, the decay is then inevitable. One observation is the lack of new challengers to the top rank. Look at how we have different challengers every year from Jones to Joseph to Eric/Fractal to AlexT. New names like Blue Scuti immediately jumped to the top. One may argue that this is the result of new play style coming up but new, in particular young, players do have the ability to do that -- look at Osu! as an example. 

When you check the 2024 participants list, do you spot any new top players? Not really at the top level. A possible reason behind is the short separation between the last and current CTWC, but it does give a warning sign.

Together with the stagnation of player base growth is the stagnation of play style when "the game is solved".

I gave the warning long ago because it's simply there. They avoided solving the hypertapping meta by rolling, but there is surely nothing superior to rolling right? The physical limit is always the ultimate constraint after all. When I looked at the highlights this year, top players are more optimized -- more aggressive to the point that they are still safe most of the time. But to non-professional audiences it's nothing new, and an exhaustion in interest is the problem.

Another problem with classic tetris is, the game is still mostly solo even in a PVP set up right now. It is about you performing better more than beating your opponent -- think about speed climbing. Would you aim for 5.00 seconds just because your opponent's personal record is 5.05 seconds? No you would go for your best possible time.

In the distant past (DAS/early hypertapping era), players decide their aggressiveness by watching the opponent's progress. This is however less significant now. Players are so aggressively optimized at Level 18 anyway. Then in higher levels the same thing happens where they know they can keep the stack up to a certain height and is still mostly safe. Extreme aggressiveness only occurs in desperate situations and they still ended up losing the game 99% of the time playing too aggressively. You can take that as an equilibrium point in game theory. Players have found the best action regardless of what your opponent is doing. 

Another reason for a mostly solo play is, player can hardly react to the opponent's screen post Level 29 where score matters the most. Some players still manages to give a peek, but reacting is another matter. They can perform more than just survival now in Level 29, but the speed leaves them very few choices in general and it's just too hard to adjust to the opponent's score. 

What's the consequence of that? Less interaction means exponentially less variation. It's just like two players playing at the same time, and it wouldn't make a difference if the two are playing independently on their Twitch channel. At the same time, there are monthly events, masters events, and loads of around the world event each year. With similar content coming up again and's fair to say spectators just got bored.

Things are not looking well for the Classic Tetris circle but there is no need to be too pessimistic. The community is still growing and well you know, retro gaming fans are super loyal especially when there isn't much competition from other retro games. Look at the early days of CTWC, those players lasted very long even when they drop in ranks. I see CTWC or classic tetris in general a sustainable communities and will be around for very long.

Remember the suggestions I proposed last year? To widen variety and bring fresh tastes to the game new formats shall be developed. Multiple game rulesets and multiple tournament rulesets. They have been hosting 2 matchups at a time. How about a 4-way battle each time? Top 2 of each battle gets a heart subjected to 1v1 deciders. I don't know if it works, but I think it is time for a change.

Classic tetris is something I enjoy watching. It's fun and immensely deep. However one must understand that lots of games, or retro games, can be very fun and deep as well. It is fortunate that the community took their chance to flourish, but the future is not so obvious.

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Tax and players' behavior in games

It's been a long time since I last (seriously) tried a MMORPG. Games like MapleStory, Fantasica, AventureQuest (does that even count as multiplayer?)...all sound like distant memories. But if there is a single thing that always trigger my curiosity that would be the economy inside a game. 

I want to talk about trading models.

Free trading is often too much to ask for, not only because game developers are greedy, but also in consideration of barring unfair advantages from unintended ways of gaming. Newbie perks for example, are usually untradable or otherwise players simply register loads of new account and trade all the perks into the main. Another common limitation is that accounts can't trade before a certain level/requirement is met. This is also to increase the cost of creating multis (multiple accounts). 

We always talk about the cost, because in the world of economics that decides whether a trade would happen or not. We know we can't stop all multis however the restrictions we imposed, but we can increase the cost of doing so. A real example is the embargo to Russia. While countries like Hungary and India still sneaks electronics through, the total cost of going that way is much higher than the usual route inside EU. It is not going to destroy Russia's economy overnight, but it's slowly wearing it down. 

Level requirements are temporary. In a longer term the cost is lifted by a simple way: tax. Tax is one of the three unavoidables in one's life, and you can't even avoid that in games. Some tax is indirect like equipments are fixed onto you once you first equipped it that costs either in-game currencies/items, or items requiring real money to clear the status before the equipments can be resold. A more universal approach is to tax every trade though.

Why tax though? Several reasons are clear:

To reduce arbitrage. The lower the trading tax is, the more profitable trading would be, defeating the purpose (supposedly) of the game. With the tax imposed people facilitate trades only if it is profitable enough, so they can focus on other more meaningful things in the game. Trading will be less frequent with a larger spread, but it won't go away because the price is limited to where arbitrage exists after the tax. 

To encourage players to try themselves. Market is put in secondary position and players can earn what's in the market by themselves, knowing that the market price is at least the tax amount higher than the market (agreed) value. If we are making a RPG there is no point having players stuck with a toxic market (but to be fair there will still be market makers even with tax).

To tighten money supply. There is a steady influx of currencies from battles, but demand for some items are likely one per players only hence constant over time. It is necessary to reduce money supply to keep items affordable and steady. Of course depending on the market it may not be the most effective way but certainly part of the plan.

The next part is how do we value so as to tax a trade? This is a fundamental reason why accounting exists and there is no way for us to answer that in full.

Luckily, game economics is much simpler not only because a failed system isn't likely to cause a collapse other than reduced trading activity (unless you creates a hyperinflation). 

Another reason is that in-game items are homogeneous. If a monster drops a certain item, your drop yesterday would be the same as my drop today. Every single item of the same type is equal regardless of ownership and time. Remember one of the important role of the government? It's standardization. It is costly to run a council regulating dentists but it is worth it if all citizens only visit chartered dentists that probably won't kill you in operations. Inside a game there is no need for standardization because it is automatic. The value of items does not depreciate over time and trade. All we need to consider is that finitely many item types and the corresponding market.

Very long time ago when I was playing Fantasica I wondered if it is possible to measure imbalances in trades so to catch trades involving real money. That was such a naive thought because (1) the devs probably like these trades although in theory they should not allow so (2) it is much harder to value items than one may have thought.

Below let us dive into a few models of trade taxing, and we will see how it works in each one. One very important note is that for each of the models I mentioned, there are existing games running in that way. 

(Apology for using $as dollar sign because the regular one would trigger the LaTeX script...)

1) Purely money based tax

If the game taxes monetary transaction only, players would go back to bartering. In a real society this might be complicated but in a game things are much simpler. The value of each item can explicitly be calculated with the only uncertainty being human effort input (or imperfect information for players who don't bother).

For example, a certain sword takes 200 pieces of copper to craft with 50% chance of success. The average cost would then be 400 pieces of copper, and we expect the price to be above 400. If the market price is at 500 pieces of copper it represents that the market agrees the effort is worth 100 pieces of copper.

Suppose now a piece of copper is worth $10 in-game (if recycled) and the tax is 10% on currencies. What is the expected market price of the sword? 

First the copper is likely to be sold at $12 or above because $11 yields zero profit. If the sword price is above $6666 players may as well buy copper directly from market, craft themselves and sell the sword because $6666 is $6000 post-tax equivalent to 500 pieces of copper. 

At the same time, there will be players who prefers to gather the copper by themselves. Assuming their valuation on copper to be $10-11 (post-tax revenue by selling copper), they are likely to sell their sword at $5500-6100. We expect the market price of the sword to hold within the range of $5500-6700 then. 

On the other will see traders on the side, selling you the sword at the price of 500 copper. You can either gather them by yourselves, or buy that amount from the market at $5500 which is cheaper than any monetary deal out there. Furthermore you could even counteroffer maybe 480 pieces of copper because if he sells the sword on the market at say, $6000, then the copper-equivalent he receives post tax is 450-490, both less than the market value of 500. By trading with you at 480 pieces of copper, he is effectively buying copper from the market at $11.25 apiece, which is not bad of a deal. 

What I illustrated above is a typical example of understanding surpluses on both sides. The idea is that bartering is beneficial to both parties and there is no reason not to do that. For more complicated production chain or interactions between multiple items we could see chaotic oscillations, but in overall the general behavior is clear: bartering clearly avoids all tax. 

2) Items taxed at fixed valuation

The devs ("government") isn't happy because bartering avoids all taxes. They decide to tax on every items traded at the given valuation -- the vendor price.

Players are of course free to sell items to NPC. Guaranteed, this is the lowest price they can find elsewhere. If an item is sold lower than the vendor price, they will be bought and sold to vendor for arbitrage. Therefore we know the market price is always above the vendor price (+tax in fact).

Trash items with no further added value, the market price is likely to be pinned merely above the vendor price. However valuable items that are traded high already, wouldn't be affected by this taxation much. For example a ruby may worth $100 upon recycling, but it is also a key material to craft a highly sought necklace with magical effects so it is sold at $1000 in the market. Upon trading a tax if $100 * 10% = $10 per ruby occurs which gives an effective rate of 1%. Sounds bad to be positive but not really significant most of the time.

In fact, the existence of such item helped us to avoid taxes in general. Now that we know trading ruby as above gives an effective tax rate of 1% we might as well just use ruby as a trading medium. Suppose I am selling you the sword worth $6000 pre-tax. I may as well pay using 6 rubies. What about the $60 tax? Just like the example in (1), it's even better to ask the sword seller to return $200 pre-tax and it's still beneficial to both parties.

Do you still remember the definition of money? Can I take ruby a type of money in-game? Let's check the the list one by one. Fungible, durable and portable? Check. Acceptable? In a liquid market yes. Divisible? Partially, but the small increase in transaction cost won't harm. But the last one...scarcity failed. Ruby is an item that can be generated in-game over and over again and limited supply is not guaranteed.

Yes, we know ruby will be consumed in the form of turning into necklace, but the supply is unknown. It is possible that more players go and grind rubies at higher price, but other reasons are well possible like associated supply or simply because more players joined the game. The unpredictability of price makes it hard to become an alternate currency.

Like rubies, there are so many candidates as money but players only need one or two of them. They look for the best substitution where supply is really limited. One possible approach is real money associated items -- remember Fantasica? Time Elixir and Potions are the de facto money in game (forget about coins that are useless), but it can be bought at the rate of 1:1 USD. Points, memberships,...these are the ideal currencies. One problem though: players are often not allowed to trade these because devs don't want to get into trouble of money laundering. 

So, another approach is to choose items that are hard to craft, meaning there is no arbitrage by crafting the item. Like, if you can craft a ceremonial sword that is useless in battle but can be shown on your character's back using 1000 pieces of copper ($10 each from our above example). We estimate the market price of the ceremonial sword to be something like $12000-14000, but no. The observed price of the sword is pinned at around $10000-10500. The lack of incentive to craft and recycle makes sure that the price is rather stable. In case the price goes out of the range, market makers will swiftly produce or recycle them to restore the balance.

Does it sound like stable cryptocurrencies? It's because they works in an almost identical principle as well.

3) Item taxed at average market price

Can you imagine your local tax authorities knocking your door asking you why are you undervaluing your item sold? Yes, the devs are now upset and wants to make sure everyone gets taxed fairly. 

Now other than the vendor price there is also a market average price, possibly a VWAP over the past n days. Now ruby with a market price of $1000 is taxed at $100, possibly more because upward spike is usually much higher. But the players are ready to strike back.

Remember, players observe the market but they trade personally. That means, trades are not necessarily following the highest bid and lowest ask. They did so because that's the most market efficient way, but since the devs are making them unhappy they are going to do the same thing to the devs too.

We pick a rarely traded item and create enormous amount of cheap trades, by such we can fake the market price and the taxing system. To be honest, at this stage most players would choose to go with the tax anyway. The game must be pretty generous to keep players around despite the harsh tax, no?

How about setting a clearing center out of the game? Instead of using risky in-game currencies, we just put the money into one central bank. Any monetary transaction is accounted in the clearing system but not in-game until they withdraw from the bank. In that way the money is only taxed in depositing and withdrawing but not in transactions. Items are still taxed -- this is unavoidable because the item must from one side to the other.

It surely works, but for what motivation would you do that? If it charges real money then instead of game devs the tax authorities is coming for you now...

4) Shut down personal trades, market with ask-bid pairing

Sounds harsh but look at steam, many games are already doing that.

Is there any loophole left? In theory not because the market is efficient, but in practice, it depends on how competitive (or in gamer's perspective, toxic) the market is. 

In the world of option trading, you may find an option with bid/ask of $3 and $7 when the fair price is $5. What if you sell at $4? Your order will be filled immediately and market makers won't even thank you.

There must be many independent markets in the game where no one ever visited. For example a sword can be upgraded 20 times, each of the 21 tiers are treated as different goods. The most popular ones must be the 0/20 one and the 20/20 one, followed by 1/20 then 2/20 etc. But what about 14/20? It is likely that no one ever crafted a 14/20 one for sell, and no one is going to buy a 14/20 one. 

In an efficient market, there will be bots watching at every single item at any time. If you makes a silly offer it will immediately be filled. But in reality, games are likely not that competitive and that 14/20 sword market will be up to you to transform. 

Large scale trading may not be possible because (1) that may attract others to look into that market (2) items corresponding to these market must be very scarce that the supply does not support that, but it can be utilized to reduce tax involved.

If I want to get a 20/20 sword, it'd be nice if someone is selling a 14/20 one at low enough price where it's beneficial for you to upgrade the sword by yourself...and then the devs starts to appreciate the system where upgrading weapon comes with a risk of destroying the whole weapon.


And that's it!

Although we have discussed player behaviors against different models, I shall emphasize that just like our discussion in (4) what happens actually largely depends on whether players act collectively competitive. And, this is NOT the case in reality really.

What that means is, instead of reading above to learn about player behaviors, this is actually a guide to earn from those less sharp in trading! I hope you will enjoy that. :)

Thursday 5 September 2024

Kernel of inner products

Hello there. Welcome to the new semester. Here is a warm up question for those who aren't ready yet...

Q1. Consider two inner products $\langle \cdot , \cdot \rangle _1$ and $\langle \cdot , \cdot \rangle _2$. If $\langle x, y\rangle _1 = 0$ iff $\langle x, y\rangle _2 = 0$, show that $\langle \cdot , \cdot \rangle _1 = c \langle \cdot , \cdot \rangle _2$ for some $c>0$.

The question emerged when I was drafting an assignment for a course on intermediate linear algebra (with a funny coincidence that the biggest note project I have done here is precisely that). It comes from an old problem book but the moment I saw the question it caught my eyes firmly.

Have you figured the solution already? If so, reveal the answer as below.

Monday 2 September 2024

古早遊戲BGM巡遊(8): Morning Music


Morning Music,有聽過嗎?或者說,有打過嗎?



1985年不算是電子遊戲盤古初開的年代,但也算原始時代了。最古早的電子遊戲簡單到用一塊電路版就能搞定(試想想簡單遊戲其實小到一個boot sector就夠了),但隨著遊戲複雜化這種堆電路的方法開始不行了,他們必須用某種方法把資料給存起來。

當時Konami選擇的是磁泡(Bubble Memory),所以才有了Bubble System的名稱。可是為甚麼Bubble System要有專屬音樂呢?原因很簡單,讀取這種媒介很慢。把遊戲給抄出來要一到兩分鐘的時間,為了不要讓機台看上去當掉,Konami加了這樣一首歌和99數下去的倒數,這樣就能安心看著它開機了。這種媒介要預熱才能用。於是在天冷的時節裡你還能看到這樣的畫面,前面先花兩分鐘預熱,後面的morning usic才是讀取的環節。

光用聽的就覺得這個媒介有夠麻煩,當時的理由是「比磁帶好」……可是當ROM普及化的時候這個媒介就迅速從麻煩低效變成一文不值了。Konami在BS(嗯……)上面推了幾款遊戲便草草收場,不過Gradius和TwinBee等遊戲都頗受歡迎,可見Bubble System就只是系統設計的失誤罷了。


言歸正傳,所以morning music不怎樣算遊戲BGM,至少元祖版本是這樣--它不是遊戲裡面的BGM。不過,要說它是遊戲系統裡的BGM的話它可說是實至名歸,甚至是獨一無二。很難想象,一家音樂如此內行的公司,到底為何可以在管理決策上面做得完全一塌糊塗。對,說你就是你Konami……

Sunday 18 August 2024

IMO 2024 quick thoughts

Wow I thought IMO is in August. Is that a sign showing high school math is no longer in my range?

Q1. I don't expect anyone else to notice that floor function related problems is one of the most frequent type of questions appearing on this site but this is indeed a fact, so naturally I like this question a lot.

The integral case is clear: $\sum i\alpha = \alpha n(n+1)/2$, so it works for even integral $\alpha$ but not odd -- note that it must hold for all $n$. Now what about the decimal case? Well, notice that there are $n$ floor functions which means the summands is at most $n$ away from $\alpha n(n+1)/2$. If we choose $n$ so that $\alpha (n+1)/2 \approx m $ is almost an integer -- some fractional approximation here -- we can show that
$|mn - \sum [i\alpha]|\leq |mn - \alpha n(n+1)/2| + |\sum (i\alpha - [i\alpha])| \leq \varepsilon + (n-1/2)$.

Scrolling through the AoPS solutions I feel like my approach is overly analytical (which again, is natural), because it is actually easy to find an explicit $n$ for that.

Q2. Oh...number theory that I can solve. It is fun that both Q1 and Q2 contain conditions to hold for all large enough parameters, then the key is to pick the critical number that actually works.

This is a nicely constructed question, but the "key" is clear when the motivation is grabbed: you want to reduce the power into something $n$-irrelevant. There are a few choices like reducing it to (1) power one but that is trivial (2) power zero which does not help... and (3) power minus 1. In that case we are looking at $(1/a+b, 1/b+a)$ which gives a common denominator of $ab+1$ where a nice characterization arises from here.

Many solutions started immediately proceed to show that $ab+1$ is a power of 2. It works of course but only in the refined final answer. To me it is still easier to start from the traditional Archimedean approach.

Consider a simpler version where $(a,b) = 1$. The key step is to notice that we can actually tweek the gcd terms as follows:
$(a^n + b, b^n + a) = (a^{n+1}+ab, b^n+a) = (a^{n+1}+ab, b^{n+1}+ab)$.
And now, the terms are ready to be subtracted each other:
$(a^{n+1}+ab, b^{n+1}+ab) = (a^{n+1}-b^{n+1}, b^{n+1}+ab)$.

Suppose the above equals $g$ for large enough $n$ and $g$ admits a prime factor $p$. The first term implies $a=b$ mod $p$. For the second term, choosing $n+1 = 2$ mod $p-1$ gives $b^2+ab = a+b = 0$ mod $p$. Since $(a,b) = 1$ the only possibility is $p=2$ with $a,b = 1$ mod 2. 

We now know that $g = 2^r$. i.e., $(a^n-b^n, b^n-ab) = 2^r$ for all large enough $n$, but that sounds counter intuitive because we could certainly expect some coincidences where the gcd is more than $2^r$, say $2^{r+1}$.

It turns out that you do not need to go very far away because mod 4 is enough. If $4\mid g$ we know that $a = b = 3$ mod 4 but then the GCD clearly oscillates between 2 and 4, so $g$ must be 1 or 2. From here the term $ab+1$ kicks in. Take $n = k\varphi (ab+1)-1$ which is of minimum 2, it follows that $ab+1=2$ and so $a=b=1$ is the only solution. The case where $(a,b)\neq 1$ is similar.

I really wonder if there is a reasonable solution without the use of $ab+1$. One possible approach is to argue mod $2^r$ for all $r$ to force $a=b=1$ mod $2^r$ for any $r$ which would lock them at $a=b=1$. Some field theory would be handy, but certainly not expected at this level.

The author says that the problem arose from a CS assignment. Although we do not observe any higher insight behind this is still an elegant number theory problem.

*Update: I suddenly realized my attempt of using alternate powers is not too bad at all. Taking $n = k\varphi (a+b)+1$ we actually reduced $a^n+b$ and $b^n+a$ to $a+b$ -- using the same argument we show that it must be a multiple of $a+b$ which is at least 2, locking $a=b=1$! Is that too clever to be correct...?

Q3. Wow, a combinatorial question hidden behind algebra. This is an interesting one and is probably the third question in a row I said that. The solution given in AoPS by mapping it on $\mathbb{N}^2$ to show boundedness hence periodicity is as elegant as you can get, and I managed to write down full solution the second I saw that. Anyone else?

Q4. Ohoho. A geometry Q1/4 means 7 less points for me.

Reading through the solutions I do have chance if I stare at the problem for 1 hour plus, but this is not going to happen right now. Complex bashing is still good up to this level of geometry questions...but what about harder ones?

Q5. I can't decide whether this is a combinatorial/game theory problem or just an algo problem, really. It lacks the taste of past questions where you find invariants/intrinsic structures that solves the problem. The question really is about finding a single, simple algorithm that works. It takes me longer to find prove lower bound than to find a solution.

It reminds me of SIMC which is also algo heavy but man this is IMO...

Q6. Functional equation is always amusing...and this time it returns stronger and harder. A family of functions based on an "OR" condition, and the question asks about a harsh character of the family. Definitely exceeds my ability to solve in a few hours, but this is something I am willing to try -- so no comment here I guess ;)

In overall I would say my solvable problems are very much to my taste and strength, but I would like to see a more balanced/classical setup. 

I asked for a NT Q6 but that did not happen in 2024 either -- even worse we are hit by a truckload of "easier" NT-algebra problems. I don't know what others might think but easier NT problems are usually disappointing than anything. Q5 is a huge upset, I entirely do not expect such question in IMO.

Oh well, we will see again in 2025.

Wednesday 7 August 2024

6/8/2024: Crossover







蘿莉神的譜面很有趣。激譜面是14,在14裡面偏難但沒有很離譜。鬼譜面反倒是更簡單的12等。看到這種反差組合的老玩家第一反應大概就是Konmai又在搞事了吧?smooooch・∀・的鬼譜面也是比激譜面低的10,但整首都在轉圈圈,打起來完全不像10。蘿莉神的鬼譜面上有shock arrow的標記,但大家都知道這個坑絕不會幾個SA就完事的。果然打開一看,這首說是12的譜面塞滿了各種大跳、突然的的加減速、交互打法……還有八分十二分縱連。對應的DP譜面看上去是比較像羽衣跳舞的步伐,但放在SP上只有一個字的感覺:難。用兩個字那叫詐稱,用三個字叫大詐稱。

可是為甚麼少年現正為了這樣一首12而苦戰呢?就算這首是難,那也是相對12而言而難。把等級改成13的話這首就算不上詐稱,更別提比鬼譜難得多,的確是14沒錯的激譜面了。12或者13等對少年來說連熱身都算不上,就算放上Flare V的限制也一樣。




少年喊冤:「我才沒有……啊啊啊啊!!!」畫面上彈出Stage Failed的字樣。剛剛少女一句過來,少年為了回想自己哪一腳踏錯了而忘記留意加速滑條後面接著SA,被「電」到後連miss幾個當然就直接掛掉了。

結算畫面下方顯示六顆星,加上這首一顆星就是七顆,但這首已經是3rd stage。本來少年這首也打過去的話就能達到一道裡面拿九顆星進extra stage的目標,現在又要從頭來過了。


「我知道你連chromatic bust和Lightspeed都可以這樣硬過啦~可是你HyperTwist不就只能開random過了嗎?到時候你要打Paranoia Revolution怎麼辦?Over The Period呢?你現在刷13 Flare IX這麼痛苦不就是因為一碰到要交互的譜面就自亂陣腳了嗎?」這一通連珠砲發下來,少年只得照做。本來習慣了各種17連發的他只好回去從12和13打起。


比如→↓⠀↓←的微縱連。金框的跳板比起以前的跳板更為敏感,所以縱連在近年出的越來越多,比如び;也有在連打裡放縱連的,比如The World Ends Now。少年對這種微縱連最有印象的是那他打了很久才蒙過的Avengers。在前面的慢速段就很多這種2-2連。想要滿血進到最後的高速連打的話這些較簡單的部分就不容有失。要較真的話少年當然不會打不動微縱連,但他只想用最省力的方式打過去。右腳尖點右邊後腳跟點下,半拍後用右腳左腳理所當然。這種打法當然沒錯,但看上去第二個下用左腳打真的順很多。那為甚麼少年不這樣打呢?在他的認知裡左腳打下就代表右腳打上或右,因為左是交互,下是縱連。讓他左腳打下的話要不試圖也用左腳打第二個下然後因為發現要右腳打左而大腦當機,要不就直接卡住miss掉一串。蘿莉神的→↓⠀↓←沒有Avengers那麼兇險,但Flare V也不是吃素的。以少年的準度只要miss三四個大概就過不去了。

又比如從後方交互的處理。幾乎從不交互打的少年唯一會交互的情況是左腳打下然後右腳打左,就像Elemental Creation裡面那樣。可是Elemental Creation後面不也有右腳打下然後左腳打右的嗎?很抱歉,面對這個組合少年後選擇兩個都用右腳打。右腳本來就比左腳靈活,肌肉記憶固定下來的守備範圍就是右腳多一點。用右腳點兩個的例外是當你看到右腳在左邊時下一個箭頭卻在右邊,這樣少年便會用左腳點兩個然後用右腳打右箭頭。在交互的世界裡如果右腳已經在左邊,左腳還要到右邊的話他就要進一步向左扭,順勢把左腳逆時針帶到右箭頭那邊去。對少年來說這樣又有兩個問題。



如何提早判定打法呢?少年不可能每次都看youtube先把How to Execute背下來再去打吧。少女答得輕鬆:靠經驗囉。

她又拿chromatic burst做例子:←↓⠀↓→←↑的連打,第二個下應該用左還是右腳呢?用右腳的話整個人向右扭,右腳打在後左腳打上,打完連打後依然扭了半個圈。同一個節奏用左腳的話後面四個音根本沒有交互的必要。可如果換成←↓⠀↓→←↓呢?全交互打法直接死掉,完全沒法轉過來。


「只有實戰才能把這些刻進你的肌肉裡面。等你可以三首Flare V打進Extra Stage再說吧!」



「那下次我就要看著你能不能打過量子海和New Millennium了。每次都說自己要全清18可是自WORLD出來了以後你就只顧著刷分數都把這個目標拋到腦後了不是嗎?」

「哼哼,現在是精度的天下呢。要不這樣吧,我從15 EX開始打,我每過一首就換你練一道交互如何?」


NEPHILIM DELTA、TRIP MACHINE EVOLUTION、ラキラキ……每一首平時打到滾瓜爛熟的老圖,此刻打起來又有著新的感受。






Friday 12 July 2024

被青梅竹馬抓來(略) (10):魔法師戴手套是為了保護自己

Character design: @kuonyuu, Illust: @さかしま commissioned by forretrio. Skeb
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然後是手套本身的形狀。最近很流行短手套(half gloves)--連手腕也不到,可能只覆蓋手心四分三長度的手套。如果要說就像是原神公子或者綾人那種(不知為何原神超愛這種手套),在現實中也見於跳舞用時裝,比如2023紅白就有一團在用。但我想說這種手套一點都不科學啊!除非是客製化可以讓手套緊貼你的手指,不然穿上去根本就鬆垮垮的很容易掉出來。我訂了一對拿去打音遊,打到一道不到就覺得還是不戴比較好。所以這種短手套,出局。




Character design: @kuonyuu, Illust: @一之瀬さつき commissioned by forretrio. Pixiv
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Tuesday 2 July 2024

Optimal difficulty curve for tests

A sequel to my previous babble about binomial distributions, but not really.

Is it better for test score to be uniformly distributed than normally distributed?

The aptitude distribution of the students is normal, this is not we can control. However we can control the difficulty curve of the test so that the test result can be of arbitrary distribution.

To start with, let the aptitude of students be $X\sim Z(0,1)$. A test $f$ is a  non-decreasing surjection onto [0,100]. If the test is a piecewise linear function that is zero before a threshold and 100 after another threshold, then we expect the result to be normal (with slight truncation). We can also use an inverse normal curve as the test. In that case, $f(X)$ will become a uniform distribution.

However, students does not always perform to their quality. We need a noise term in addition. The resulting performance is now $f(X) + \varepsilon$, where we assume $\varepsilon$ to be a normal noise. The initial question becomes to find $f$, or rather $f(X)$, such that given two samples $x,x'$ from $X$ with $x \geq x'$, $P((f(x)+\varepsilon(x))-(f(x')-\varepsilon(x'))\mid x\geq x')$ is the greatest. i.e., we want to seek for $f(X)$ so that the chance of misordering student aptitude is minimized.

Despite the complexity of normal density, the above probability can easily be written as a double integral, then some variational method potentially gives the answer. But here is a simpler way to find the answer: to minimize the probability is the same as minimizing $p_f(r) = P(|f(x)-f(x')|\leq r)$ for any two samples from $X$. If there is a single $f$ that minimizes $p$ across all $r$ then such $f$ would surely minimizes the stated probability.

Unsurprisingly, uniform distribution is what we desired. The reason is simple: majorization. The more sparse the distribution is, the lower $p_f$ would be, and the best possible one is the uniform distribution $U(0,100)$. 

From an information theory perspective, this is clear because uniform distribution has the highest entropy, thus gives highest resolution. The answer is so smooth with multi-perspective explanations, except that if $f(X)$ is uniform that means we are going to fail half of the class...

So no, don't do that to the students.

Wednesday 26 June 2024

DP and Markov Chain

Decided to give a little push on projecteuler. Almost 10 years since I actively solve problems. Many new problems have been added but the average difficulty drops a bit comparing to P200-300. This is good as the site does not necessarily serve the purpose of asking harder and harder questions to defeat the best math programmer, but a site where most can enjoy.

But the core idea has not changed: it's most likely about reducing complexity using maths plus some searching optimization. The math behind has been the same: everything about number theory plus a bit of geometry and combinatorics. On the searching side nothing changed as well: it's always dynamic programming -- if it isn't then probably the math part alone suffices to solve without the need to search.

Opposite to those purely mathematical problems, there are some purely computational problems too. Well, maybe not that computational like P345 "Matrix sum" where you find maximum trace (sort of) in a large matrix, but there are numerical problems with zero mathematical insight involved.

I wanted to use the example of cycle number aka friends of 142857 but there is still minimal maths behind like its relations to the numbers $10^k-1$ (which is also related to questions concerning repeating periods). But we can go much less mathematical. How about numbers that used all 9 digits? Primes with a particular appearance (not mathematical properties)? Fortunately there is a framework to solve those.

I solved about 20 problems recently and half of them done using the same framework. It's so handy that it's worth a talk, and perhaps it will guide you to solve those questions as well.


It is all about dynamic programming. When we first encounter DP we usually learn to solve backwards like all those shortest path problems. But it is also possible to recursively solve from the front. Mathematically there is a fancier name: Markov chain.

The idea is the same: we recursively calculate the state at each iteration till we need reach the end. We first define the initial state $A_0$. For each iteration we calculate $A_{k+1}$ from $A_k$ and extract information from the state if necessary. Terminating at $A_n$ would give the answer immediately. 

Example 1. Consider a simple random walk problem where an ant starts from position zero, where he can only walks by +2, +3 or -1 each turn with equal probability. There are traps on each odd (positive) prime where the ant will get stuck and stop moving. Can you give the expected position of stuck ants in 10000 turns?

A typical absorbing Markov chain. What's not typical is the randomly assigned "odd prime traps". Without those traps it's actually easy to find the chance for an ant to reach position $k$ at turn $n$: we have the equations $2a + 3b - c = k$ and $a+b+c = n$ with a dimension 1 solution space. Combining with the non-negativity condition should give a set of easily summable "ways". Adding across $n$ should give the chance of reaching the position on or before turn $n$...that is, without assuming the traps.

Instead, we set up a dictionary $X$ with a single value: $X[0] = 1$. In each iteration we read $X[i] = p_i$. If $i$ is not an odd prime, assign(add) the probability to a temporary dictionary $X'[i-1], X'[i+2], X'[i+3] += p_i/3$. Of course there are technical things to take care of like tracing the elements in $X$ if we cannot alter that inside a loop, but that should be routine to take care of.

Example 2. The same from example 1, except that the ant has a protective mechanism that allows it to land on a trap once and keep proceeding.

In that case, the state shall store another information other than the position: the number of times of traps that the any has stepped on. From $X[(i,j)] = p_{ij}$ where $i$ is not odd prime or $j \leq 1$ we send to $X'[(i',j')]$ where $j' = j+1$ is $i'$ is an odd prime.

Example 3. Consider a random binary array of length $n$. Compute the probability $p(n,k)$ of the array containing a monotone (i.e. just 0 or just 1) subarray of length $k$ up to a certain precision (call that a streak of length $k$).

Again a problem seemingly possible by direct calculation: fixing a subarray of length $k$ should give a probability of $(n-k+1)2^{-k}$, but you will face a wall of inclusion-exclusion consideration, plus the magnitude of numbers that you work with increases exponentially with $n$ and $k$.

Instead taking light from example 2, we only need two pieces of information: the last bit (also equal to bit in the recent streak) and recent streak length.

There will be $2k-2$ states in the form $(i,j)$ where $i \in \left\{ 0, 1\right\}$ and $0\leq j \leq k-1$. For each $X[(i,j)] = p_{ij}$ assign $p_{ij}/2$ chance to $X'[(1-i, 1)]$ and another half to $X'[(i,j+1)]$. If $j+1 = k$ sent that to the absorbing state instead.

In that way we can get arbitrarily accurate answer if we run every iteration manually, but $n$ can easily be much larger -- that's why we were merely asked for the probability up to a certain precision. We need an approximation.

Notice that a streak of length $k$ itself appears with a chance of $2^{-k}$. Even with the freedom of appearing anywhere in the streak, the range of $k$ so that $p(n,k)$ is non-negligible (i.e. not 0 or 1 rounded by error allowance) should be around $c\log _2(n)$. That is, sensible $k$ is very small comparing to $n$ for any reasonably large $n$. Then the chance of a $k$ streak appearing in an array of $2n$ bits is roughly equal to the streak appearing at either the first $n$ or the last $n$ bits. As a result we approximate $p(n, k)$ with $1-(1-p(\alpha,k))^{n/\alpha}$. 

The $\alpha$ is a threshold where we would like to simulate and should run in acceptable time. Take a large enough threshold and we should be done...right? Not yet. It seems like the approximates aren't precise enough. We can do, for example, 5 millions iterations at best within reasonable time. But that does not stop an error of order $10^{-6}$ from creeping around. We need the fix below:

Since this is an absorbing Markov chain the probability is strictly increasing (or decreasing depending on the way you view it) with $n$, and probability is moving at an exponentially decaying rate (you can verify this). We can exploit that to do an ad-hoc improvement: set a few checkpoints along the iteration to $p(\alpha, k)$ to approximate the convergence rate, then apply geometric sum to fix the probability in one go. It is likely to cause error of an order lower, but who cares?

And of course, we can apply the same idea to the dual of probability: success trials vs total trials. The same iteration method can be applied except we add them instead of splitting the chances.

Example 4. How many $20$-digit numbers (no leading zeros) such that no digit occurs no more than 3 times in it?

Well, partitions and multinomials should help better especially if we go way beyond such parameter. But what can we do without assuming those?

The states this time should be tuples $(a_0,...,a_9)$ where $a_i \leq 3$. For each iteration $X[(a_0,...,a_9)]$ is added to the states with one of $a_i$ higher by 1 (and still not exceeding 3). There are 9 initial states at the beginning representing the 9 single digit numbers. 


And that's it! I said at the beginning that the technique is widely applicable to many questions on projecteuler or other sites and that's not a bluff. Check the range P151-200 if you want a few easy scores ;).

Markov chains and DP aside, I just came across to the concept of semiconvergents when approximating $\sqrt{n}$ by fractions. Either I forgot everything about it on lessons or that it's new to me. I knew the convergents are the best approximations, but those marginally non-semiconvergents are so nasty! 

Suppose that $p_{k}/q_{k}$ are convergents for $\sqrt{n}$. Let $a_k$ be the corresponding continued fraction coefficients. It turns out that for any $[(a_k+1)/2] < r < a_k$, $(p_{k-1}+rp_k)/(q_{k-1}+rq_k)$ are better convergents than $p_k/q_k$ (but at a bigger denominator) called semiconvergents.

More interestingly, when $r = [(a_k+1)/2]$ the resulting fraction may or may not be a semiconvergent! I was so annoyed that such marginally non-semiconvergents are so close to the previous convergent that usual decimal calculation failed to distinguish them. I finally took the approach as follows:

Consider two fractions $p/q$ and $p'/q'$, assume that $p/q$ is larger. To avoid sign shenanigans I compare $\sqrt{n}$ to their average $(pq'+p'q)/(2qq')$. If $\sqrt{n}$ is larger then it's closer to the larger fraction and vice versa. I don't want any square root as well, so I compare the square of them. That is, to compute $(pq' + p'q)^2 - 4q^2q'^2n$. It turns out that if we are comparing the convergent and the next potentially semiconvergent $(p_{k-1}+rp_k)/(q_{k-1}+rq_k)$ where $r = [(a_k+1)/2]$, that difference is always $\pm 1$!!! If you still remember that $p_kq_{k+1}-q_kp_{k+1}$ is also $\pm 1$ you know these two fractions are really as close as they can get.

After few hours of number theory revision plus few hours of coding I finally got the right answer, only to find that Sage has the full packet to automate all these...

Friday 21 June 2024

Geometric sum as functional inverse (2): the backstory

My latest contribution about using geometric sum as inverses is surprisingly well-received, so I decided to give it a sequel.

The immediate question is: are we reinventing Maclaurin series? Is this even possible without differentiation? Well, not really. If we decompose $f$ into power series then we will see precisely what happened. If $f = \sum a_k x^k$ then $a_i = D^i[\sum a_k x^k](0)/i!$ where $D$ is the differential operator since I am too lazy to write fractions right? We can recover this by calculating $M^i[D^i[\sum a_k x^k](0)]$:
$M^i[D^i[\sum a_k x^k](0)] = M_i[i!a_i] = a_ix^i$.
In other words, we are just representing the $x^i$-term in forms of $a_i'x^i$ instead of constant $a_i$. 

Let us recall the definition of the (properly defined) operator $M$: $Mf(x) = \int ^x_0 f(u)du$.

The miracle of the exponential series actually happens because $M^i[1]$ is precisely the $x^i$-term of the exponential series. Clearly this is not guaranteed because $M^i[g] = a_ix^i$ for all $i$ iff $g$ is a constant. Sadly $g$ is pre-determined by the function $f$ we use.

Consider $f = \log (1+x)$. It looks bad further away from zero but it should be fine in an neighborhood around zero. Suppose we wave our hand say from $(I-M)f = g$ we obtain $f = (\sum M^k)g$, we want to check what's $M^kg$ exactly.

First we compute $g = (I-M)f = x(1-\log(1+x))$. Not good-looking but okay. Next we compute $Mg$:
$Mg = \frac{1}{2}(x^2+\frac{1}{2}x(x-2)-(x^2-1)\log(1+x))$
according to Wolframalpha. Soon you realized the fact that $M^kg$ will never be the k-th term of the Maclaurin series because the log term will never go away. 

Everything we argued in $L^{\infty}$ still works, even for this nasty $f$! Each $M^kg$ is a proper function and the sum indeed converges to $f$ uniformly if we restrict the domain to $[-\varepsilon, \varepsilon]$ for some small $\varepsilon \in (0,1)$. However, it simply does not coincides with the Maclaurin series because $g$ is not a constant. When is $g$ a constant, or rather, when is $(I-M)f$ a constant? Differential equation $y-y' = 0$ has solution $ce^x$ and is the only instance that fits all our speculation. 

What a pity.

You then asked: what about the trig example at the end? Why are we recovering the Maclaurin series like that even when the theory already crumbled?

To clarify let us repeat the above again: $g = (I-M)[\sin] = \sin x + \cos x -1$. 
$Mg = \sin x - \cos x + 1 -x$.
$M^2g = -\sin x - \cos x + 1 + x - x^2/2$. oscillation? Nope. This is clear if you plot them on a graph.
Red is $g$, blue is $Mg$ and green is $M^2g$. As predicted by the norm of $M$, the $L^{\infty}$-norm do shrink exponentially which gives us the convergence. 

We can also prove convergence in analytically: note that when k is 3 mod 4, all the trigonometric terms in $(I+\ldots + M^k)g$ vanished, leaving the Maclaurin series of $\sin x$ up to degree of $4k-1$. For other k's can be sandwiched using the fact that $\| M^k g\|_{\infty}$ shrinks exponentially within the interval [-1,1] (or something slightly better than (-1,1) -- since $g$ is not a constant but that is no big deal). Again, we wanted more that convergence, and $\sin x$ is not good enough for that because $g$ is not a constant.

The last hope lingers on the fact that $(\sum (M^4)^k)[x - x^3/6] = \sin x$. Anything special about the trig functions that allows such representation? I will truly leave that to the readers this time. Hint: what is the relation between $\sin x$ and $\exp x$?

Sunday 16 June 2024

Use of geometric sum as inverse in function spaces

When I teach first year linear algebra, one of the main show is the use of diagonalization to simplify matrix computation then to link that with various applications. This is the real point where you feel the real use of these concepts other than making up its geometric meaning. Cayley-Hamilton, characteristic polynomial for recurrence sequences, Markov chain and so on.

To start with, consider a matrix $A$. If $\sum A^k = I + A + A^2 + \ldots $ is well-defined (aka converges) then by geometric series we know it is equal to $(I-A)^{-1}$. If we do the other way round we can compute the geometric series of $I-A$, we will recover the inverse $(I-(I-A))^{-1} = A^{-1}$. The problem is...does the geometric sum converges? This is where the eigenvalues kick in.

For diagonal matrix $D$, $\sum D^k$ converges iff all diagonal entries (aka eigenvalues) are of norm less than or equal 1. If $A$ is diagonalizable we can write $A = PDP^{-1}$, then $(I-A) = P(I-D)P^{-1}$, so we want the diagonal entries of $(I-D)$ to be in $(-1,1)$. Or rather, we want all eigenvalues of $A$ to be in $(0,2)$. But this is a very limited result. Can we do better? Yes!

Notice that we can tweek the eigenvalues by multiplying a constant. Let $c \in \mathbb{R}$ be non-zero so that all eigenvalues of $A/c$ to be in $(0,2)$, then the same procedure may proceed. 

Consider the matrix $A = \begin{bmatrix}5&4\\2&3\end{bmatrix}$ with eigenvalues 1 and 7, we take $c = 8$. Write $A = PDP^{-1}$ then $I - D/c$ has diagonal entries 7/8 and 1/8. Geometric sum gives $\sum (I-D/c)^k = \begin{bmatrix}8&0\\0&8/7\end{bmatrix}$. 

Plugging back we have $P(\sum (I-D/c)^k)P^{-1} = \frac{8}{7}\begin{bmatrix}3&-4\\-2&5\end{bmatrix}$, which is precisely $cA^{-1}$. Don't forget that $(A/c)^{-1} =cA^{-1}\neq A^{-1}/c$!


Now let us forget about linear algebra and just the a step forward. How about using geometric sum in function spaces? 

We start with a very vague idea. Let $M$ be the integral operator, then we obviously obtain $(I-M)[\exp] = -C$ where $C$ arises from the integral. What if $(I-M)$ has inverse $(I+M+M^2+...)$? Let's say $M[-C] = -Cx + C_1$, then $M^2[-C] = -Cx^2/2 + C_1x + C_2$, and so on. One obtains $(\sum M^k)[-C] = (-C+\sum C_i)(1 + x + x^2/2 + \ldots)$, and checking $x = 0$ gives $-C + \sum C_i = 1$. This is such a lucid dream because we just proved the series $e^x = \sum x^k/k!$ without differentiation at all!!

But wait, there are too many technical problems in the above argument to the point if I read that from my student's assignment I would have torn that paper into pieces. The gaps are not fatal, but we have to be very, very careful.

The biggest problem of all, is that integral operator in that arbitrary form, is likely unbounded. We must sacrifice our dream of working over the reals and work in $[0,N]$ instead. Since $N$ is arbitrary we can extend that basically to the reals, at least pointwisely.

In a bounded interval $L^p$ spaces work similarly but the best is $L^{\infty}$ because we immediately give the norm of the integral operator. Define $M_0:L^{\infty}([0,N]) \to L^{\infty}([0,N])$ by $M_0f(x) = \int ^x_0f(u)du$. This is well defined because $M_0f(x) \leq N\|f\|_{\infty}$, and it also implies that $\|M_0\| = N$ (the equality is obvious by taking $f = 1$). 

We solved unboundedness but we need $\| M_0 \|<1$ for that to work. What should we do now? Well, just copy what we did to matrices. Define $M = M_0/(N+1)$ and try again: $M[e^x] = (e^x-1)/(N+1)$ but $I[e^x] = e^x$...they don't add up. It turns out that tweeking $M$ won't suffice because a tweek to the function is necessary as well. 

Let $f = e^{x/(N+1)}$, then $Mf = (e^{x/(N+1)} - 1)$ and so $(I-M)f = 1$. Since $\|M\| < 1$, $\sum M^k$ is a well-defined operator and is the inverse of $(I-M)$. Therefore $f = (\sum M^k)[1]$. Induction gives $M^k[1](x) = (x/(N+1))^k/k!$, so $e^{x/(N+1)} = \sum (x/(N+1))^k/k!$ uniformly in $[0,N]$. A substitution recovers the desired series for $e^x$.

Many would think the job is done here but this is a false sense of security. Not an easy gap to spot -- including me when I first drafted. We established the equality in $L^{\infty}$ or uniformly, but in the pointwise sense this is only almost everywhere. The good news is we do not have to worry about the trap of generating the series using the series anymore so many more tools are now available like continuity. Since both the exponential function and the series are continuous everywhere, the two expressions are indeed equal everywhere.


I believe this is the first time I write about functional analysis here but this is actually my expertise. These are absolutely not what one would encounter in research, but very fun to share across all levels of undergraduate students.

The idea of $\sum A^k = (1-A)^{-1}$ is the cornerstone of spectral theory because when we look at the spectrum we want to see the set where $A-\lambda I$ is invertible, or equivalently where $I - A/\lambda$ is invertible. The fact that geometric series converges says that when $A$ is small enough to $I$ then $(I-A)$ is always invertible which gives us lots of information about the spectrum.

Of course, knowing that $(I-A)$ is invertible for small $A$ says nothing about any other operators in the space. In particular, it says nothing about invertibility of operators that fails the condition for geometric sum.

This is particularly clear when we revisit the matrix example. I claim that the above method applies to all diagonalizable matrices where all eigenvalues are of the same sign (and are non-zero) (proof: left to reader). But that left out almost all diagonalizable matrices where eigenvalues contain both signs. Are they not invertible? Absolutely not! The moment they are diagonalizable with non-zero eigenvalues they are straightaway invertible, just that this particular approach doesn't apply.

One problem to the readers: my proof above relies on the fact that $e^0 = 1$. Can you recreate the proof for when $x < 0$? 

We finish with an extra food for thought: one computes $M^4[\sin](x) = \sin x - x + x^3/6$, so $(I-M^4)[\sin](x) = x - x^3/6$. You already see the pattern: $(\sum (M^4)^k)[x - x^3/6]$ is precisely the series for $\sin x$. (Technical problems like convergence and range is easy like above so we left them to readers as well.) Can we do the same for any differential equation solution like functions? Does it depend on the radius of convergence? Or...does it apply to all $C^{\infty}$ functions? How interesting...