Saturday, 18 July 2020

夢.十夜 (5) The Guild Battle




















































在每場一小時的戰鬥裡隊伍會站在3x3的方格裡保護後方的城堡。玩家可以不斷攻擊對方的陣列得分,當玩家手上所有角色HP歸零時則進入破防狀態。在前排全體破防後對方才可以攻擊下一排的玩家,如果所有玩家被破防的話對方則可以直接攻擊城堡得到大量的分數。破防的玩家可以使用AP(Action Point)回復,而攻擊本身也會消耗AP。AP會隨時間回復,但在高強度戰鬥裡大家都會一直喝藥水把AP補回去。









第十場,也就是現在,我們的對手是目標進入前十(第二檔)的強敵「奧林匹克神眾」(Gods of Olympia)。裡面全是個人活動的前排常客,但聽說隊伍比較鬆散所以沒有上一場對手那麼強。他們沒有指揮,打法以強攻為主,是一個測試戰術的好對手。


Lampbear:「( º﹃º )好像是這次活動首次滿員?」



Sora:「這是二檔獎勵啊,雖然不知道有沒有機會拿到( > <)」







一個「有趣」的非動作類即時公會,卡片入手門檻不可能太低。公主連結打的旗號就是組隊低成本(相對其他遊戲),幾乎大部分隊伍都有辦法用同一隊「meta(主流)」、同一種戰法去推王--這樣土豪的投入感便差上了許多。公連的成功是抓對最大的中低消費客群,然後設計出來的角色也很能迎合他們的胃口。但論到頂端的消費公連是遠遠不及其他大手遊的。而◯戰幻想的消費門檻應該穩站西方市場的頂端,成功聚集高消費客群的他們才有辦法以偏小的遊戲規模打進app store課金榜前三。








Wednesday, 8 July 2020

8/7/2020: TWEWY animation and Mr. Driller

First of all, the animization of The World Ends With You is something I have never dreamed of. The switch game certainly failed to reach the same height as the DS version did, both operation-wise and story-wise (on top of the original 3 weeks), but the main story, character/art design and the music design is absolutely top notch. They are basically all you need for a great animation.

Their decision to modernize Shibuya as well as the phones is a bit sad to me, because these characters really live in Shibuya in the late 2000s. The only uncertainly is how much should be shown in 12 episodes -- given that Neku grew in the span of three weeks, it would be weird if they only do the first week or two. Some extra daily interactions will be welcomed, but only if they have enough time to display the whole main story. It would be nice if the animation gives extra answer to what was not fully explained both in the DS and the switch sequel.

Here is the trailer, in case you haven't watched:


I have been playing ring fit during the lockdown everyday, but I do not plan to give a review on the game. I also bought touhou mahjong but there is not much to say either.

Instead I want to talk about Mr. Driller Drillland. Unlike the DS version this is a complete remake of the 2002 version. I haven't played the 2002 version but I definitely enjoyed the DS version so I bought the switch one once I saw that on the store.

I cleared all Lv2 and finished the Lv3 Drindy adventure. I realized the technique to clear other Lv3's but lacked the time and temper for it, so I will stop here for now.

Before commenting on the game, I have a concern when others comment on games -- why are remakes valued less?

One shall not value remakes lower just because it is a "low effort" production. The pricing of a game depends on the development cost (of course), but the rest depending on marketing consideration on how the team think the game is worth.

You can say that a remake "probably" worth less because the game cannot keep up with the recent standard, or that the change in console alters the feeling of gameplay. The World Ends with You is a good example: the heavily stylus based control of the DS game feels off when it comes to switch. The extra content is nice but also left a gap between the main story and the extra story. This is why fans are not feeling as happy as in 2008.

> My review on The World Ends With You Final Remix < 

Nintendo and Sega made their old games ported onto switch at a really low price. This is not necessarily solely about effort (actually, getting the game mechanics right for these really old games are not super easy, although Nintendo already did it once for Wii). This is also a way for them to promote their IPs, which is worth more than selling the games itself. That never justify why remakes should be sold cheap.

After some research on the original one, I would say this switch version is basically the 2002 one moved to another console, just like how it did for the PC version. It completely copied the merits and weaknesses of the original game. The weaknesses meanwhile is relatively easy to fix and these are less tolerable in 2020, so the game got a mixed review (still beating TLOU2 by a huge margin, OF COURSE!)

On the good side they preserved all the game modes in the original version, which is well rounded comparing with the DS version which is pretty much just an extension of the world drill tour. The gameplay is pretty much the same because all you need is really a D-pad and the AB buttons. I always prefer D-pad over stick when you only need four directions -- the same happens for Tetris99.

On the bad side...the game lacks any tutorial or instructions. Lv 1 is quite hard for beginners to start with even with the beginner friendly mode. It would be nice if there is a really short and easy stage like 200m or 300m (which the DS version has).

Having 3 levels are the classic setup, but the gap is pretty huge between the three. There is no in-game instruction on how you can unlock the next one either.

I also wish to see more interaction among the characters, instead of just one or two vocal lines when the level is unlocked for the first time. I also wish to use Ataru on every single level on every mode. I know they assign characters to their suitable mode...but I just like Ataru more. is really a classic 2002 game, which some parts of it can be improved to fit the 2020 taste. I still like it, but how much should it be priced? I don't know because I don't buy games every day. At least for me I would happily take the $29.99 offer.

Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Outbreak stages classification when it is out of control: July updates

This is an update on my model based on test count vs positive rate. For the introduction please refer to these articles:

1) Classification of outbreak stages by variation of test count and positive rate
2) Typical stage shifts: May updates


We have seen the potential of this model predicting the case trend in the next few days, but it does not give strong indication on whether we are shifting to the next stage. Even if we are to make predictions based on the model, there is one important assumption that we made.

We assume that the government would thoroughly eliminate the local infection chain to the point that only isolated cases would occur after a certain time.

This is certainly false when from what we have seen in the last two months. These countries are divided into two categories: either they lack the ability to eliminate the virus (passive herd immunity), or they try to strike a balance between public health and economy, which miserably failed. This will be the main theme of my July update.

Just like the May update, we present the trend since late March or whenever data is available, but data after May 10 will be shown in bold.


Countries that cannot control the virus at all

When the virus was spreading in South-East Asia and Africa, we feared that the pandemic could be out of control because of a less hygienic environment and less efficient/reliable government etc. This turned out not the case -- Africa is too hot for the virus, and SE Asia actually did a good job controlling the damage. Thailand and Vietnam did particularly good, for example.

But when it arrived South America such worry finally came true, as the virus easily spreads among the passionate (in other words, unhygienic) Latinos. The whole South America is quickly approaching towards herd immunity, not because they wanted to, but they have no other choices at all. The hospital was of course overloaded, and the government lacked the ability to response. The living habit of South Americans would only accelerate the infection. Rumors were in Brazil where gangs asked residents to stay at home and isolate themselves -- although unlawful this could really the be the right thing to do against the virus.

Confirmed cases for Columbia and Costa Rica exploded around late May when the shock wave finally arrived South America. Despite the slow increase in testing scale, we see no signs of things under control, at all. Columbia has been testing left and right, but they still need more -- at least 5 times of the current scale -- if you compare with other big European countries like France.

South Africa is the singularity in Africa because its climate is quite different from the rest of Africa, which is bad because they are in winter now. But the bigger problem was that the government wanted to restart the economy so they lifted lockdown too soon. Daily confirmed cases doubles every 1 or 2 days since then, and the tragedy follows from slow reaction of the government. That is a pity -- we thought they did enough to shoo off the virus, but one mistake and it was all over.


Countries that cannot eliminate the virus

When everything is under control, the next step is to eliminate the virus locally so that the economy can reboot without creating more infection. However part of the population is always kind of disobedient. They get themselves infected and eventually get others infected as well. It has been a dilemma in western countries: rebooting the economy earlier implies that you will never get the virus eliminated, and it builds a constant pressure on the health care system as well as everything else. Most countries chose economy anyway, and we are observing more of these "long tail" infections.

The fact that Japan successfully suppressed the virus on the edge of a widespread infection shows their high standard of public health maintained. This is however, not necessarily true in every single corner of the country. Most recently reported cases in Japan are actually happening in the food and service sectors -- in particular pubs, (erotic) salons, maid cafe and so on.

It would really be a hard decision to shut these shops again. The industry is extremely fragile and already took a heavy blow in the past 3 months. On the other hand, infections are likely to happen in these places again as long as the virus is not exterminated completely, that they could be forced to shut indefinitely.

Russia as well as Singapore and some other middle-east countries are of another story. The infection is confined to the circle of foreign labours, whose are socially isolated from the general public and have a below-average living standard. Given their status in the host countries, it was deemed not worthy to eliminate the virus within those communities, so an alternative is to isolate all these workers as a whole, and hope that herd immunity would develop eventually there.

The United States case is so complicated... each states has its own problems. First of all the protests. Regardless of their motives, this is bad for disease control. Secondly lockdown was lifted a bit too early in some states like Florida and Arizona. The southern states also received an influx of patients from Central and South America, where things are apparently uncontrollable. Imposing the lockdown again is the right choice, but protests and the effects from neighboring countries would drag back the effectiveness of the lockdown.


For the rest of the world, UK is apparently reopening its border for most travelers knowing that their own immunity is good the point where taking ill travelers is of no big deal anymore. We are also observing relaxation of border control among countries that eliminated the virus like Taiwan and New Zealand. It would be fun to observe half of the world recovering, and the other half still fighting hard against the virus.


[1] Total confirmed cases vs total tests conducted, retrieved 5 July 2020.