Friday, 30 April 2021


"Wizard in the magic sunset" 
Character design: @kuonyuu, Illust: @mihayuuno commissioned by forretrio. Pixiv
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喔對了,最後我還是要安利一下我的茶。文中提到的茶是Mariage Freres的Roi Soleil--實際上不是鳥龍而是中國茶種,但那種香氣與中式濃茶的回甘有相輔相成的效果,絕對值得一試。不過話說回來,如果異世界沒中國,那我要怎樣形容中國茶呢?異世界也沒大吉嶺,那大吉嶺茶也不能叫了吧?我又不想一直捏造地名,總不能叫C國茶或者甚麼比比魯茶吧?

*最後修改 02/06/2022 v1.2
31/07/2024 v1.3

Wednesday, 28 April 2021

TWEWY the Animation: Shiki week impression

Probably the most iconic shot of the week.

Anime this season are exceptionally good in general. There are so much that I want to talk about, but if I have to talk about one particular of them then it must be The World Ends With You the Animation.

The animation is a successful reiteration of the 2008 game with some modern twists, but it also keeps  features from the original game like the character's postures and of course the music. I do not intend to analyze in detail the difference between the game and the anime. Instead, this is a collection of my live reaction based on my game experience.

Probably not spoiler alert because I mainly refer to the game content of the same progress, but I will refer a lot to game data like pin code, pin evolution, droppings and so on -- check the wiki pages if you are not sure.

Let us start from Episode 1-3 aka the Shiki week.


That's something that I concern the most since I remember the pins too well and that's the unique system in the game. I wished that the game uses pins in the order of gameplay -- some pins are much more accessible in the early game, so they should be introduced earlier. 

Neku started with the 6 basic pins, but it was the Pyrokinesis pin that was used mainly. That's a natural choice but it appeared for too many times. They used Thunderbolt as well, but I feel like it'll be more impressive to use the other 4 as well. Shockwave might clash visually with Shiki's psych, but Force Rounds and Psychokinesis would be cool to display. Cure Drink as an immediate potion also expand the versatility of the pins (to whom never played the game).

In early days, players are almost guaranteed to come across to D+B pins and probably D+B pins only. It's unfortunate that they decided to display the pins in a random order. Changing Murasame into a jumping psych is ok, but one only obtains the pin from 33N (Hard Corehog) on Shiki day 5 -- so you can't have that on day 1!

Similar problem occurred on episode 2: Fiery Spirit, Spirited Fire is a pretty powerful pin and it's only obtainable from 13NU (Alterna Wolf) that is not around before week 2. 

Then on episode 3 Neku activated Ice Risers but it was visually showed as Blizzard Cool. Both of them are available by the end of week 1 so they should really display Blizzard Cool instead. 

D+B pins is really one of the best brand of pins to use against the first GM fight because they are mostly psychs that works regardless of distance. 001/002 (Ice Blow/Risers) surely works with a simply flick, but 003/004 (Frozen/Blizzard Cool) is even better: when the icicles are halfway out the enemy is dealt with constant damage. Even better the boss can't move so it's free damage and combo all the way. The Sexy- pins (006-8) are also effective against the boss. These are all the pins that I used when I first played the game.

Oh they also used Sweet Talk Tether, another wonderful pin against static opponents. Although obtaining the pin is less obvious in game: it's either from 35E that does not appear during week 1 in the original game, only on W1D7 in the final remix (so the pin choice for the anime was decided when they made final remix? Though that's kind of hard to believe), or to evolve from Love Me Tether which is a pig drop on day 6.


- Calling as an OP substitute is a natural choice. All fans would love that. Aaaaand we just get another remix of Twister.

- A-East was renamed probably because it was purchased by Tsutaya after the original game.

- The 1-3 bat boss was defeated by a 4-man collab, which is of course different from the original game. But relating to what we saw from the Neo trailer, I guess this will be the norm in Neo?

- They simplified the imprint system. I wish I could do the same instead of hissing around for the meme keywords.

- New fish noises?

- They mentioned that the noises will grow stronger over time. This wasn't in the original game. Instead it's closer to the mechanics in the 3 new days. Maybe something similar in Neo?

And that's all. Stay tuned for my impression on week 2 contents!

Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Two problems on cubic functions

Problem 1. Find the number of integer solutions to the equation 
$m^3+n^3+30mn = 10^3$ with $mn \geq 0$.

I was given the above question today which is a pity because I've been drafting questions for some other contests. Questions like the above is definitely something I would consider.

At first glance recall the identity $(m+n)^3 = m^3 + n^3 + 3mn(m+n)$, so if $m+n = 10$ then the equation becomes $(m+n)^3 = 10^3$, and that gives 11 solutions $(10,0),...,(1,9), (0,10)$. This is however not all the solutions -- and that's why the question is not an easy one.

Now consider a more general factorization where $m+n = k$. Then the equation becomes
$k^3 + (30-3k)mn = 10^3$
$10^3 - k^3 = (10-k)(10^2+10k+k^2) = 3(10-k)mn$.

If $k\neq 10$ then we expand $k$ to obtain
$10^2 + 10(m+n) + (m+n)^2 = 3mn$
$m^2-mn+n^2-10m-10n+10^2 = 0$
$(m+10)^2+(n+10)^2-(m+10)(n+10) = 0$.

Since $LHS \geq 0$ we have the only extra solution $m = n = -10$, and there are 12 solutions in total.


When we see cubic equations in contests we know it's going to be nasty. Here is another one, from an university entrance exam in the late seventies or early eighties.

Problem 2. Sketch the graph of $x^3+y^3-3xy = 0$.

I recommend you to plot the graph using Wolframalpha because otherwise who in the world could sketch this by mathematically analyzing the function $x^3+y^3-3xy$?

Notice that the curve has an asymptote $y=-1-x$ (notice that $x^3+y^3-3xy = -1$ when $x+y=-1$, like what we did in problem 1, but mathematically showing the asymptote falls to the category of algebraic geometry, where you calculate the tangent at infinity. See this post for example). So we start with a change in coordinates $(x,y) = ((X+Y)/2, (X-Y)/2)$ (by the way why a multiple of 2 not $\sqrt{2}$ which gives an orthogonal transformation? Well 2 is easier to calculate with but more importantly, it cancels the coefficient of $X^3$) which rotates the asymptote into a vertical line. The new transformed equation is then $X^3-3X^2+3XY^2+3Y^2 = X^2(X-3)+3Y^2(1+X)=0$, so the graph becomes the plot of 
$Y = \pm \sqrt{ \frac{-X^2(X-3)}{3(1+X)}}$ ,     (1)
which has domain (-1,3] and a vertical asymptote at $X = -1$ as expected. The roots of the function are of course $X = 0,3$, and the extrema (of the positive bit) is $\sqrt{2\sqrt{3}-3}$ at $X = \sqrt{3}$ (high school calculus by looking at the function $\frac{-X^2(X-3)}{3(1+X)}$). Finally, since the curve is smooth everywhere, you know that the cross at the origin are actually two smooth and symmetric curves and that should be enough to sketch the graph. (Even better, using implicit differentiation and (1) you know that 
$(\frac{dY}{dX})^2 = \frac{X^2(2-X)^2}{4Y^2(1+X)^2} = \frac{3(2-X)^2(1+X)}{4(1+X)^2(3-X)} = 1$ at the origin. Therefore the two tangents at the origin are of slope $\pm 1$.)

This curve is pretty famous in fact -- its name is the Folium of Descartes. This is just another example that people always get their ideas for exam questions from the old stuffs regardless of the time.

This is the beauty of the old entrance exams: you get questions too analytic and too open-ended for high school or college Olympiad but too hard under modern high school or college curriculum. These are questions that we do not meet everyday, but I guarantee that a large portion of them are fun to play with.

Thursday, 22 April 2021

Thoughts on ESL (3): the future and other observations

That was 2016, the first year of the Yokohama era. Torres was long gone. I had many other possible choices especially Ivanovic and Hazard, but I chose Torres without any hesitation. The reason is simple: Champions League is the highest platform and the CL semi-final is the best tie in the world. Torres scored the critical goal in the best tie in the world, in 2012. 


The ESL did not appear just because of American capitals. UEFA and their cups have to take a big part of the blame. In fact, this is not the first time that the big clubs came together and tried to form a group out of the FIFA/UEFA framework and that was the G14 scandal 20 years ago. Only this time they came together in the form of a new football league overriding CL, hence a much sharper conflict.

UEFA has been known to be fully corrupted. Platini's attempt to "promote beautiful football" by suppressing Barca's opponents is by far the most iconic scandal. Their Nations League and the expanded CL were made to raise more money without bear the responsibility of taking care of those really exhausted players. They are unfair on the matter of financial fair play (FFP) and they never make clear about their financial situation. Perez made a good quote out of that: "I know the salary of LeBron James, but I have no idea about the salary of the UEFA president."

For owners of the big clubs though, whether players were forced to play 70 games per season or were treated unfairly on the pitch is of secondary concern. Their ultimate goal is to squeeze more money out of the club, and this is a common goal among the 12 clubs joining ESL -- and this is their only common goal.

The big clubs of course do have different considerations. United, Arsenals, Liverpool and Milan who are owned by American capitals together with Perez's Real Madrid, is trying to introduce the American model into football (just listen to FP's talk about shortening match duration and so on). Clubs like Barca, Juventus, Chelsea (and City) takes it as a leverage against UEFA. Clubs like Atletico, Spurs and Arsenal are not the best among the big names, so they feared to miss out the chance to earn big in ESL. With different motivation behind, it's hard to expect them to unite strongly against the expected pressure around the globe.

When we say that everyone involved in football (except the owners) opposed the idea of ESL, we also have to admit that sometimes the opposition of football fans (plus pundits and coaches and players...) does not mean much to the higher ups. Arsenal, United and Newcastle  fans have been shouting Kroenke, Glazer and Ashley out for years and oh they are still leeching the club. They are not leaving because fans wanted them to leave (probably not this time though). 

Just look at big6's reaction against FA, EPL, ECA and UEFA's condemnation. It was expected that ESL will not be liked by most people. What they did not expect is that the fan's violent reaction triggered strong responses from the governments: Tories and Labours united in UK and Macaron standing for PSG's decision. City's legal team might be better than UEFA's, but they are nothing against government's policy. Once Boris Johnson mentioned working visa everything is over -- that is out of legal action's reach. Considering how hard is getting a working visa for a footballer in UK after Brexit, there are so many ways to stop foreign players to play for ESL in UK. For those who shorted United shares when BJ stood out and talked about ESL congratulations you know football (and stocks market) really well (that should have been 10% profits in two days!).

And the future. What is good for the industry and the teams? Clearly the CL expansion is a big no and that should be retreated. This is however technically hard as it just went through as a response to ESL. I think there are alternatives even if we have to adopt 36 teams in CL -- for example just put them into 9 groups of 4, and 4 worst runner-ups will have to compete for the two final seats in the last 16. They really need to control number of matches played by the teams strictly.

UEFA already promised to increase the CL bonus. Some even says they paid the English clubs secretly to lure them to withdraw from the ESL. This is great to the teams, but it also implies that UEFA actually hid their profit from the participating clubs. They need to be more transparent financially.

And 50+1? I know many agreed with the idea and praised the German League especially Bayern, but honestly I don't agree. Competitively it is not so great inside the league and all other teams are like served Bayern to be the giant representative. They are not even close to their successes in Europe like back in 2012-15. Teams other than Bayern failed to do well in both the domestic league and the European cups. Even with EPL's commercial success I heavily doubt if the League is good enough to breed 6 big teams under the 50+1 system. Implementation of the system is technically hard too. 50+1 means fans need to buy the shares from the current owners -- and that would be billions of dollars under current market value. The league must go on without interruption -- you can't really stop City or other teams from playing the just because she's not turning into 50+1 quick enough. There are also comments on Reddit suggesting the use of shares of different classes (with different voting rights) but bare in mind that it still costs unrealistic amount of money and, shares of different classes is still not a thing in Europe (soon in London, but whether or not that applies to unlisted company is another thing).


Finally below are some random observations. It is always interesting to read the event from other perspectives.

- UK government's reaction is certainly a consequence of reaction from fans plus the rest of football industry, but it is also the tradition of Britain protecting their soft power seriously. Football is one of the most important icon of England, and it would be a shame if that turns into the American style. It is an easy decision for the government to take.

- Some suggested that the EPL teams withdrew too early. They could have waited for negotiation with UEFA before and look for concession -- because this is what some teams wanted in the first hand -- if possible. I actually agree but the immediate reaction all over the world made that impossible. Look at the protests at Stamford Bridge: if the big6 didn't retreat that night, without any doubt we will see violent protests in front of (inside) the Spurs' stadium on Wednesday.

- Conspiracy theory: what we saw is American capitals entering football market trying to turn that into the American way for more profit. But what about American capitals trying to ruin football so that they can promote their American sports?

- When you look into online forums, the reaction from English based communities and Chinese based communities are completely different. Watching people grudging against UEFA so much that they wanted ESL anyhow even to the point of associating UEFA with supremacy theories is...just funny.

- FP did make a correct point of teenagers having more diversified entertainment and less are watching football. That is correct but can be salvaged by different means. Football in the past 30 or 50 years was promoted in the traditional way: local communities and traditional media like radio and TV. These are pretty much past tense and clubs/FAs/UEFAs need other ways to promote football in 2021. On reddit people gave a great example: chess. Being such an ancient and complicated game, chess received much better attention in recent years via streaming and also Netflix's movie. On the traditional sports side F1 is also doing great by promoting their sport online. I wonder why can't they do the same for football -- or that they are not willing to invest for greater good?

- There are comparisons between the ESL scandal (which survived for 2 days flat) and the hundred days revolution in China (~1910). Of course they are not totally the same (for example the difference in stakeholders that opposes the changes), but this is quite insightful actually. One lesson for FP: stop talking so idealistically and anger more people. 

And...that's about it. I never thought I would rant that much (5000 words) but that's possibly because I never write about football other than the matches themselves. Thanks for reading and I hope to write about football again when Chelsea lifts the CL this year, if that ever happens...

Thoughts on ESL (2): consequences and why we shouldn't

Perhaps it's not a bad idea to adopt a new business model of football after all, so the question is, why is ESL bad for football? My answer has been partially covered in the first part, that it breaks down the pyramid model and shrinks the industry scale massively, but let us go into the details.

First of all we need to make clear of what games they will be playing with ESL. Currently top division leagues are playing 38 games a season. In England the two cups would be another 2 to 12 games, and European cups would be 6 to 15 more games (most will get 8 in extra). That means top teams are currently playing up to 65 games a year. That is a tremendous amount and people are complaining about injury problems with frequent and intensive games. What if we take ESL into consideration?

According to the news, the 20 teams are divided into two group with round-robin inside the group then some extra play-offs. That would be 20 games in minimum which is damn lot! If they are playing domestic leagues and cups as well then they must play at least 70 games, about 10 more than average. Considering how condensed the fixtures are in the second half of a season, fitting 70 games means they are already playing 2 games per week since early season. That is absolutely impractical and excessive injuries will consume the top players fast.

While the rest of the teams are certainly opposing EPL all together with the attitude of the FA, the fans, the coaches and the government, it is unlikely that the big teams will still play in their original leagues. Assuming that the big teams will now play the ESL and perhaps some domestic cups, what do we expect from here?

It is clear that the top domestic leagues take the greatest impact since the big teams are the icon of the leagues. The commercial value could drop vastly without them. On the other hand the leagues may have to promote extra teams from the lower divisions and that may temporally lower the match quality.

A slight unexpected drop in TV revenue could cause great trouble to some teams in the top flight, especially in La Liga (Spain) and Serie A (Italy). They are struggling financially in general even before 2019 to the point of having difficulty of paying the salary weekly on time. In 2020 they took another heavy hit and some of them had to negotiate with the players for plans to cut the salary so that the club wouldn't go bankrupt straightaway. It is foreseeable that these clubs with even less revenue received will not be as competitive as of now. They may cut cost, sell their profitable players and reduce investment on the youths. That is detrimental to the whole industry. The worst case scenario would be simultaneous financial problems from multiple teams in the league to the point that games cannot be held properly. The league will be severely dragged at the point as huge compensation may need to be made. Imagine what happens with Leeds and many other teams with financial troubles -- to dive into third divisions or lower -- happening on multiple top division teams? That's would be the middle layer of the pyramid crumbling.

And what happens to the bottom of the pyramid? With top flight clubs now restricted to 12, 15 or 20 clubs only it will be much harder to become a "top flight player" as opposed to nearly 100 teams in the top 5 domestic leagues in Europe. It will be much less profitable to play in the domestic leagues even if you play for the new top teams in those leagues. As a result the industry receives less new blood in general lowering the quality of players in the long term. 

The ESL clubs are also cutting their connection with their local fans, and that ruins the local football culture. Sometimes it's even hard to find a substitute. 
Doing that in London is easy: Crystal Palace, West Ham, Fulham or even QPR (not for Chelsea fans) are some alternatives, but what about fans in Manchester? Which team are they going to support other than the Manchester duos? Like FC United? For people that enjoyed football and share the history with their club for 20, 40 years or multiple generations, clubs joining ESL would be the heartbreaking moment for them and they will never come back again, so as their children. 10 or 20 years later, where are you going to obtain good players like now? Smaller clubs certainly won't become minor clubs because they have their own history and local fans. Not way that they can get enough funding like the NCAA model. That is the bottom of the pyramid turning into sand. By the time when we raise our eyes and look at the top, ESL is no more than a castle in the sky, if not already sunk.

I am also skeptical about the expected sales of ESL. Remember the four American leagues are making so much money not only because they are commercially successful, but also because they are from America, one of the wealthiest countries that invests so heavily on entertainment. The 12 clubs are promised 3.5 billion euros "welcome bonus" from the ESL, when distributed could be as much as what they can earn by winning CL. That is however not free money -- this is by pawning the broadcasting rights. The sales revenue will be in theory promising but one never knows. How much can you sell it for when people are opposing the idea so much? For example if you look at the EPL, a big portion of EPL revenue comes from local broadcasting and not overseas: the ridiculous pricing from Skysports or iTV has been complained years over years but that was withstood by the people because it is their local teams. Overseas permits over America and Asia worth less comparing to Europe and the same phenomenon holds for CL. Whoever broadcasts the games are also under the pressure from the people -- in fact, DANZ and Amazon, declined the rumor/deal very early on. What happens if you failed to create enough revenue to pay back the "welcome bonus"? Well, good luck dealing with American capitals.

Some people say that the financial situation of the big clubs (Barca and the Italian trio) are bad enough and they urgently need a source of funds right now, so they had no choice but joined ESL. In theory the welcome bonus could have helped them to survive this pandemic crisis and after that they can rely on the great success of ESL, but is it worth to bet on something that may not return well but will absolutely ruin the industry in long term? Having financial problems is not the end of the club -- at the worst case they will take a dive, but they are backed by the fans who will support them till they return into glory.

When the ESL teams cut off their association with domestic leagues, their connection with domestic cups are also much weaker. Cups play an important role in the football ecosystem and it is bad to have teams that plays even more negatively on the cup matches. Cup matches is magical in the world of football because it is so unpredictable. It is the stage of smaller teams doing their best to knock out the giants. The unpredictability comes from the fact that these matchups are rare and tactical prediction works less often. If Chelsea plays against Luton town 3 times in a row, I can tell for sure starting from the fourth time and so on Chelsea will beat the shit out of Luton Town every single time (no offence to Luton Town). But the first encounter? Luton Town has a small but realistic chance to pull something out there. 

I always say that the CL semi-final is the most entertaining games in the world, and that is again due to rare encounter but also this is the highest stage before the final with only the strong teams around. It would be boring to see Bayern vs PSG many times in the League, but having that in a quarter-final knockout is another level of thriller. Strategies for knockout ties are completely different from league encounters as they bare a greater consequence. Without CL this may not happen again.

Domestic cup games is an important part of the ecosystem. For the FA Cup, TV revenues and ticket sales are split between the two teams in every leg. Whenever a small team gets to play against a giant team (in an away game) then they get to sell thousands of tickets in a big stadium. The extra one million or so  may not help the top teams a lot, but it could be more than the yearly income of some third division teams. The extra money could be used to acquire better players and improve the infrastructures. Despite the dream of playing against the big names, money is also a big motivation for smaller teams to play the best in cup games. It would be a disgrace if the ESL teams still decide to participate these cups but to play even more negatively with more benched players starting the game (and still win), what is then the point for smaller teams to do their best? They may just surrender right away since they have already pocketed the money and they will lose anyway. The lost in competitiveness is the last thing we want to see in football.

As of now ESL is basically dead, but its impact is far from over. The potential punishments from the leagues and UEFA are still pending, and the ESL does indeed signal an alert about the football industry. In the last part I want to talk about some possible aftermath as well as all sorts of random observations.

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Thoughts on ESL (1): the European football model

It was 6:30 a.m. and I was preparing for a late sleep. I know it will be Chelsea vs Brighton in 30 minutes, but I don't really care. Semi-final in 7 years? It's nothing comparing with what Chelsea, along with 11 other clubs, planning for something that could potentially destroy football as the most popular sport in the world. I rolled on the bed scrolling over Reddit, Skysports, BBC and all other new sources and forums and simply failed to sleep. I have so much to talk about the European Super League (ESL) --- I failed to squeeze out the time to talk about that, but maybe it is a good time right now.

As I am writing we have received some good news -- Chelsea and City are leaving. Ed Woodward resigned. Altetico and Barca are there to leave. We will see more in the coming days, but I will try to cover my thoughts about ESL in general.

The American sport model is something that I never appreciate with because competitiveness has to give way to entertainment and commercial consideration. When we say sport we mean competition. Entertainment comes from players doing the best to win, not by placing cheerleading girls or MC warming up the games. Wrestling, boxing and MMA is merely a comical joke trying to make up stories among players. 

The four American leagues -- are closed on their own with all the smaller leagues withering. Recently we observe a reform of the baseball minor leagues (MiLB) shutting down a number of teams. They were down so easily because minor teams are simply not sustainable in the American model. They hang on the poor little money from the Major and squeeze the most out of their players -- overnight bus trips to the field, salary lower than most normal office workers, and of course no pay during the off-season. Taking a step back the NCAA model is not even sustainable without the help of the colleges and the government. All we see is a greedy league sucking the blood from the youth ladders for their money and glory. There is no need to doubt the players' professionalism, but what can you do when those sports are designed to entertain in ways other than pure competition? (There is no room for cheating and violent plays though -- they shouldn't be part of the game and should not be counted into competitiveness.)

Close leagues and the drafting system making things even worse because team can benefit from intentionally play bad/not playing the their best. We have seen that happening in MLB over and over again: Rays, Cardinals, Marlins...and even the Cubs team that broke the curse and won WS! Why is it possible for a team to benefit from being bad? There are similar operations in the world of football as well. Arsenal with her owner Kronke is one of the best example: the investment is calculated to be just enough to keep their commercial value while making consultant company that "gives advices" about the players' market (which doesn't seem to be helpful after all). But the borderline is they must perform up to a certain level (top 4 and CL spot, or top 6 with EL spot) -- that's why EPL is always fun to watch on teams around such ranks. 

Of course I watch baseball, but that is more of a substitution when football's off-season. I enjoy the number and science behind baseball, and I appreciate how off-speed pitches work. But at the end of the day I never feel the same passion from baseball as from football. Football is the culture, identity and religion of those who love it. (Another reason I prefer football than baseball is that baseball is discrete in nature and too easy to quantify -- sports lose part of their sacred or romantic mask with numbers, but that's a topic for another day).

Football in Europe takes the pyramid model instead. The pyramid means that lower teams provide variety and base numbers, while the top teams provide attractiveness and money which part of those will be transferred down the pyramid.

For example lower teams are not under the upper teams (slightly different in Spain but that does not happen in the top division so we will overlook that), but they are still motivated to breed good players. For the sake of their team result for sure, but good players also bring important revenues by selling them to higher teams. Often there are clauses that the original team gets a small portion of the transfer fee if the player is sold again -- which is often to an even bigger team -- which brings more money to the lower teams.

Instead of a single closed league, there are multiple divisions of leagues within a country, divided just like a pyramid. That pushes teams to do well to be rewarded, and at the bottom-line fight to survive. There are also continental and domestic cups that reward teams who performed well over a short period of time. Top leagues like the Premier League (EPL) sells the most because it is quite famous even overseas but not the lower leagues, but they have been funding and supporting the lower leagues significantly (although that's part of the agreement on 1991). Lower leagues even without the money from EPL are also live with esteem: ticket sales, broadcasting revenue (especially they do well in cup matches) are already good enough for them. 

It's just a free market with some protection, and it is way healthier than the American model. The whole industry is sustainable and everyone's happy by getting their bit out of it. The difference in sports model perfectly reflects the difference between American capitalism and European capitalism. It may be hard to tell which capitalism is better, but in the world of Football or sports industry, the European way is much preferred.

To be continued --- I shall cover the football aspect of ESL in the second half, after having some good sleep. That's 10 a.m. here after the 0-0 game against Brighton...

Friday, 9 April 2021

08/04/2021: Neo The World Ends with You revealed

There aren't many things that could catch my attention immediately and motivates me to address on my blog that is three entries in four days, but the following is one of them: the true remake of the best RPG game in the DS era, The World Ends With You (TWEWY) is finally getting a true remake this summer! The game that I have awaited for finally is finally here 13 years after the debut, along with the animation that will be on air in the coming 24 hours.

Final remix works as a memory freshener but merely amazes players simply because Switch is not DS, and many features tailored for DS were gone. This is just a porting attempt that wasn't very successful.

I am not fully prepared to write something about TWEWY in full length, at least not before we are a few episodes into the animation. But there are sooooooo many things that I would be hyped for the game:

- Story: The original 3 weeks + another days + secret report wasn't complete. And neither did the extra days from the final remix. But it is a good time to let go and enter a new chapter, and we can leave the details to the animation or novels if necessary. I look forward to a completely new story but also with reference to the old world.

- Artwork: TWEWY perfected their art expression (some complained the skinny skeleton but I don't mind really). The characters, the items and the pins all reflected the taste of Shibuya in 2008. I know Shibuya so well that I can surf freely there without getting lost on my first arrival to Tokyo. The caption in fashion with extreme variation is the key element of TWEWY that is uncontested in the DS era, and I would say it even trumps the Persona series.

In the Neo trailer Rindo and other characters are clearly dressed in the 2021 fashion. We also see a revamped Shibuya yet familiar. I look forward to the art elements in the game very much.

- Combat system: historically unique is what I would describe the original combat system. Two screen sharing the same HP bar with a completely separate input system that is controlled by a single player. Without the help of game breaking items, beating the post-game contents is a supreme but very interesting challenge. Final remix is a pain to play not just because this is stupidly ported into switch, and even all the stylus related psych's are not working as smooth as in the original version. 

In the Neo trailer, we saw a completely redesigned system so hypes are there. We also observe multiple characters on the screen so there might be another form of multi-controls. There are also discussions on Reddit finding that it is possible for the characters to be binded to a few pins. It makes sense just to consider Neku was the only one who mastered so many pins in the original game, but I still regard the variety of pins to be a great selling point of the game. We will see how that works out.

And, the 3D fighting scene. Who doesn't love Genshin-like fights?

Music: No more words are needed I guess, TWEWY contains some of the best game soundtracks around. Twister, Someday, Calling or not -- just bring it on. That is the part that I never worried about.

Misc: there are many features in the original game that was not even properly handled in the Switch version. Tin Pin is one of them. We need more multiplayer content, as it fits the current trend anyway.

...and yes, what about more Radian and So Zetta Slow noises?


Update after the second trailer: 

It's been a thrilling day. Having hundreds of TWEWY fans hyping the same trailer in the same chatroom is simply unreal. Everyone is shouting about what they found in the trailer with the slightest references to the original game. Pin style, Tsugumi references, Minimimoto....and of course Neku.

WELCOME BACK, Neku. We look forward to your performance.

I really like the deluxe package but all I want is Mr. Mew plushie and the artbook. It is a bit unfortunate that the artbook is not included in the NA version but we will see. It is also good to know that they are releasing all regional versions on the same day so that I won't need to buy the Japanese version first before going back to the English version. But maybe I will again, because it's TWEWY...

Wednesday, 7 April 2021

07/04/2021: 約稿相關






Monday, 5 April 2021

r/second: the Reddit April Fool 2021

Every year on the first of April, Reddit hosts a "social experiment" which is nothing more than a time limited inspiring minigame. One of the greatest example is the r/place which is truly impactful as a precious snapshot of the Internet on April 2017.

Many abandoned the tradition of making something funny for the day on 2020, but fortunately Reddit held on and again delivering something simple but funny this year. Introducing the r/second

This is a simple game: each round consists of three pictures sampled online including memes, vintage games, among us mates or even simple words. People would vote for one of the three, but only the one ranked the second would be considered victorious. 

There are 3 phases in total. Mid-term results are revealed during the two transitions, giving hints on which one to vote for. That of course comes with a penalty. 

Those who voted in the first phase gets +9 for a correct answer and -3 for an incorrect answer.
Those who voted in the second phase gets +6/-2.
Those who voted in the third phase gets +3/-1.

Unlike those redditors who eat chalks and murmur about tendies (you pretend that you don't but actually you do, especially those with diamond hands), you actually smelled a way to score effectively. What would you do?

The correct answer is: you should find a time machine and travel back to 96 hours ago, because the event has already ended. But let's assume that it hasn't, how can we perform well in this event?

Assume the following. 

1) The three images are indistinguishable. 
2) The population's strategy remains constant.

The first one is actually reasonable even to those who knows memes well because of the dynamics. Even if you can tell which is more popular, comparing the three is a completely different story.

A quick glance at the leaderboard reveals that top players score around 4.7 points per win. Points gained per game is actually a hidden stat, but assuming that he only goes for phase two then he has been correct for about 80% of the times. That says, his average point per game participated is around 3.7. Can we get close to this number?

Attempt 1: Blind guessing

Well if you decided to vote every time on phase 1, then according to the assumption the only thing you can do is to guess blindly. That gives a 33% correct rate and an average of 1 per game. Not bad, but we can definitely do better.

Attempt 2: Blind guessing, no middle

Someone took record of the first 500 games and found that the middle come second at only 20% of the times in contrast to 40% for left and right. If we guess blindly without middle the correct rate is raised to 40% and the average point per game would be 1.8, still far away from optimal.

Don't forget that skipping a particular round is actually a viable option, but only when you are not guessing on phase one because guessing on phase one this round or next round are indifferent according to our assumption. But what if we start to take mid-term results into consideration?

We shall note that the target average score implies that guessing on phase three is inefficient, so we now consider strategy on phase two.

We observe that when mid-term are released, people vote for both the first and second. They vote for second of course for free win, but they also vote for the first in hope that the second would overshoot. One certain thing is that no one is voting the third unless the three are close.

Attempt 3: Guessing first or second randomly

That gives a correct rate of almost 50% and an average of 2 per game. Can we do even better?

We assumed that the population's reaction to mid-terms is consistent. This is actually in line with the observation. We may therefore apply kernel estimates to create a map $f(x_1,x_2) = p$ meaning that when the mid-term reveals that the first has $x_1$ of the votes and the second has $x_2$ of votes then there is a chance $p$ for the first to win (i.e. for the first to come second at the end). 

Note that it is the percentage difference that matters: dynamics from a 45%-40%-15% distribution should be almost the same as a 40%-35%-25% distribution. So we may compress the data into a single parameter distribution: $f(x_1-x_2) = p$ when the percentage difference is $x_1-x_2$ then there is a chance $p$ for the first to win. 

Attempt 4: KDE prediction + skips

Although I never traced the numbers seriously, it can be observed that when the first leads by a large margin (say 10%), the second is almost certain to win despite everyone voting for it after mid-term. We expect the function about is quite close to 0 or 1 at the tails. We can then maximize the integral

$R(I) = \left ( \int_I g_X(x) \right )^{-1}\int _I g_X(x)(6\max(f(x), (1-f(x)))-2\min (f(x), (1-f(x))))dx $

by choosing the interval $I$ properly. The above may simplify into 

$R(I) = 2 + 4 \left ( \int_I g_X(x) \right )^{-1}\int _I g_X(x) |1-2f(x)| dx = 2+4E(|1-2X| \mid X\in I) \geq 2$, 

where $g_X$ is the probability density for the parameter $x_1-x_2$. Since $R(I)\geq 2$, this strategy is strictly better than attempt 3, and this is a strong indicator that the mid-term results are extremely useful. If we smoothen $f$ and $g_X$ so that it is differentiable (in the computational sense) then this is just a simple exercise of calculus.

There is a problem though. If we take $I$ a very slim set then we win almost every time but voting may only happen for every 5 or 10 games, but top players win 55% out of all games! That means they probably have voted for at least 75% of the available games (not taking sleeping time into account even). 

Instead one may want to maximize the score gained per game, whether you skipped or not. This is simply the maximization of score! Since the expectation is always positive for any approaches mentioned above, what you should do in this case is to participate all games and always vote in phase two. When $f(x)$ is close to 1 or 0, vote for the indicated one, and otherwise vote randomly between first and second. (Or if you trust your function $f$, always follow the indicator, since your correct rate should always be above 50%.) 

Unfortunately I never collected the mid-terms and I don't notice anyone else who did. All that was left is the final result of the rounds, which do not help too much. Yet I believe this approach will be good enough for us to match the top rankers.

One last note: the mid-terms are not fixed snapshots. You actually get to see the votes in live for a few seconds. I do not think that helps much however as the dynamics largely depend on percentage difference of the round, hence nothing significant can be extracted out there. 


Let's be honest -- there are many more valuable things we may do if we had the chance to travel back to 1/4. r/second is no match against r/place after all. This is merely a little game that expires so fast. One better thing to do on 1/4 would be watching Your lie in April in my opinion. Yes?