Sunday, 20 July 2014

20 July 2014

What a shame that I didn't write anything for the last 3 months here. I don't have any issues in mathematics to talk about here, so this is a rare entries with my own updates.

Firstly a faithful congratulation toward the schoolmate in my secondary school, who won a silver medal in IMO 2014 at a relatively young age. Without doubt that he is capable and will achieve more in the future.


RAMMASUN (09W) whose forced a typhoon signal no. 3 has just been dissipated in Vietnam. This is a rare occasion when a typhoon can develop greatly in northern South China Sea close to the coastal line. Traditionally geographical environment is not very favouring for super typhoon because the sea body is not large enough (comparing with East Sea and north west Pacific Sea) and not deep enough (when the typhoon absorbs the heat in the sea surface, warmer sea water comes up to provide more energy) to support a strong typhoon. However RAMMASUN reached 135kt before landing under the assistance of most if not all the other positive factor, and once more we can appreciate the beauty of nature here. Of course we also hope that those who are injured, homeless, or lost their beloved due to the storm, will get well soon.

09W has gone, but MATMO (10W) is coming, also with 95W and 96W. For a typhoon fans it is reasonable for us to expect more. It is worthy to mention that HKO again has an almost perfect prediction on the track of RAMMASUN in the South China Sea. Although MATMO is still in the Pacific side, it is interesting to see which observatory can make an accurate prediction on the behaviour of the storm as well as the subtropical ridge.


Chelsea my favourite team has bought a few stars this transfer window that we will expect more next year. We have to say, even after the World Cup, that Luiz is a crucial player against the strong teams. Without him the team can't really achieve a stunning 5W1L against the other top 4 teams. Of course, 50M pounds is a good deal, then we have to find more suitable players to substitute him. Yesterday I watched the 3-2 reversal against Wimbledon where Terry score twice --- I can see many young players with potentials but yet need more real bloody experience. Want some more,Vitesse?


I have written a set of notes for my friends on probability. After some reforming I will probably release it here. Same as the complex analysis last semester, the courses that I will take this semester --- functional analysis and manifold analysis is quite specific and I may not be able to address something easy and meaningful here, but I will try, if this is possible.

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