Tuesday, 11 December 2018




當然這不代表我對舊遊戲沒興趣。各種舊遊戲的speedrun在觀賞性上完全不輸現代的3A大作。比如那個SMB 4:55影片


除了一些經典鬥快的speedrun外,俄羅斯方塊應該算是另類的遊戲優化代表。最近看了不少CTWC(Classic Tetris World Cup)的影片,本來用TGM(Tetris Grandmaster)的眼光去審視會覺得任天堂自家出的俄羅斯方塊有夠慢。不過在實際了解整個機制後不難意識到其實這個遊戲後段對玩家負荷其實很大,這也能解釋為何比賽上大家都像是打近身肉博而不是拼失誤少的射擊一樣。正因為遊戲簡單,SMB1和俄羅斯方塊(任天堂和atari都是,sega就算了)都是少數在實際競技層面上摸到硬體相關應對優化的遊戲。其他拼速度的遊戲如Mario Kart和Sonic等始終屬於連續性的操作,優化還停留在模型上的最佳解而不是將每個可以優化的地方分別做到極致:Mario Kart不算Weathertanko這種條件不明的捷徑,在一般Any%下該繞彎的的都是正常的繞彎,想快的話只能調校好切入角然後抓準時機甩尾,一切全憑經驗--反正差那麼一兩度看上去也不會影響整個流程,只要從頭到尾零犯錯世界記錄就唾手可得了,何必大費周章追求那一兩個frame的優化呢?當然,這種容許人類接近理論極限的遊戲的存在性只是引證了我的遊戲優化層級理論而已。在簡單的遊戲追求TAS也好,在開放世界高速奔馳也好,每隻遊戲的優化都有其吸引力,彼此之間並無優劣之分。

說起speedrun,AGDQ 2019又快到了。真是令人期待,雖然過去兩年這個活動過度商業化令人擔心,但拋去政治因素單看speedrun的話它在業界目前還是無可替代。



Sunday, 25 November 2018

















Sunday, 18 November 2018

DDR, the 4.5th year

Some references:
[5/2016] DDR the 2nd year
[2/2017] DDR the 3rd year
[5/2018] DDR the 4th year

IX down.
Max period down.
Schrodinger's cat? Who cares.

Over the period and ENDYMION are the last two challenge that stands before I clear all the 18s (oh and of course A4A but that is never a problem as soon as it is made available). What I lack can basically reduced to 3 classes.

1. The ability to hit slow streams (BPM160-) consistently

With most 17-18s sitting at the 170-200 range, it is natural for players to hit too fast on these streams. Two typical examples are the two Saber Wing remixes

- SABER WING (satellite silhouette remix) CSP, BPM 138 Lv 15
- SABER WING (AKIRA ISHIHARA Headshot mix) CSP, BPM 158 Lv 17

But two more relevant examples are

- MAX 300 (Super-max-me-mix) CSP, BPM 160 Lv 16
- 嘆きの樹 ESP, BPM 160 Lv 16

In particular, the highly repetitive streams makes it hard to concentrate and to master. Comparatively Max period ESP has a long BPM 150 stream at the end but that is never a problem.

It might be even harder when more weird things got mixed in, where you often hit too fast too hard and damage your performance and stamina. 嘆きの樹 CSP (BPM 160 1/4+1/6) and max period (BPM 160 section in a BPM 205 song) are two example where you need to stay clam and hit in a slower speed.

And of course, over the period has the super-max-me section and that is not easy to master.

2. Stamina/consistency on hyper streams (BPM210+)

The orthodox way to make maps harder is to produce faster songs, and that occurs naturally as we have countless BPM 200 songs already. But we also get songs exceeding BPM 200 like

- Over the period (BPM 205)
- Neutrino (BPM 205)
- Prey (BPM 210)
- Elemental Creation (BPM 212)

And now, BPM 220 seems to be the norm for the hardest songs -- EGOISM440 and ENDYMION are both BPM 220. They also contain streams more complicated than those in EC. To pass those the highest standard of stamina is necessary. Maybe I should start playing consecutive Lv 17s?

Oh and of course the stupid ~eternal love mix~ section at the end of ENDYMION is definitely a Lv 19 thing. Or rather the whole diff should have been a Lv 19.

3. Ability to handle slow sections

Well that's always a problem to players started playing in the new era because they are never trained to read slow shits. Some maps allow extreme speed adjustments that you can survive while reading the slow part properly like

- Neutrino (racking up to BPM 825/900 to read the slow part)
- Valkyrie Dimension (Use BPM 3.5x and recite the slow section)

And for some you can use sudden+

- IX (BPM 600 with sudden+ worked for me, but I guess BPM 700 without sudden+ should also be fine)
- max period

But these tricks meet their limit when it comes to lv 18+ to lv 19 maps. Either the fast section is too long to be recited or you have no proper chance to remove the sudden+ screening. I can't the middle section of max period with the screen off so I have to turn it off during the 6th notes, and that is extremely risky. Imagine that I need to do the same in over the period and that must be painful.

It's really weird that you thought you can focus on the upper part even without the screen while your legs tell otherwise. And from here I slowly understand why high end Osu! players always complain about low AR...but well if you want to stick with DDR I guess this is something you need to adapt eventually.

With these 3 things in my mind hopefully I can get through all 18s before the introduction of lv 20.

Oh and maybe I will have the chance to have a glimpse into the 8th KAC...

Statistics, end of 2018:
55 times played since 26/05/18; 1416 songs played
Lv 17: All cleared / 24A
Lv 18: 35 cleared / 6A
Lv 19: ???

Friday, 19 October 2018

TWEWY Final Remix: a mid-term review

My thoughts on TWEWY 10 years ago (in Chinese)

10 years has passed...

I finally got the English version after mistakenly bought the Japanese version. Took me ~40 hours to finish the main 21 days + secret reports, which is basically most of the old material. It would be good to have a mid-term review here.

Note that this is a review from the perspective of a TWEWY veteran who have already finished the original game and at least one version of the in-between remixes designed for pads. The game has already received enough praises -- I want to highlight my thoughts on the differences between the versions.


Took me around 25 hours to finish the traditional story line and 40 hours for the secret report. I cleared most boss noises at ultimate - would be significantly easier on hard.

I skipped all possible conversations as I know them inside out anyway. It's easy for me to find a suitable pin set as well. I expect new players to clear the main story line within 40 hours and secret report within 60-80 hours.


It's good to have a grip-based control. It is naturally very hard to use, but it is good to have one at least. The only problem is the conversion between the two control method easily get stuck in the grip detection screen. Not sure if that's a problem from switch directly.

One may notice that with the HD battlefield the character now has a greater flexibility, and as a result a few blind spots occurred in some boss battles (neo cantus especially).


With MPP completely taken away from the game, one problem occurs: BPP seems too easy to get while getting SDPP is too slow -- are there any compromise between the two? Old players eagers so much to finish the mastery collection swiftly.

The main game play is basically the same, but there's another bug around: in conversations when you have more than 3 choices the first option is always shown as uncompleted even if you read through that part. Not a big problem though.

Tin Pin Slammer:

I expect a multiplayer mode but meh. AI still suck as hell except the battle against the prof and the wizard which is hard as hell. AI's full potential to react is even better and they can hit you harder without getting you stunned. They can put you in very hard situation if they want, but they does not seem to happen frequently.

It seems like in high quality battle the hammer is simply unreliable. I start taking meteorite as means of escaping [when hit by AI without getting stunned] and spikes the practical way to stun opponents. That seemed to work in many different situations, but unfortunately we do not have a chance to test that in a PVP situation.


The new tracks are not very noticeable in the first 21 days. I liked the option that you can choose between the original OST set or the switch music set, but so far the difference is small. I think we will get more new songs in the new days.

Of course, all the old songs are great.

A new day:

Errr...despite the extremely messy chaotic Shibuya map, the new part is quite disappointing to play, at least on the battle part.

It is fine to have extra battling conditions, but having every battle to be a split battle is simply stupid. That forces players to choose penetrating attacks or otherwise the player would easily be flooded by the swarm of noises -- the new gem-currency, split-generated pp and new pins are also likely to break the original system in the sense that `everything in the old system is now useless just go ahead and grab all those new stuffs' --- that's a big no from me and probably also from other old TWEWY fans.

I'm kind of expecting an explanation throughout the 7 days, not something in a parallel world but having the full explanation in the secret report. That is not a good way to complete a story.


Well...I haven't really finished the new story line so I should not say too much about those. However I am really expecting more.

As usual I am not that kind of players taking the most recent standard on every single game, but you got to admit that the way they present things, and the depth of the context is no longer at the top using the 2018 standard. From the best RPG in the DS-era to a very well made RPG in the switch store, TWEWY final remix is still a good game that I would definitely recommend to every one of you.

Saturday, 13 October 2018

Thoughts on Simon Marais 2018

This is the second time I am involved in this competition...and again of course, not in the role of contestants. Here are some short comments.

A1. Very good -- it is not that kind of idiotic question like last year. However I read the question as "find n for one can tile a n*n square with non-congruent dominant rectangles". This is another question, of difficulty in another dimension.

The main problem is still very easy. You can either look for family of solutions mod 3, or family of solutions mod 4. Both can be easily found.

Difficulty rating: Easy [2/10]

A2. A very nice setup. Once you realize everything can be scaled you can lower the dimension and the rest is simple by drawing some graphs.

Difficuly rating: Easy [3/10]

A3. Not very hard but tricky to write down a precise proof since the DE does not seem to have a short analytical solution. One would like to estimate and bound the solution curve by extending bit by bit on the interval 0
Difficulty rating: Moderately easy [4/10]

A4. The recurrence relation is easy to obtain, while the sum is hard to get. Partial credit is still better than nothing for an A4 even if this is not Putnam.

Difficulty rating: Hard [7/10]

B1. Oh come on standard linear algebra. One replaces min by max and it could look a bit more intimidating...

Difficulty rating: Super easy [2/10]

B2. High school surd exercise? One can make simpler and much stronger claims using density.

Difficulty rating: Super easy [2/10]

B3. The speed of the two slower spiders is a strong hint on how you should use them. Otherwise this is really a non-trivial claim.

Difficulty rating: Moderately hard [6/10]

B4. Comparing with the one last year, the object of interest this year seemed...not very useful at all. It's just like an ad hoc matrix just for fun...whatever.

If you looked for the case m=2,3,4 then you should be able to see through what's happening with m=5, and more importantly why is it a mess for m>5. Easy partial credit, but who dares to take the open problem?

Difficulty rating: Moderately easy [4/10] for partial credit + ???


Much harder than last year, and it is closer to what it should have been. The spreading of part A is desirable, while that for part B is dreadful. Would really appreciate if they decide to add more questions to widen the breath and difficulty spectrum.

Sunday, 7 October 2018


千緒的上學路 (8)
異世界居酒屋 (7.5)
工作細胞 (7.5)
高分少女 (7.5)

後街女孩 (7)
Persona 5 (7) (未完)
利根川 (6.5)

異世界召喚 (6)
京都寺三條 (6)
遊戲三人娘 (6)
殺戮的天使 (6) (未完)

Phantom in the Twilight (5.5)
Island (5)
百鍊霸王 (4.5)




上學路(8) vs 遊戲三人娘(6)




異世界魔王與召喚少女的奴隸魔術(6) vs 百鍊霸王(4.5)





完美詮釋福本風格的作品。有點日常風又不太日常,因為觀眾全都知道這是限定猜拳的前傳。黑衣人在辦公室裡ざわ ざわ...,看倌們也私下在ざわ ざわ...,就這樣渡過了13集。的確利根川是個很優秀的人,與黑衣人和會長的互動也很有趣,不過說到尾這番還是福本粉絲限定,如果抱著看默示錄或者那場打二十年的麻雀一樣的心態來看的話可能會失望。











Saturday, 22 September 2018

Some nostalgia(c) stuffs

Nostalgia...不是音遊那個。雖然ノスタルジア我也玩很兇。然後玩到Ballade No.1 in G minor就想到四月是你的謊言...真是說多了都是淚。






當時大型flash門戶不難找到一隻叫太鼓の玄人的flash,分明仿太鼓之達人的小遊戲。一共用了6、7首歌,我還能記住的就只有One winged angel;譜面製作以2004的水準來說也是有模有樣,可惜flash水平不怎樣,有時打再好也會bug掉。

這隻flash我現在已經找不出來了。倒是我當時按這名字按圖索驥找到另一隻仿太鼓之達人的小遊戲叫太鼓の名人,藏在一堆beat master[仿DDR flash,當時極為流行,小說也有幾百個作品]的成品列表後面。這個太鼓の名人介面更像本家,可惜譜面不怎樣。但對我來說這太鼓の名人對我影響更大的是其選曲:Holy Moon和HARASSIN'BOSS,兩首帶我進電子音樂世界的入門曲。Holy Moon是我第一次認真想rank圖時選的曲子,而今仍是我的最愛[幾乎沒有之一],而後者也經常出現在我的「想map掉填坑列表」頂端的位置。

科網泡沫催生的個人網站熱潮已經倒得七七八八,今年十月才改組天空部落已是倖存的佼佼者了。儲存太鼓の名人的個人網站也不例外……不過幸運的是我們有web archive!




說到web archive我還有另一款在我腦海中散不去的舊遊戲,那就是alfy.com的Pang。雖說是參照街機的PANG但因為比街機晚了20年,在畫質、操作、難度分佈、可玩性等各方面都完勝當年街機。可因為遊戲是用Java applet加上網頁硬上config運行,所以其他網站也抄不過去;加上近年各大瀏覽器集體封殺NPAPI,Java Applet已成昨日黃花,不弄個IE6都進不去。

Alfy版Pang同樣在web archive中能找到,包括了遊戲本體.jar和config碼,不知道有沒有有心人來試試把遊戲復刻出來?


Sunday, 26 August 2018

夢.十夜 (2) Training the little red hood


























































玩手機被打斷的白髮少年隨口答道:「Very Autumn(*)吧?等一下哦……還有蘋果派現烤也要等一會。焦糖雪糕今天已經賣完了。蘋果派配上普通的香草雪糕也沒問題吧?」「沒問題,你一小時後端上來我還能當是慶祝我們衝活動成功呢。」「好啦好啦。等一下我盡快做。」

(*: Very Autumn為Mariage Freres旗下果茶之一。以青蘋果、梨、榲桲等秋季水果加上橘系風味而成。)



「啪」一聲Alex拍了下手掌打斷了大家的對話:「難得今天大家這麼開心,不如趁時間還早轉戰拉麵店再吃一回?我知道附近有一家雞白湯做得很不錯,大概還有45分鐘last order,要去的快就要趁現在了。」甜點之後是拉麵嗎?真是奇怪的組合。不過這樣也好,剛來的時候小炒店看的到沒的吃,那種纔吃多少甜品都補不回來的。













Sunday, 29 July 2018

FE Heroes: Arena Tiers 2.0

A year ago I analysed the tier distribution in FEH and now with the v2.8 update we are going to have a twist, with the new tier 21 [a.k.a. the WHALE TIER] introduced. It is no more than a simple application of queue theory and matrix diagonalization....well no, just solving linear equations to get the new distribution. Just a quick reminder, we can generate the ratio by the following equation

$p_{k+1} = r_{-1, k}^{-1}(\sum _{d =1,2,3} r_{d,k} p_{k-d} - (1-r_{0,k})p_k)$

from the bottom, where $r_{d,k}$ stands for the ratio of going up by $d$ tiers from tier $k$, and $p_k$ stands for the proportionality constant of players at tier $k$ in an equilibrium state.

Quite surprised that they looked extremely similar, right? If you look deep into the chart you will found that to be unsurprising at all. You may even wonder why are they different...

...that's because tier 20/21 are the only tiers with $r_k$ changed, after all.

(Apology for the stupid y-axis.) Numerically with the introduction of tier 21, players moved upward by 2%. There will be 2% more tier 18+ players [tier 18 is important due to the 4 orbs reward], and 2% more tier 20 players, which we, infantry lovers, do not care at all.

So here is the counter-intuitive part: why is there a difference on tiers below tier 20, given that the parameters were not altered? If we hide the flow between tier 20-21 and call the two tier 20+, this new tier actually has the same parameter as the old tier 20:

Old tier 20: 30% stay - 70% down 1

New tier 20: 20% up 1 - 10% stay - 70% down 1
New tier 21: 30% stay - 70% down 1
New tier 20+: 30% stay - 70% down 1

...or is it?

For sure that's not correct - by combining two tiers we brake the memoryless feature of the promotion system: if one stays in tier 21, he will 100% stay in tier 20+ in the next season, and that is not consistent with the global parameter for tier 20+. We can't really solve a set of linear equations correctly without the memoryless feature so the idea of tier 20+ does not really work. One simply go back to tier 20/21, do the math and 2% is really an existing difference.

...but why?

Even though the idea of tier 20+ does not help mathematically, it is true conceptually. Players are allowed to stay in tier 20+ longer [for those in tier 21] comparing with the old tier 20, hence expending the capacity at the top.

And, well, for me I do not bother getting top ranks anymore. I'm happy with my tier 19.5, or even 18.5 teams...

Wednesday, 25 July 2018




比如The World Ends With You的續作TWEWY -Final Remix-會在九月開賣。
比如RPG Maker VX的續作RMMV即將移到Switch上。嘛,我還是喜歡RMXP就是了。



啊,順便慶祝一下500道達成。算上DDR X3/13/14/ITG的話大概快破千,不過官方的500道就是500道啦。上面截圖的日期是7月2日,不過此刻[24/7/18]我都過550道了。之前順手打了一篇17譜面簡評不過還是吞回去好,都把18清了一大半還回去說17全破怎樣怎樣實在不怎樣,尤其在今天看到有人4miss過掉IX之後。


Saturday, 26 May 2018

DDR, the 4th year

Some references:
[5/2016] DDR the 2nd year
[2/2017] DDR the 3rd year

Oh my. Just take a look at the screenshots in the above entries and look at the scores that I have now...

ちくわパフェだよ☆CKP Challenge Lv14
2016 - 881970 1 miss [That's really a fluke - I can't even consistently 4 miss Lv14 maps]
2017 - 918640 1 miss [That's more like regular performance]
2018 - 938370 GFC [without proper warm up so that's an underperformed play]

MAX300 Expert Lv15
2016 - ~890000 (ITG converted into DDR A scale) [again fluked somehow]
2018 - 912380 [not like I seriously grinded since I play 12-14-16+ these days... didn't even bothered to screenshot that]

嘆きの樹 Expert Lv16
2017 - 557020 Failed [Can't even make it to the laddery stream part]
2018 - 833420 [I think I'm hitting that stream too fast nowdays]

恋する☆宇宙戦争っ!! Challenge Lv17
2017 - 780660 [After playing BPM200 for a whole day]
2018 - 884020 [Playing BPM200 is almost natural for me now]

Oh and of course, I can barely handle some 18s now.

Great improvement comes from consistent targeted practicing just like what happened in 2016. In 2 months I improved from being able to marginally pass 16s to clearing some of the nastiest 17 [Tohoku Evolved, Spanish Snowy Dance] and even some 18s [Egoism, Mei, and almost Dead End Groove Radar mix].

I think that comes from a general theory that I believe to be true in explosiveness demanding sports: strength comes first and accuracy follows. Strength and accuracy is the eternal dilemma in sporting and improving one will inevitably sacrifice another expert for those chosen geniuses. Now you are an ordinary player and you have to decide which is more important to be focused and I will definitely go for strength.

Since we are not talking about pure fitness that puts excessive muscles into no use, we can generally say that greater strength allows stronger explosiveness and hence a larger margin for flexibility. That means you can sacrifice your strength [speed] to gain higher accuracy [firmer stepping that gives higher accuracy]. And more importantly you have the stamina to keep your performance and strength to fix your mistakes whenever necessary. It does not work the other way round however. Stamina and strength is the correcting factor while you do not get either if you focused on accuracy only.

It's not surprising to find players who can often pass 15-16s focused on steamrolling 12s regularly and never gain the ability to clear high 16 or 17s. Strength based players however, managed to raise their accuracy naturally by adopting their ways of advanced maps onto easier maps that are more stable and more easily corrected. Wind Fairy is a good example: it's a very simple Lv15 but with some serious 1/3 streams. There's even a vertical stream at the last which is extremely hard for Lv15 newcomers. Higher players however, can apply the dense jumping skill they gained by playing maps like MAX period or London Evolved [I hate this thing so much] so get it passed.

This theory is general in the sense that it applies to more sports other than DDR - and baseball is my favourite example. While weaker CPBL pitchers are still trying to pitch slower in order to pitch into the zone, MLB is exhibiting why the other way round is the correct way to grow a prospect: throw hard, throw fast. That's your true potential and you should try your best to grind the best out of it.

So that's my little thoughts on how to get better when you play these games/sports. I'm not saying that keep on AAA 12s are bad, nor that people have to do it in that way to be good. There are all different kinds of players in the world and there are millions of optimized way to improve the skills -- but I will keep my way playing DDR while enjoying all the songs you get there.

Statistics, mid 2018:
409 credits accumulated since DDR A
20 credits per week
Clear attack: 14~15-[2016] → 15+~16[2017] → 17~18-[2018]
AA Attack: 11~13-[2016] → 14~15-[2017] → 15~16[2018]
Lv 16: 29 Cleared / 4AA
Lv 17: 25 Cleared / 10A
Lv 18: 3 Cleared

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

10 years of Osu! 雜談(2) - pp篇

寫雜談~遊戲篇時突然想把一個問題單獨拿出來寫一篇:到底pp系統是好是壞?雖然作為分數時代#1引入pp系統我一定是受害者,不過都退隱了再追究排名的話實在有點無聊。不得不承認,pp系統比起單純ranked score更能準確反映實力。

這個系統大部分設計都沒問題:當然要弄一個star rating才能計算那張圖比較難,打難圖當然比易圖更能反映高層次的實力;二次方收斂的速度也沒問題,大概pp排位前20才對整體pp有較大的影響力,跟同期頂級圖包的數量也算吻合。


先把問題簡化為SS跟1 100 2種結果好了。我們將圖的難度跟玩家程度配對,假設每一個note的誤差都呈正態分佈$X\sim N(0, \sigma ^2)$。我想看到底標準差$\sigma$要到多少,拿到SS的機會才會比1 100更高?這個問題可以看成likeihood estimator的簡化版,利用標準差選出較大可能的結果。定義$p,q$為拿到300, 100的機會:

$p = P(|Z|\leq \theta _{300}/\sigma )$

$q = P(|Z|\leq \theta _{100}/\sigma )$

二次分佈可得 $P(SS) = p^n, ~P(1\times 100) = np^{n-1}(q-p)$

可得比例為 $LR(\sigma) = \frac{p}{n(q-p)}$。留意右方為homogeneous polynomial,所以我們可以用$p/q$對應$\sigma$。嫌太複雜的話可以考慮$n=500, OD=8$的狀況:

$\theta_{300} = 31.5, \theta_{100} = 75.5, n=500$

$LR(\sigma) = \frac{p}{500(q-p)} = 1 \Rightarrow \frac{p}{q} = \frac{500}{501}$

不難證明$\sigma \mapsto \frac{p}{q}$為單調函數,所以用電腦做二分法即可得到$\sigma \approx 10.1ms$。Unstable rate = 101是甚麼概念?大概就是4.5*上下的跳圖很難達到,串圖很好達到的準確率。這個數字正好證實了我的看法:擁有可以制霸某一層級的譜面的實力時,能否SS還是打出一兩個100只是機率問題,並無實力高下之分。

那麼打出一堆100機率又怎樣算呢?當$k \ll n$時
$P(r\times 100, 1\leq r\leq k) = \sum _{r=1}^k C^n_rp^{n-r} q^r \approx \sum n^r p^{n-r}q^r = p^{n-1}n(q-p)\frac{p^k-n^k(q-p)^k}{p^k-np^{k-1}(q-p)}$

誠然$C^n_r\approx n^r$是一個很粗的估算,但我們放大這個機率時所得$\sigma$的臨界點會向下,這樣我們仍然能拿到一個有效的下限:

$LR(\sigma) = \frac{p}{n(q-p)}\frac{p^k-np^{k-1}(q-p)}{p^k-n^k(q-p)^k}$

設$LR(\sigma) = 1$再化簡後神奇地得出以下等式:

$n^{k+1}(q-p)^{k+1} -2np^k (q-p)+p^{k+1} = 0$

當$k=1$時上式化簡為$(n(q-p)-p)^2 = 0$跟我們上面計算一樣,但當$n\geq 2$時上式則可以給予$\sigma$的下限值。上式除以$q^{k+1}$再將$x = p/q$代入後可得

$f(x) = n^{k+1}(1-x)^{k+1}-2nx^k(1-x)+x^{k+1} = 0$

看似複雜的等式其實有非常漂亮的解--首先對於所有$k$我們都能拿到一個實根$x_1 = \frac{n}{n+1}$:

$f(\frac{n}{n+1}) = n^{k+1}(\frac{1}{n+1})^{k+1} -2n(\frac{n}{n+1})^{k}(\frac{1}{n+1}) + (\frac{n}{n+1})^{k+1} = 0$

然後第二個實根約為$x_2 \approx \frac{2n}{2n+1}$而且$\lim _{k\to \infty}x_{2,k} = \frac{2n}{2n+1}$[雖然因為$k\ll n$這個並沒多大意義]:

$f(\frac{2n}{2n+1})=(\frac{n}{2n+1})^{k+1}-2n(\frac{2n}{2n+1})^{k}(\frac{1}{2n+1}) + (\frac{2n}{2n+1})^{k+1} < 2^{-k-1} \to 0$

計算$f'(x)$易得以上就是$x\in [0,1]$區間所有的實根了[然後還有$k-1$個在1附近的複根,k為偶數時會在$2-x_1$附近有第三個實根]。這跟上面$k=1$的結論一致:只要達到某個準確度,打出SS跟打出幾個100的差距並不大。


留意$\frac{700}{701} \approx 0.99857, \frac{1400}{1401} \approx 0.999286$,當$k=7$時$x_2 \approx 0.999283$。來到這裡我們可以直接計算$n\mapsto \sigma$:

可得$\sigma \approx 31.12(-\log (1-\frac{p}{q}))^{-0.605}$,代入$\frac{p}{q} = 1-(dn+1)^{-1}$ ($d =1,2$)得到$\sigma \approx 31.12 (\log (dn+1))^{-0.605}$。巧合的是31.12這數字跟OD8的$\theta _{300}  = 31.5$非常接近。更神奇的是這對其他OD值也同樣成立:

$\sigma = (\theta _{300} - 0.4)(\log (dn+1))^{-0.605}$

回到OD8這個預設值,以主流長圖頂多1500combo上下來說unstable rate在100上下剛好夠用[如果取第二實根$x_2 = 1-(2n+1)^{-1}$則unstable rate需要在90上下]。這也跟主流SS紀錄的unstable rate相近[我是拿我2012年的圖出來看就是了...]。

上面的模型假設了每個note的誤差是一樣的,在實作當然不一定為真。引入數個不同的標準差$\sigma _1,..., \sigma _n$再計算二次分佈也可以得出相近的結果。另一個做法是將一個難的note看成若干($j$)個「標準」的note且假設在$k\ll n$時我們在這$j$個notes裡面頂多會打出一個100,那這個note的誤差標準差將為$\sigma ' = sd(jX) = j \sigma$。這個方法的缺點是只能考慮每個note的誤差標準差為$\sigma$的整數倍,不過將所有notes一起剁碎考慮就沒問題了呢。

TL;DR SS所給予的PP獎勵在連續性和數據上毫無意義,夠準的話SS就自然會出來 佛系SS






21/5/2018 [剛好十年又兩個月]

Saturday, 28 April 2018

10 years of Osu! 雜談(1) - 個人篇


所以我今天來這邊到到底要做甚麼呢?德福商場跟那些領匯改裝過的商場一樣走高檔路線,裡面除了不怎樣大的商務印書局和不怎樣好吃的甜點店之外其實沒有甚麼好逛的地方。唯一的例外,二期頂樓的機舖Virtual Zone從認識到消失也只有短短三年時間而已。伴隨著VZ一併消失的,還有旁邊的冒險樂園這個小朋友最後的淨土。

牛奶撻早就從$6漲到$9,那堆用料比較豐富的批的價錢更是一律雙位數。$6在另一邊A出口某包子店剛好可以買個新鮮出籠的芋頭包,所以這家批&撻的生意似乎也沒以前好了。不過我想了想還是點了一個牛奶撻,在這種咋暖還寒的春日拿來做下午茶實在再好不過了。極速把牛奶撻清進胃裡,我就趁這個空檔拿出耳機,在手機上打起Groove Coaster來。

十年前智慧型手機還只是剛冒出頭來,在軟硬體雙重限制下實在不可能有甚麼遊戲能搬到手機上,音遊的話只有十分粗糙的osu專用app,osu太鼓專用的t!aiko和超級山寨版jubeat而已。十年過去,商業性質的精美音遊早就遍地開花,連本來做街機的廠商也要盤算著反攻手機市場,Taito出品的這個Groove Coaster就是很好的例子。當然,如果說街機移到手遊上的話我最期待的還是Beatstream,好可惜啊。真他媽的可惜啊……FYK。



正好打Groove Coaster打到手酸(不得不說,狂點屏幕真的會很累),我抬起頭看剛好有三四個人正圍在一起打jubeat plus。該不會他們就是我要去找的人……?我這樣想著湊了過去。








在機廳看人玩跳DDR,明明是白癡一樣的Level 4也跳得東歪西倒,苦撐半首歌之後還是failed的情況時有發生,現在的我可能難以理解,卻沒想到十幾年前的我其實也差不多:太鼓夏祭勉強過、應援團幾乎沒S過……在接觸了Osu以後有了刷分的需要,每首歌只能聽個一兩次下如何快速掌握一首歌就很重要,不是依靠反應而是用理解去打音遊。現在的我可能在這方面可能做過了頭:每次恍神就會自動按自己的理解打下去,然後理所當然的打得亂七八糟。

做圖對音樂的理解度當然又比做圖深了一層。我很享受那種用耳機loop三千遍抽絲剝繭將自己的看法寫出來(Holy Moon, Dreamenddischarger, それは花火のような恋)或者那種觸景生情的作品(Babylonia 我有說過我是淋雪寫出來的嗎?)。雖然在13-16這幾年在忙別的遊戲把做圖放下了,不過去年又回來做了2張,希望今年也能繼續做下去。




2012-13:偶有佳作,但作圖有種劍走偏鋒的感覺。鋼琴獨奏連打變成了我的標記。有效果好的(Ubertreffen - 這首DDR也不容易;Faith is for the transient people - 早苗就是棒)也有效果一般的(加速する恋は誰も止められない - 也不是說差,但就不像是最佳解,跟前面比起來轉變太急了)。比較遺憾的是我的超大型企劃Touhou Last Boss Rush最後還是沒能成事。


2017- :機緣巧合下我透過discord又回到比較活躍的osu圈子裡,然後在2017年也做了兩張圖:Sakurairo Dairy 會接這張不消多說當然因為對路人女主的愛,穩穩地做一張TV size Muzu對我也是小事一椿。それは花火のような恋 女裝是萬惡之源 又是Beatstream(啊啊啊Konmai還我BS)又是Prim(或者senya或者moimoi或者...)豈有不接的道理呢?比較有趣的是我、nardo跟aabc三位對歌曲的解讀完全不同:可能我過度loop導致對自己理解太過深刻,我幾乎打了他們的圖10次以上才開始習慣他們的圖……




Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Two little math questions

I get math questions day in and out and some of them are quite interesting that I considered to put it here.

1) Consider the following nutrition label:

per 200g: 17.1g of carbohydrates with 17.1g sugar
per 100g: 8.6g of carbohydrates with 8.5g sugar

Can you approximate the sugar content in the carbohydrates?

If it's an olympiad question (junior level of course), we will probably end up with the sugar content being a fraction p/q for integers p and q, then you are asked to minimize q...

2) Consider the space of continuous functions $C(\mathbb{R}^n \times \mathbb{R}^n, \mathbb{R})$, and the subset:

$K = \left\{ f(x,y) = \varphi (x) \varphi (y) \mid \varphi \in C(\mathbb{R}^n , \mathbb{R}) \right\}$

where the kernel can be separated. We want to see if it is possible to relate the space $C(\mathbb{R}^n , \mathbb{R})$ with $K$ so that we can have some linear structure on it.

Define a mapping $r: C(\mathbb{R}^n , \mathbb{R}) \to C(\mathbb{R}^{2n} , \mathbb{R})$ by $\varphi \mapsto f(x,y) = \varphi (x) \varphi (y)$. Let $A \subseteq C(\mathbb{R}^n , \mathbb{R})$ be an independent set. Clearly $r(A)$ is an independent set in $C(\mathbb{R}^{2n} , \mathbb{R})$. To see this consider the equation

$\sum _{i=1}^n a_i \varphi _i (x) \varphi _i (y) = 0$

for all $x,y\in \mathbb{R}^n$. Now note that by definition $\varphi _i \neq 0$ so they do have non-empty support. If the supports are all disjoint then clearly we conclude $a_i = 0$. Otherwise pick a point $y_0$ in the intersection of at least the supports of two $\varphi _i $'s, then we have

$\sum _{i=1}^n (a_i \varphi _i (y_0)) \varphi _i (x) = 0$

for all $x$, and from the independence of $\varphi _i$'s we conclude that $a_i = 0$.

On the other hand $K$ is not a subspace of $C(\mathbb{R}^{2n} , \mathbb{R})$. To see this lets assume we can find a function $\varphi $ so that $r(\varphi ) = r(\varphi _1 ) + r(\varphi _2)$ for $\varphi _1, \varphi _2 \in C(\mathbb{R}^n , \mathbb{R})$.

By setting $x =y$ we know that $\varphi (x) = sgn (\varphi ) \sqrt{\varphi _  1^2 + \varphi _2^2}$. Substituting back to the original equation we have

$\sqrt{(\varphi _1 ^2(x)+\varphi _2^2(x))(\varphi _1^2(y) +\varphi _2^2(y))} = \varphi _1(x)\varphi _1(y)+\varphi _2(x)\varphi _2(y)$

$\varphi _1^2(x)\varphi _2^2(y) + \varphi _2^2(x)\varphi _1^2(y) = 2 \varphi _1(x)\varphi _2(x)\varphi _1(y)\varphi _2(y)$

which is the equality version of the AM-GM equatity! We conclude that $\varphi _1^2(x)\varphi _2^2(y) = \varphi _2^2(x)\varphi _1^2(y) $ and so

$ (\varphi _1(x)/\varphi _1(y))^2 = (\varphi _2 (x)/\varphi _2(y))^2 = c$

being constants for all $x,y$ in the support. Hence they must be constant functions. [I have missed the details handling the sign of $\varphi$ but it can be verified that it does not matter due to the square].

so we can actually assign a rank to $span(K)$ to the minimum dimension of $\varphi$ required so that the kernel separation trick works.

Sunday, 18 March 2018

Recent gaming status: FEH, DDR and TWEWY2

It seems like there are more gaming content than ever on this blog, and this entry is no exception. I planned to write something about travelling some time soon...eventually (like undertale on switch).

So again, here goes my thoughts on 3 of my beloved games.

Fire Emblem Heroes

The best way to comment on this self-evolving game is to count the major changes over the past two months...

Main plot development: it's certainly good. We get longer and deeper story that describes the characters in a better way (redditers are certainly worrying about the general who knows nothing when her sister was captured). And we get many good banners (that sucked our money) too. We got lots of good banners: fallen heroes created a shit ton of memes on literally every characters (Grima who is afraid of children of course), and the Morgans are too adorable for every Fire Emblem players (including those who have never played Awakening). (oh. who's Chrom? I don't even know he's here...)

Blessed garden: ok I got the idea that IS wants people to utilize the elemental mechanism, but giving out more of the blessings is not going to work super effectively because it's relatively restrictive to use. You need to be on the right season, you need to bring another legendary hero (which you don't always like), and the whole process is pretty much irreversible. It's a pain for me to assign blessings to characters so that they can enter the garden -- I ended up assigning into characters that make a balanced team and benefits from the associated bonus stat of that elemental type. I will just take the bonus as it is right now, but I am also looking for some more meaningful features as one of the "big 6" on the battle menu --- for example --- the town!

Tap Battle: well...that's interesting. The game design is certainly good -- it has a widespread difficulty spectrum and a rather relaxing rewarding system so that all players can enjoy the event in the way they liked. In the MUG aspect some may complain those randomly wandering wyvern knights but those are nothing compared to the W-shaped hitting zone in MUSECA (which then got fixed in the 1 1/2 gen). The timing difficulty is alright, though the setting that late hit is more favorable than early hits itches me slightly.
What can be improved is the storyline. They definitely filled some memes into it (Bartes and Fir; and Fae) and the spring reactions from bonded heroes are super adorable, but is it possible to have some minimal conversation pre-/post-event? That would improve the event significantly. Even a random masked Marth bullshit request works -- some is always better than none.

Rival Domains: that could be a turning point on the development of this game. This is much closer to the original franchise which I called the battle royle - a much larger map with forts and camps included as game target. Whether it's permanent or not it widens the possibility of the game and I now have even higher expectation on the game.
Controversy appears when official announcement told players "to try autobattle if you can't do it". Some thinks that the mode is flawed if the game tells players to autobattle. Well for sure the complexity is a lot higher (particularly with all those teleportation), so why not learn from the AI before battling fluently?
It sounds like another ideological battle between authentic FE players and FEH players -- the AI (both player and the enemy) showed that forcing a clear with 8 units is difficult; on the other hand playing aggressively and sacrificing units when needed turned to be an effective strategy. To FE players this is unacceptable as a no death clear is an essential part of the game, in contrast to repetitive, exhaustive usage of characters in FEH. The death of characters is worthless -- you know that since day 1 of assault-type missions are pushed into the game. It's just the official announcement and the elevated concentration of deaths from 20 in 7 battles to 20 in 1 battles that triggers the flames on reddit. Solving such dispute could be a big plus for me, though I doubt if there's any real solution, given the nature of handheld games.

Dance Dance Revolution

The biggest news in the town must be the brand new DDR A cabinet in Auckland which seemed to stay for a large period of time. And damn I never meet such a large group of DDR players here, some of which can play the 15-17 range proficiently.

I finally recharged my e-amusement card and get my 573 subscription going. It's extremely disappointing that you can't even find the DDR pentagon with subscription...while I am now fully confident to get some 100+voltage plays going I can never access my own pentagon again.

With limited practices I managed to tip-toe a bit better and hopefully I can steadily tackle most 16 now (except those stupid BGM changes like Pluto, Osaka evolved, Fascination ~love mix~...).

The World Ends with You 2


This is the sole reason of buying a brand new switch with no games (not even kirby -- unless it's a mirror labyrinth remake). It is finally coming after 10 damn years.
I am of course a big fan of it, which can be seen from my praise/comment entry on the blog 10 years ago. I now disagree with some of what I wrote, but my rating on the game only raised with time.

Solo remix is the reason I bought my first pad, and I went hard to get the game finished in no time. I again managed to complete 100% pin collection on the pad even with all those stupid controls without a second monitor. I saw hype-chan and got hyped since 2015, and till 2018.

I visited Shibuya and traveled around the first time with no difficulty, just as being a JK visiting all the trendy shops twice or thrice a week, My local friend even got surprised when I show unusual familiarity to the area.

And now, it's the time for the final remix.

To me, TWEWY is the best ever RPG fully exploiting every single possibility as provided by the console (DS here). That did not ended well while exporting to pad, but I have very high expectation on this final remix. I call TWEWY ARPG of the DS generation -- and I want TWEWY2 to reach the same bar. Labo is probably better when it comes to possibility exhibition, but we can still fight for ARPG of the generation :D!

And please, don't make "available in 2018" into "available in December 2018" lol - we have been waiting too long.

Thursday, 18 January 2018

The development of Fire Emblem Heroes

The identity problem of FEH as raised in reddit.

A very interesting and critical viewpoint that explains perfectly on what happened. Not going to analyse in detail (because you can see some wise comments on reddit already), but this is what I think as a FEH player since launching.


I joined FEH because of my love on the FE series as well as the advertised low-effort gaming as compared to other well-known CCGs (FGO, Fantasica etc). Things came better than what I expected (I liked their overall money-attracting strategy as expected). Didn't really feel the salt from reddit but what started to itch me is the Ayra pool (although I wanted her much and got her eventually), and IS really underperformed before the v2.0 change.


The first Tempest trial is interesting as it's also the hardest consider and without considering powercreeping. It was then just a matter of endless grinding and pain in selecting the right seal to give out.

The two arenas are definitely much of a pain. The two meta units B!Lyn and Rein not only destroyed the balance but more importantly diversity within the battlefield. In the past Takumi was once considered a meta but you don't see them that often and you have multiple and creative ways to counter him. B!Lyn and Rein, on the other hand, is damn annoying to counter if you meet them consecutively in the assault. As much as you don't much to give out easy defense point, it's more like an offense for me to use those annoying units to steal a defense victory.

Voting gauntlet...this is the most interesting one that I have ever seen. It worked in big teams (instead of scattered teams like Fanta) yet super balanced with extremely balanced mechanism making it tense and fun (see my previous entries on the mathematics behind). And ever better, it gives out super generous prizes with less effort required comparing with the TT mode. Judging from the tier composition as from the reddit survey reddit players definitely represents a large chunk of top players from the west --- and the tactical battle against the will from the East (i.e., Japan) is simply delicious. The only downisde is perhaps the choice of the participants knowing that there are too many popular characters. (Or bias on male characters. But well...)

The difficulty of the game is alright as they keep adding hard challenges, in which some are really challenging without using those metas/+10 units. (Got to admit that Genny is destroying every GHB/BHB recently...). Chapter 11&12 is of course the hardest and takes a lot of tactical consideration due to the turn limit -- those alternative goals can sometimes be interesting and challenging, and we might find more later.


What do I want from the game?

It's very interesting that they asked as for that straightaway, i.e. they probably had nothing to serve right away, but that allows greater flexibility as well. Idle game is of course my favourite, but I don't mind trying out other modes as well.

Bias in characters pushed out is definitely one of the main problem to be resolved. While promoting new games, it is important for IS to realize that a major part of the fans came from the GBA era where they played the first 7 franchises of the series (by means of emulator etc) and old heroes is highly welcome. Not only that they tame those old fans, but it also solidifies the big picture of the FE history which is certainly attractive to new comers.

And more good artwork please. FE Chiper set a high standard in illustrations, and yet FEH somehow come short -- some are certainly cute/moe/lewd/sexy/pretty/... (Ayra!) but some simply failed to illustrate the character of the characters. Lachesis and Ursula are two obvious examples, and they are unfortunately two of my favourite heroes from the original series.

But well. Again I'll put my faith on IS and FEH, who won the 2017 best game award :)

And happy 2018.