The entry counts had been declining over the 2 years partially due to exhausted math and other high school academic topics, but also some side dishes like MUG-games related entries, or even self creation.
In 2015, or at least in the first half of 2015, I decided to push my productivity a bit further and entries on the following topics are scheduled:
1) My trip in South Island of New Zealand, probably 3 or 4 more entries.
2) A sequel on my card collection problem. I have to admit that I am now a big fans of a particular card collection game (and obviously it has been a trend on the smartphone platform!). This time we will look at the problem on the other aspect: completeness of the collection.
3) I finally managed to find some of the original copies of my old notes since my previous ftp server closed without any notice beforehand. I will update them someday onto my new site.
4) I may not be very good at arts but I definitely enjoy them a lot. Among them Literature will the the easiest to be shared among them. I will talk about books, not on a specific ones but a series of related books. This will be done in Chinese, of course.