Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Concerning the notes

Currently my ftp site got demolished without any notice --- that's quite hash for me, and my site.

I'm going to find a new host for them as soon as possible, and I hope this can be done within the entire month. This won't be an easy task --- I have no backup in my current computer and I'm afraid that some of the junior form subject notes has been lost --- I will find them with my best. If they are not found I'll try to compensate it through other means.

FTP hosts are getting less common these days. We have experienced the evolution process of online social platform --- MSN community (late 90s) --- geocities (90s - early 10s) --- forums (00s) --- blogs (00s) --- and facebook. As written in the book Zero, the future of a radical price professionalism declines on the web --- and they evolves into more integrated platform. Individual sites lost its commercial potential when people use facebook --- and now no one supplies free FTP host. This will be a long and sad story but let's keep this piece of entry be an announcement rather than complaints.

I planned to make a full site connecting to this blog with the notes, but that would absolutely be a great challenge for me, and it takes quite a lot of time.

What should you do if you want to retrieve the notes?

1) Take the web version from this blog.
2) Serior form notes are hosted here temperorily: I'm sorry for the stupid advertisment. I'll find a new host ASAP, as mentioned.

Thanks for supporting my blog, and if you have any enquiries put it in the (on the right hand side), or comment anywhere in my site. To make this entry 'sticky' I'll not write any new stuff until the problem is solved.


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