Given X as a uniform distribution from 0 to 1. What's the expected value of E(1/X)?
Recall the formula of E(X) for uniform distribution
When we extend the formula into continous distribution it becomes
Firstly we have
Now how can we get the probability distribution for
Consider the following, let a and b be numbers within
Now take the inverse, let the inverse of X be Y:
Note that it isn't
Checking gives the desired answer:
Now let's check the expected value
However with simple matlab code you simply find that a finite value is returned:
total = 0
for I = 1:1e8
avg = (avg*(I-1)+rand)/I; %If you wish you can get the total before avg, but we try to avoid floating point turncating problem here.
With some trials usually we get values around 15~20 which is contradictory to our expectation. You don't believe you're making an error, so you plot the distribution of average of 1/X with some matlab code:
for J=1:n
for I=1:20000
end %loop taking average of 1/X
for J=1:n
for K=1:100
if avg(J)>=(K-1)&avg(J) < K
count(K) = count(K)+1
end %this is the counting machine
count = count/20000 %count -> probit
Note that the above code takes quite a long time too compute. This is the graph plotted with the above code:
With such a clear result we don't really need to interpret the above result in detail, but what we noticed is that the expected value is different from what we get. Now think reversely. When we expect infinity when we find the reciprocal of number between 0 and 1? It's 0. Inversely if the number drawn is not close enough to zero the expected value is finite, and this should be true because all rand generated are non-zero and rational. Consider the following distribution:
For this one we can calculate the expected value of X easily:
(Note: this is not suprising.
1) The diverging speed is equal since the integral result gives
2) Of course they would converge in the same speed because they're only the discrete and continuous version of the same function. This is the core idea of the integral convergence test.)
With result of Euler we know that
In this section we discussed the basis of expected value with reciprocal operation, which will be useful in the coming sections. Last but not least, we'll bring out an very important inequality to avoid further mistakes:
This inequality works in most of the cases and is verified above.
Foods for thought:
1) Can you statistically describe the graph plotted above? Is it bionomial or poisson distribution, and why?
2) Use the above formula approximating Harmonic series to estimate the floating point limit of the computers.
3) If the floating point limit is extended (like from a single float to a double float), how do you expect the graph to shift? How about the case of infinity where the rand gives perfectly random numbers?
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