Monday, 28 June 2010

Osu! 第22話


Thursday, 24 June 2010

Osu! 第20.21話



『以工業發達聞名的機城座落在巨大的高山下,從山腳下的古堡為中心輻射出去的是一座座工廠,在外面一圈連接草原的則是民眾居住的現代化都市。被包圍在最裡面的古堡顯得相當突兀,不過它突兀的地方不只在於建築的年紀,而是它的高大雄偉與至今都無法再現的建築設計—那是由好幾位古代最偉大的Mapper所創建出來的,牆上的每個孔洞都經過精密的構思,裡面的建築設計也完全善用材料的音響性質,只要配合季風的風向,古堡會不間段地發出悅耳的歌聲,而且不同的季節會發出不同的音樂,這些偉大的工藝設計也深遠地影響到現在機城的工業發展…. 』
『你們城主是什麼人?我們這個大陸之所以是唯一沒有統治者土地就是因為如果有外敵入侵城邦間就會聯合對抗、內部有人挑起爭端,所有城主都會討伐反叛者,這是大戰後fish哥不希望世界被絕對的權力支配才訂下的城邦協定呀! 最終協奏曲還有聖地是什麼?無論有什麼理由,犧牲那麼多人以及文化遺產都是不值得的呀!』yoki也忍不住插嘴了。

Monday, 21 June 2010

Osu! 第19話



關卡: OSTER project - Frozen rain [Normal]



Tuesday, 15 June 2010


Why? You'll never win this cursed war...
~dirge of swans~


Sunday, 13 June 2010

Economics -- Price elasticity and Government intervention (rearranged)

The price elasticity of demand/supply (Ed/Es) refers to the responsiveness of the Qd/Qs to a price change.

Ed = %ΔQd/%ΔP and Es = %ΔQs/%ΔP where %ΔX = (X2-X1))/[(X1+X2)/2]*100%.

Elasticity only refers to the magnitude of Ed/Es only. Ed<0 since P and Qd is negatively related. Note that the elasticity refers to % change rather than absolute difference.

Types of elasticity:
  1. Perfectly inelastic (Ed / Es =0) if %ΔQd / Qs=0, i.e., remains unchanged for a change in price. Its curve is vertical.
  2. Inelastic (0<Ed / Es <1)%ΔQd / Qs<%ΔP, its slope it somehow straight.
  3. Unitarily elastic: (Ed / Es =1) %ΔQd / Qs=%ΔP, it forms a rectangular hyperbola
  4. Elastic: (1<Ed / Es <∞) %ΔQ / Qs>%ΔP, the slope is somehow flat.
  5. Perfectly elastic: (Ed / Es =∞), where %ΔP0 causing an infinitely large change in Qd/Qs.. Its slope is horizontal.
In a free market, TR of firm = TE of buyers = Total exchange value = PQd.

When Ed>1, PTR, PTR when Ed<1 and TR remains unchanged neglecting the chance of P if Ed=1.

Note that when the curve is linear, the mid-point between the intersection with x-axis and y-axis will have Ed=1, the part above that point will have Ed>1 and the part below the point will have Ed<1. We can proof this one by considering TR maximized at the midpoint.

Factors affecting the price elasticity of demand:
  1. Closer substitutes available→more elastic
  2. Demand of necessities→more inelastic, demand for luxuries→more elastic
  3. Consumption habits: harder to change the habit→more inelastic
  4. Proportion of expenditure to income↑ → more elastic
  5. Price range↑ / More useful / More durable → more elastic
Factors affecting the price elasticity of supply:
  1. Nature of goods, e.g. land, artworks of deceased painters will be perfectly inelastic.
  2. Flexibility of production: ease of adjusting production (e.g. faster training to unskilled workers)↑→Es↑.
  3. Factor mobility ↑→Es↑
  4. Reserve capacity (Max. amount of resources that can be put into production)↑→Es↑
  5. Time allowed to adjust production↑→Es↑
  6. Lower entrance to the industry→Es↑
Market intervention
  1. Price ceiling / Max price control: Under this condition, producers/sellers are not allowed to charge more than the max price. (e.g. rent control of residential units before 1999 in HK). Effective price ceiling P’<Pe, otherwise the equilibrium point is still at the interception point of the demand curve and supply curve. In this case a shortage appeared where the quantity transected refers to the intersection of supple curve and the price ceiling. In this case P’<P, Q’<Q, new TR = P’Q’<PQ=original TR. In this case price failed to allocate resources, so non-price competition arises such as queuing, drawing lots, by needs, etc. Black market will also arise. Graphically the price of black market will be the vertical projection of the new quantity transected to the demand curve.
  2. Price floor / Min price control: Under this condition the consumers/buyers are not allowed to pay less than the minimum price. (e.g.: min wage to the foreign domestic helpers) The price floor is effective only if P’>P0. In this case the new quantity transected will be the intersection between demand curve and the price floor. As the new point is on the demand cure, P’>Pe but Q’<Q0. We check the change of TR by the price elasticity of (original) demand: if Ed<1, TR↑, if Ed>1, TR↓, Ed=1, TR unchanged. In this case surplus appeared and sellers compete to sell products. Since they can’t cut the price, they competes by non-price competition such as free gifts and improve their skills. Some even cut their price illegally (to the vertical projection of the new quantity transected to the supply curve) to eliminate excess supply.
  3. Quantity control / quota: It is the maximum amount of output. (e.g. # of taxis and minibus in HK) Effective quota implies that the Q’<Qe. Graphically the supply curve was bent into a vertical line at the quota. The new quantity transected will be the intersection between the new supply curve and the demand curve. In this case P’>Pe and Q’<Qe so we check the TR by considering the price elasticity of the demand just same as the price floor. Since the sellers can’t sell more in quantity, they improve the quality which gives them a higher TR.
  4. Unit tax: same amount of tax imposed to every unit of product (different from valorem tax which the tax refers to a % of the price) (e.g., unit tax on petrol) In this case the supply curve shifts upwards by the amount of tax. In this case P’>Pe and Q’>Qe, and the part of the TR (Tax*Q’) will be the tax given out. For the consumers the burden will be (P’-Pe)*Q’ while the producer’s burden will be the remaining part (Tax-P’+Pe)*Q’. After the tax is imposed the TR is reduced by (Tax*Q’+(Qe-Q’)*Pe. The second of TR loss was due to the shift on demand curve. The TE of consumers refers to the elasticity of the demand curve like the previous intervention. The distribution of tax burden can also be given from the formula:
Consumer’s tax burden/producer’s tax burden = Es/Ed.
  1. Unit subsidy: A same amount of subsidy is granted to each unit of output.
(e.g., government schools). In this case the supply curve shifts downwards by the amount of unit subsidy. The new equilibrium will be the intersection between the new supply curve and demand curve. In this case P’<Pe and Q’>Qe. We find the change in TE by considering the price elasticity of demand curve like the previous cases. The total subsidy will be Tax*Q’. In this case the consumers’ share on the unit subsidy will be Q’*(Pe-P’) while the producers get the remaining part of subsidy, that is, Q’(Tax-Pe+P’). Therefore the new TR of the producers will be Q’(2P’+Tax-Pe). The distribution of unit subsidy can be given by:

Consumer’s share of subsidy / producer’s share subsidy = Es/Ed.

Economics -- Basic Demand and Supply

Demand = Want + purchasing power = willingness + ability to buy
An individual demand of a good refers to the quantities that a buyer is able (purchasing power) and willing to buy at different prices over a period of time, ceteris paribus. We draw the demand curve that P (price) on the y-axis and Q (units/time) on the x-axis to draw a demand curve. Quantity demanded (Qd) is the quantity that a buyer is willing and able to buy at a particular price over a period of time. Graphically demand is the whole curve and Qd refers to one single point on the curve. Note that Qd is the quantity that is planed to buy, but not the actual unit bought (transected). Demand schedule is a table to show the Qd at different prices.
Individual demand curve: shows P VS Qd of a good to an individual buyer.
Market demand curve: shows P VS Qd of a good for all individual buyers.
The market demand curve is the horizontal summation of all individual demand curves.
Law of demand: the demand curve is ↓slopping, ↑P↓Qd, we can also say that the P and Qd is inversely related, ceteris paribus.
Supply = Willingness + ability to sell
Individual supply, supply curve shares the similar explanation with the terms about demand.
Law of supply: supply curve is ↑slopping, ↑P↑Qs or positively related, ceteris paribus.
Note that quantity transected = min{Qs,Qd}.
Equilibrium (market-clearing) price: At Pe, Qs=Qd and we denote the equilibrium quantity as Qe. In this case the price will have no tendency to change, ceteris paribus. At that price quantity is equal to the equilibrium quantity. Note that when the two curves have no intersection the equilibrium price will be zero (free goods). The equilibrium quantity will be zero too since there will be no need for transaction.
When PPe, excess goods/surplus appears and there’re unsold goods. In this case sellers may raise the price to make consumers buy more until the price reaches the equilibrium.
The automatic change of price is called the price system or market mechanism.
Money price: price expressed in terms of money, relative price: price expressed in terms of another good. Note that the relative price also obeys the law of demand, given the price of the good for comparison remains unchanged.
Consider the relative price of X is k units of good Y where k>1. If the price of X,Y raised the same amount, then the new relative price of X will be k’ units of Y, where k’beef and leather) Qs of X↑→ supply of Y↑
2) Competitive supply which requires similar factors of production, Qs of X↑→ supply of Y↑
3) Prices of inputs (price of factors of production)↑ → Supply↓
4) State of Technology, # of producers and other factors

Ceteris paribus: everything being kept constant.

Note that the affect of new equilibrium price change will not be shown here since it is a table.

Friday, 11 June 2010

Mechanics IV

Circular motion:
Radian is a measurement of angle. 180˚ = π rad.
Physical quantities about circular motion:
1) Angular displacement: θ (in radian, rad) =arc length/radius=s/r
2) T: period: time to complete one revolution, SI unit is s.
3) Angular speed (velocity but we don’t care about the direction): ω=2π/T, with unit rad s-1.
4) Linear velocity v = s/t = rθ/t = rω = 2πr/T, the unit is m s-1.
5) (Centripetal) acceleration: Consider the object moves Δθ in a short interval Δt. Then the limit of Δv is equal to the arc of the circular path. That is, Δv=vΔθ. By a = dv/dt = vdθ/dt = vω. Therefore a = vω = v2/r = rω2. The acceleration is pointing towards the center of the circular path.
6) Centripetal force: F = ma = mvω = mv2/r = mrω2 is also pointing towards the center of the path. Moreover it isn’t a new type of force, but it can be provided through different sources like tension and friction.
Under uniform circular motion (v and ω are constant), when F> mv2/r, then the excess F will accelerate more seriously towards the center until F= mv2/r’ where r’ is the new radius smaller than the original one, therefore it will spiral inwards. Oppositely if F < mv2/r, r will increase so that the object will spiral outwards.
Complex case on circular motion:
1) Conical pendulum: A light and inextensible string of length l, making angle θ with the vertical line. In this case the centripetal force is given by the tension of the string T. Now consider the vertical motion (is zero), by ΣF=ma, we have the vertical component is equal to the weight of the pendulum. i.e., Tcosθ = mg. In the horizontal view of the circular path we have the horizontal component of tension as the centripetal force. i.e., Tsinθ=mv2/r. Combining the two equations will give tanθ=v2/rg. With the assistance of v = rω we can find the remaining information. Note that since F = Tsinθ = mrω2 = mlsinθω2, we will have T = mlω2.
2) In the flight of aircraft is actually a conical pendulum model, while the lifting force gives the centripetal force instead of tension. The inclined angle of the aircraft is also equal to the angle made with the vertical line.
3) Cycling in a level road: when the bicycle turns, its c.g. have to be closer to the center of the circular path. Otherwise the friction produced when the bicycle is turning around is unbalanced. If it is suitably stanted, the moment produced by the couple mg and R is offset by the friction. Let the horizontal and vertical distance between c.g. and the wheel be a and h respectively. Now F = mv2/r, R=mg and Fh=Ra by taking moment on G. Combining the equations together gives tanθ=v2/rg and the resultant forces acting on the wheel is given by R+F.
4) Cycling in a banked road of θ: In this case we assume the bicycle is perpendicular to the road. The centripetal force is given by the resultant of R and mg. by Rsinθ = mv2/r and Rcosθ = mg, we will have tanθ=v2/rg.

Mechanics III

The affect of collision depends on the mass and velocity of the object, so a physical quantities is created as momentum, which is the product of mass and velocity. Mathematically p=mv, which is a vector with unit kg ms-1.
By F=ma=m(Δv/t)=( Δmv)/t, we can conclude that F = change in momentum / time of action. In other works, the net force acting on the object is equal to the rate of change of momentum of it.
Impulse is also another physical quantities that Ft=Δ(mv), which is a vector with unit Ns.
Object deforms during collision, and the force that make it deforms is called impact force while that t is called the time of impact. The longer time of impact results in smaller impact force.
We can draw a force-time graph (F-t)graph to represent the collision, while ∫F dt=Δmv which is the impulse delivered to the object, while it is also the change of momentum of the object.
The law of conservation of momentum states that the total of momentum of a system is conserved if no net external force is acting on it. Mathematically mAuA+mBuB=mAvA+mBvB.
The collision can be classified as following:
1) Elastic collision: Total K.E. conserved. i.e., mAuA2/2+mBuB2/2=mAvA2/2+mBvB2/2.
2) Inelastic collision: Some K.E. lost : i.e., mAuA2/2+mBuB2/2>mAvA2/2+mBvB2/2
3) Perfectly inelastic collision: vA=vB, then K.E. lost is maximized.
Note that total K.E. won’t increase during collision if there’s no net external force.
Explosion: In this case chemical energy was transferred into K.E. The momentum can be given by mAvA=-mBvB.
Apparent loss of momentum: consider the whole system (Earth), or the external force(friction).
Proof on law of conservation of momentum:
During collision there’s a force acting on A by B and a force with equal magnitude but opposite direction acting on B by A by Newton’s third law of motion.
FA=-FB, (mAuA - mAvA)/t = (mBvB - mBuB)/t gives the required equation.
Oblique collision in a plane: Assume B is resting and A crashes into B with velocity uA (We assume that A is moving horizontally since we can “turn” the plane.).
After collision, A moves with a velocity vA which makes angle θ with the horizontal, while B move with velocity vB which makes an angle φ with the horizontal. Now let θ be positive (above the horizontal).
Now we decompose the velocity and consider the two direction:
Along x-axis: mAuA = mAvAcosθ + mBvBcosφ
Along y-axis: 0= mAvAsinθ - mBvBsinφ, i.e., mAvAsinθ = mBvBsinφ
Another method is that by mAuA =mAvA+mBvB and they are all vectors, draw a triangle that the angle between mAuA and mAvA is θ and the angle between mAuA and mBvB is φ. By sine law, their relationship is given by mAuA/sin(θ+φ) = mAuA/sin φ = mBuB/sin θ.
Special case: when the two masses are the same and the collision is elastic, the angle θ+φ must be equal to 90 degrees.
Proof: By mAuA+mBuB=mAvA+mBvB , uB=0 and mA=mB, we get uA=vA+vB. (1)
Again since it is an elastic collision we have mAuA2/2+mBuB2/2=mAvA2/2+mBvB2/2 and so that uA2=vA2+vB2. (2)
By (1) we can draw a triangle that adding vA and vB by tip-to-tail method and uA as the sum. Then by (2) and Pythagoras theorem we will get the angle between vA and vB must be 90 degrees.
We call a motion as projectile when the object is given a initial velocity and move under gravitational acceleration (or air resistance as well).
‘When a initial velocity u is given, making angle θ with the horizontal, we will have:
Horizontal: ux=ucosθ, uy=usinθ.
Note that when the vertical velocity is changing due to g, the horizontal velocity WILL NOT CHANGE. (This refers to the Monkey and Hunter experiment.)
Then at an instant t, vx=uxt and vy=uy-gt.
The displacement is given by x=ux and y=uyt-gt2/2.
Now consider some important physical quantities about projectile motion:
1) Max. height: It reaches the highest point when vy=0, i.e., t=uy/g. Substitute t=uy/g into y=uyt-gt2/2 we will have H=ymax=uy2/2g=u2sin2θ/2g.
2) Time of flight: Reaching the highest point and back to the ground takes the same time when we consider a complete projectile motion. Therefore T=2uy/g=2usinθ/g,
3) Range of flight: Obviously R=uxT=2usinθ(ucosθ)/g=u2(2sinθcosθ)/g=u2sin(2θ)/g. That explains that why flying in θ and (90˚-θ) gives the same range.
4) Angle with the horizontal is given by θ’=tan-1(vy/vx)=tan-1(uy-gt/ux).

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Mechanics notes II

*This set of notes act as a remainder rather than the actual application on different problems. Readers should try themselves in different problems as well.
I will complete the DSE syb. of mechanics except gravitation this year. This include:
I: Position and moment, Newton's Law of Motion
II: Fotce in a plane and moment, work, energy and pwoer
III: Momentum, projectile and circular (this one is much more easier than AL)

Methods to add vectors up:
Tip-to-tail method: Consider two forces F1 and F2. Firstly draw the vector F1 starting from the origin, and draw F2 from the tail of F1. The tail of F2 will be the resultant force.
Parallelogram of forces: Draw the two forces at the origin, project them to another’s tail. The intersection point will be the tail of resultant force.
Consider F is a force with magnitude F and angle between the force and the x-axis is θ. Then it can be resolved into Fx=Fcosθ and Fy=Fsinθ. Mathematically F==F(cosθI+sinθj).
When we apply Newton’s Law of Motion on a plane, we always resolve the force along the plane and perpendicular to the plane. Then each of the forces will never be offset by each other. Also note that when the object is at rest or in uniform motion then the net force is zero.
Moment or a torque at a point by a force is defined as Fd, which is the force times he perpendicular distance from the point. Note that if the fixed point, point giving force and the direction of force is parallel then its moment will be zero since it can’t rotate the object. Alternatively if the force makes an angle θ with the object then the perpendicular distance will be dsinθ. Comparing gives the moment = Fdsinθ. Moments can have 2 direction: clockwise or anti-clockwise.
The principle of moments states that the object is balanced if the total clockwise moments is equal to that of anti-clockwise moments.
When two forces with equal magnitudes acting in opposite directions on an object, they will form a couple, which produce a moment of force(one force, not the sum of the two forces) times perpendicular distance between the two forces, no matter which point is fixed to calculate the moment.
Equilibrium is defined as net force acting on it is zero and net moment at any point of it is zero.
Centre of gravity (c.g.) is the point through which the weight of the whole object acts. If any object is hanged, then it will move until the c.g. is vertically below the fixed point. Otherwise a couple is produced to rotate that object to that stable case.
There will be three types of equilibrium: Stable equilibrium implies that the c.g. have to move upward in order to move it. Unstable equilibrium implies that the c.g. will fall as to make the whole object moves. Neutral equilibrium implies that the vertical position of c.g. won’t change even the position of the whole object changes.
Doing work means the process of energy transfer.
Work done by a force = component of force in the direction of displacement times displacements.
If the forces makes an angle θ with the displacement, then the component will be Fcosθ. Mathematically W=Fscosθ. It is a scalar with unit Joule (J).
Note that W=0 if (1) s=0 or (2) cosθ=0, then the force is perpendicular to the displacement, which the component of force with the same direction with the displacement is zero.
Work done by a force is also the energy transferred by the force. A positive work done means that the object gains mechanical energy, and a negative work done means that it losses mechanical energy (but internal energy can be gained).
Now consider the object moving in a straight line (therefore consider K.E. only):
W=Fs=(ma)(v2-u2/2a)=mv2/2-mu2/2=ΔK.E., therefore we can identify that K.E. of an object is mv2/2 where v is its velocity.
Potential energy can be divided into elastic potential energy (e.p.e.) and gravitational potential energy (g.p.e.). e.p.e. is stored in an elastic object when it is stretched, compressed or bent. When it is released the energy will be released too.
For g.p.e. we have ΔP.E.=mgΔh, we can’t determine the g.p.e. of an object since the “height” is a relative concept, but Δh can be accurately measured.
The conservation of mechanical energy states that initial K.E.+ initial P.E.=final K.E.+ final P.E.
That is, the mechanical energy of an object is conserved, provided that no work done is on the object. This implies that:
1) If mg is the only force acting on it, then ΔKE+ΔPE=0.
2) If the resultant force is mg or component of mg, then ΔKE+ΔPE=0. This mainly happens when the object is on a inclined plane, where part of the mg offsets with R.
3) In other case, ΔKE+ΔPE = work done by the forces other than the (component) of gravitational forces.
In a simple pendulum, v is maximized when it is in the lowest position where we can assume it’s PE is relatively zero.
The law of conservation of energy states that energy can’t be destroyed or created. But it can transfer from one to another.
Power is the rate of energy transfer or work is done. Mathematically P=E/t=W/t. It is a scalar with unit Watt (W). Also, P=W/t=Fs/t=F(s/t)=Fv. Therefore a power P it required to apply a force to an object such that it is moving in constant velocity v. (Note that if it is moving in constant velocity, there’ll be another force opposite to this force.)

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Pilot Ch 2.2

眼前的建築是位於頂樓的課室,門牌說上了"Mathematics ICT Lab",也就是電腦實驗室,通常只有教師才有機會用到--這裡的系統是Linux而不是常用的Windows,加上長年在運行研究用的程式,加上要長年開啟冷氣防止機件過熱,根本沒人會有興趣進來。

「老師,那不是故障唷~」雪晴掏出了一張紙,上面寫滿了毫無意義的英文和數學符號。她指著最後一行:「Error code 22呢。」
(你在研究的,是2V project吧?」

子翼依言按了下去,此時奇怪的事發生了:匙扣對著木門發出了一陣光芒,然後匙扣上便出現了"identification completed"的字樣。

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Mechanics notes I

1) In order to avoid the usage of equation editor, reader should be careful about whether the physical quantities are a vector or scalar.
2) The concept of calculus is used.
3) Graph is not given in the sense that it is driven from a set of datum. However the concept will be discussed. Readers may try to draw the graph themselves.
4)Sorry that I have no time to make the power/subscribed words/bolded set/...

Time (t): SI unit second (s), reaction time of human = 0.2s
Length: SI unit metre (m).
Scalar: A physical quantity describes the magnitude only. Mathematically, x∈R.
Vector: A physical quantity that gives size and direction. Mathematically x∈R2, Usually we will add an arrow on the physical quantities to mark that it is a vector. Another representation will be V=(a,b), a,b∈R. Note that |v|=(a2+b2)0.5, and it’s direction will be tan-1(a/b). Also (a,b)+(c,d)=(a+c,b+d).
Distance (s) (scalar) is defined as the total length of the path, with SI unit m.
Displacement (s) (vector) measures the change in position.
Displacement on a 1D case: Definition of positive direction, the displacement will be a scalar, where the +ve/-ve sign denotes the direction.
Displacement on a 2D case: Define every straight line travelled as s1=(x1,y1) to sn(xn,yn), then distance travelled = Σ(|sn|) while displacement = |(Σsn)|
Average speed (v) = (distance) s/t which is a scalar with SI unit m s-1.
Average velocity (v) = (displacement) s/t which is a vector with SI unit m s-1.
Considering the velocity on 1D/2D is similar to the displacement.
Instantaneous speed: average speed in a very short time. Mathematically it is Δs (distance) /t
Instantaneous velocity: average velocity in a very short time. v=ds (displacement) /dt
Uniform motion: when v(t) is a constant we call the motion of the object as uniform.
We define final velocity as v while initial velocity is u. Then the average acceleration over a time period is defined as a=(v-u)/t. The instantaneous acceleration will be a=dv/dt.
Uniformly acceleration: if a(t) is a constant, then we say it is uniformly accelerated. By F=ma if it is uniformly accelerated then the force is constantly given.
Displacement-time graph (s-t graph): y=s(t). y’=v(t).
Velocity-time graph (v-t graph): y=v(t), y’=a(t), ∫y dt=s(t).
Acceleration-time graph (a-t graph): y=a(t), ∫y dt=v(t).
Equations on uniform motion: (Under vertical motion, a is fixed as a=g=10ms-1.
1) s=(u+v)t/2, which can be proven by ∫y dt=s(t).
2) v=u+at, which can be proven by ∫y dt=v(t)
3) s=ut+at2/2 since s=(u+v)t/2=(2u+at)t/2=ut+at2/2.
4) v2=u2+2as since v-u=at, so (v+u)(v-u)=at(v+u)=2as.
Note: In vertical motion, neglecting air resistance, the s-t graph is symmetric and is a parabola.
Newton’s First Law of Motion: An object will remain at rest or constant velocity as long as the net force acting on it is zero.
Note that net force = ΣF which is the sum of all force acting on it.
Net force can be zero if the several force is balanced, or no force acting on it.
Inertia: the tendency of an object to remain at rest or in uniform motion, measured in mass and the unit is kg. It is harder to move an object with larger inertia.
Force (vector) (F): can be measured by spring balance/force sensors, with SI unit Newton (N).
Force can be divided into contact force or non-contact force. Some common force will be the weight (W=mg), normal reaction (R), friction (Ff) and tension (T).
Resultant force = ΣF which is the sum of given forces.
Calculation on force refers to the calculations of vectors.
Notes on free-body diagram:
1) Weight: vertically downwards from the center of mass
2) Normal reaction: pointing up from the contact surface, perpendicular to the surface. If the surface is an inclined plane, then the starting point should be the projection of center of mass vertically downwards to the contact surface.
3) Friction: On the contact surface.
Newton’s Second Law of Motion: a is proportional to ΣF (same direction) and inversely proportional to m. Considering the SI unit, then F=ma.
1) Weight: W=mg
2) Apparent weight during acceleration: The apparent weight will be R (not W); by ΣF=W-R=ma, we have R=W-ma=m(g-a) which implies that when the acceleration has the same direction with the gravity, our apparent weight will be reduced.
3) Friction (Max Ff=μR, where μ is the friction constant) appears when two surfaces slide or tends to slide over each other. When ΣF ≧ Max Ff it will start to move. Note that the max. (static) friction is a bit larger than the kinetic friction.
4) Fluid (liquid/gas) resistance increases as the difference between velocity and terminal velocity increase. The velocity of free-fall object will tends to the terminal velocity.
Newton’s Third Law of Motion: For every action there exist an equal but opposite reaction.
The action-reaction pair will be the force acting on A by B and the force acting on B by A.

Saturday, 5 June 2010

Osu! 第18話

被強力的鑼聲震穿一個洞的黑米倒在地上,不過他被打穿的肚子中露出的居然全是機械,他不理會自己受的傷朝笑著我們: 「哈哈哈!我只不過是一個被命令來搶回[黑米理論]的闇天使罷了,[黑米理論]已經被你們打下去的兩個人帶走了,黑米大人早就預料到你們會把注意力放在跟他相貌一樣的我身上,所以我只要把理論交給他們兩個,然後故意在大樓上跟你對戰,再讓他們兩個很自然得掉下去就能成功取回去了,哈哈哈哈!」


fish哥正向我們致辭:「大家好,歡迎大家來到我們osu學院一年一度的考試(peppy's advanced level exmination for beaters and mappers),咳唔……照慣例我們先說說這個考試的背景……
中間的十天是測試大家的實力,在這十天裡有一張ranking chart,寫著是次考試的15首曲目,電腦Auto的測試結果是15首歌的最高難度合共1億分,大家只要達到70%,也就是七千萬分就算是合格了。大家可以在這十天任意練習,但只有最高分的一次才被計算成考生的分數。
(得到[考試徽章](限期: 1個月)x1!)
眼前是我那又帥氣又強的笨老哥,雖然笨,但卻是世上一流的beater和mapper,例如其名作Justice to believe,作品一出,其共嗚就傳遍了天下。不知道多少人為了征服此曲,虛渡了多少時日、奉上了多少鮮血……拿到的也只是一個pass而已。
關卡:Loituma - Ievan Polkka (unranked)

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

SIMC report (5) Challenge 3iii

7)Long term consideration
In model 1 (Challenge 1), our locating strategy is about to miximize the market share with the least number of new shops opened. That is, only consider the marginal influence of the shops.
In model 2 (Challenge 2), our locating strategy is about to maximize the market share within the given amount of budget, proportional to the k-junction. That is, the cost of opening cost is the only new factor.
Now let's do some math. Assume the cost for the n-th month is C(k). Generally C(k) is increasing due to inflation. Extend C(k) so that the domain the real number. (negative k implies that cost projected in the past), also C(k)≦C([k])≦C(k+1)  for any integer k. Therefore it is monotonically increasing. Integrate once on C(k) from zero to infinity, which is diverging. Therefore the cost of running a shop under unlimited time requires infinity cost. Comparing with the cost of opening a new shop, which is a finite cost, the ratio of run cost is far (infinity-ly) more important than the set-up cost. So in case we should take the maximization of profit as the second aim after the maximization of market share. Indeed, what we have to do is build up a model to consider the lattice that supplies. To extend this model, the vector field of supplier and consumer can be built, which will be the ultimate model of this problem.
"We can't open the shop under an unlimited time. Why we have to consider this case?"
This assumption helps us to realize that the running cost is more important than the set-up cost in running a shop, which will be more important than the locating strategy to win the competition.
"If the maximization of profit is concerned, using multiple shops to block the Starbucks will be useless. Then all previous models will be demolished."
Yes this is the main problem of the simplified models.
So far we have finished the analysis of this problem. You may ask that why we finish this problem with just some simple maths, but that is the truth. In fact, our proof about the locating strategy is incomplete, but in the sense of considering every simple case, it works. Combining together, it will works too.
Some advanced tools like matrix and programmiung is  highly appreciated in the competition but we tried to finish the problem by simple mathematics, we will be proud of this.
The full solution from different team will be released in 1 month and I'm looking for this and a further analysis.

End of SIMC report: The Challenge

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

SIMC Report (4) Challenge 3ii

ii)A complicated model
When we built up the previous model, we assume that the population only flow within the two closest shop. In fact the population flows everywhere. That how can we express the average population density as a average of a whole day? Putting them in equal proportion is obviously not fair. Our solution will be:
Assume that for a particular street, the closeset distance from the street to the Starbucks shops willbe a1,a2,..., am units while the distance to the Coffee Bean will be b1,b2,...,bn units. Then our market share will be: [Σ(1/bi)/Σ(1/bi)+Σ(1/ai)]. The idea is that we still have to show that the closer distance will have a higher chance of providing service to a (averagely) closer customers.  It can also shows that a very close shop does have a very strong influence on that street (which is the real case).
"Distance tends to zero will results in an infinity-ly large influence to the streer?"
This problem makes no sense. The distance is assumes to be an integer, and the indfluence is measured in terms of the whole street. Even though the man living besides the shop goes there everyday, the shop can't influence the whole street at all.
Now note that consider the model when there's only 1 Starbucks and 1 Coffee Bean shop. The market share will be (1/b)/(1/a+1/b)=a/(a+b), which is just same ax the model of (i)! Then we are success in considering the extended model.
in this model, the locating strategy is nearly the same as (i) so we need not to discuss again. Just a point to note that the locating of n-junction will be much more important.
One important function of this model is that the share of a shop to a particular segment of a street is not as exact as 1 or 0 or 0.5, but they're equalizing to half-half. They are competing. That's why we need some strategy to win the competition.
(Note that the share originally is 1, falled to less than one, higher than 0.5, if the share is half-half it's still the same, and if it is zero it will raise a bit.)
6)Population denstiy
In the above model we are considering the flow of population. However one of the assumption still exist -- the population density is even. If it is not even, the proportion will be different.
In the real society, Coffee Shop starts their business in the business zone where people used to negotiate there. A rural area will have a higher potential population density than a urban area. It will be very complicated for us to compute those values. In order to show that the model is efficient to compute the real model.
consider the above map (2*4) again. Now assume that the segment (1,2) to (3,2) is a trade zone where people likes coffee so much there (they don't put a coffee machine at office right?), hence a double share to the coffee shop. The new share will be 5.5/16, where the rate of increasing will be 14% which compansated the deficit of locating in a bad location which fewer customers.
Combining thw two models, the new share will be about 7.2/16=0.45 which is nearly half! We see that the effect of trade zone is even larger than the density.

we will take care of the long-run considerationg in the next discussion.