When you search for chunithm song lists on Youtube, a bunch of them fall into the category of "my recommended/rated list at rating XX" and the rating involved is most likely 16.00. Why? That's because the rating in-game is colour coded and 16.00 is coloured in rainbow, the highest possible one. Of course higher rating is possible and there are many vids about lists at 16.25, 16.5, 16.75 and 17.00, but 16.00 is still the most significant stage after all. If you look into those videos the creators comment heavily on each song on why they performed well on the song or where is it hard/easy and so on. It's almost like...a grad dissertation where you are allowed graduation by achieving 16.00 and are obligated to analyse your achievement.
With my recently achieved 16.00 I am here to follow the tradition and present mine. Admittedly I am not 16.00 over best 30 yet (it's 15.94), but I feel like boosting my rating to 16.00 with recent scores and I did it ^.<
Map styles are extremely diversified in chunithm because of the complicated input system -- in math terms the dimension is very high. As a result it is normal to find players significantly overperforming on particular type of maps and underperforming on some others.
When players make their "dissertation", they first talk about their previous exposure to MUGs and how that allowed them to play particular maps better. Some examples are WACCA or maimai when it comes to slides as well as iidx or arcaea when it comes to 4k or 5k charts. It can also be some very general stuff like exposure to reading confusing or gimmicky patterns, or quick tappers.
I am very special in the sense that my exposure is rather uncommon -- DDR and nostalgia. DDR helped nothing at all -- not even stamina when you only need to move your hands not the whole body. Nostalgia on the other hand defined my advantage over others as its keyboard is almost the same as the chunithm board. As a result I overperform on maps with narrow notes or any patterns that resemble charts from nostalgia. Slider is fine, but wriggly slider is really my nightmare possibly because I don't use gloves.
Rated list
Instead of listing them right away, I want to divide them into 3 categories:
1) Outperform in nature: maps that I outperformed due to my exposure to other MUGs particularly nostalgia. Replicating scores may not be easy depending on your style.
2) Outperform by coincidence: maps that are generally viable but I made a particularly good score vs my regular performance. Replicating should be okay if you have good accuracy in general.
3) Natural performance: maps and scores that I feel standard to most players.
For each categories I go from the lowest to highest rated with comments. At the end I also want to give a few extra nominations for maps I love but failed to make into the list.
↓↓↓↓The list below is quite long as it should be with comments on 30+ maps. Click "read more" for the rest↓↓↓↓
Natural performance
#30 Warcry (14.3, 1004739, 15.77) Narrow sliders but I don't think they would cause any problem at this level. I expect an easy SSS if not the streamy part at the end.
#28 祈 -我ら神祖と共に歩む者なり- Master (15.4, 984322, 15.77) Why natural performance? It's all about hitting whatever you can. Some says S+ is easy but not for me.
#27 Strange Love Expert (13.7, 1008386, 15.78) I usually play one or two 13+ as my first song of the day, some ended up with top scores like that but I never tried hard to farm on 13+ because (1) I can't remember which are 13.8 or 13.9 and which are not and (2) I can't SSS blindly on every single 13+. I don't see anything hard at this level for this map though.
#25 BlythE (14.1, 1005985, 15.79FC) 1/2 spamming with loads of air notes but nothing else. It's a one trick pony really.
#22 CELERITAS (14.5, 1002949, 15.79) Sweeping is essential if you want to excel anything from 14+ and this is a great example, quite easy in overall but rated 14.5. The biggest problem for me isn't sweeping but the mix between 1/2 and triplets (from 1:55), and you will see that multiple times along this list.
#17 I'll make you Super Rock Star (14.0, 1006719, 15.84) A very late addon to my list but it helped despite the low difficulty rating. Once you get used with the beats things should be very straightforward.
#14 Paqqin (tpz Despair Remix) (14.7, 1001872, 15.88) A very demanding BPM240 song but if you can cope with the speed then the rest should be manageable. I expected more 1/3 rhythms as from owl*tree but nothing of that kind came other than the opening.
#13 βlαnoir (13.8, 1008698, 15.91, FC) I can get why this isn't lower but those are standard for players going for 16.00, just standard 4k patterns. Another high score obtained in warm up and heavily recommended.
#12 Fracture Ray (14.7, 1002245, 15.92) This is on everyone's list and the only thing I wonder is why can't I get SS+. The rating is actually reasonable in a balance of instantaneous difficulty (the last 1/3) and overall difficulty (say, getting SS). I was too nervous entering the streamy end but I wasn't bothered to grind.
#9 サドマミホリック (14.2, 1006259, 15.95) The most universal map on all the lists, but this is clearly more biased towards stamina. I couldn't do even more stamina biased maps like volcanic, but this is fine.
Outperform by coincidence
#26 POTENTIAL (14.0, 1006486, 15.79) My first reaction is why isn't that on DDR? Oh well TAG's not in Konami anymore... Standard 4k maps (again, very DDR) except I somehow couldn't manage the 2:00 part no matter how hard I try. Still, 1006486 is a outperformance when I usually get 1003k taking a heavy hit from that section.
#23 J219 (14.4, 1003903, 15.79) One of the map that stayed on my best 30 for a very long time. It's been good for rating as it's very short both in time and note count, but that also imply smaller margin of error. Also, who doesn't love cranky?
#21 アポカリプスに反逆の焔を焚べろ Expert (13.7, 1008677, 15.81FC) Getting similar scores on 13+ is usually standard for me but this one is rather exceptional because the tempo is so quick that mastering the map on warm up isn't guaranteed. If you do some prep it should be easy though.
#19 アイリちゃんは暗黒魔導士! (14.0, 1006641, 15.82) Typical map with all kinds of 1/2 spamming. All rounded with various ways to kill your combo, so 1006641 is pretty good.
#18 ピュグマリオンの咒文 (14.1, 1006106, 15.82FC) Very similar to #18 but the impression always come from the 1:15 section where you hit the air notes heavily (as the notes suggested). The sweeps are actually quite menacing for a 14.1, and is not at all assumed for 16.00 players.
#11 SON OF SUN (13.8, 1009064, 15.95FC) One of the biggest surprise and I got that even before I reached 15.00. The song has been my favourite...but I simply have no idea how did I score 1009k on that day.
#10 C & B (14.0, 1007277, 15.95) As someone with lower accuracy in general, any 1007k is hard and this is no exception. The cross air notes are standard for players at this level, so the map should be very straightforward.
#7 デンパラダイム (14.0, 1007560, 16.00FC) All kinds of full row spamming...except the end as a mix of 1/2 and triplets. It's supposed to be tricky to me and should kill my SSS dream but somehow I managed to just spam 1/2 the way through in one of my play.
#4 Last Celebration (14.7, 1004277, 16.12) Another map that frequently makes to the list. Slightly slower than Paqqin (tpz Despair Remix) but with all kinds of pattern you will see on a 14.7. A very good introduction to this level. I would get ~1002k on any day but 1004277 is a surprise.
#2 Insane Gamemode (14.4, 1007497, 16.39) How is that 14.4?? I have no idea and I expect that to be downgraded anytime. Very straightforward other than the irregular beats but acceleration is always the right answer. In fact I can't even tell the way I dropped 2503 points over such easy map.
Outperform in nature
#29 《本能》 ~ ReCoda (14.6, 1001792, 15.77) Narrow notes for the win, but those drills are not easy for me even back in nostalgia. It would have been 1005k+ if I didn't miss those drills...only if.
#24 ピアノ協奏曲第1番”蠍火” Expert (14.2, 1005499, 15.79FC) Would be a shame if you are from nostalgia and can't do this song. It's fine all the way till the very end when drowny me got overwhelmed by the last few notes...and still got SS+.
#20 《自戒》 ~ Paganelope (14.6, 1002153, 15.81) Song that I like quite a lot with its jumpy melody. It's hard in multiple ways including sweeps like 0:59 and narrow notes throughout. I frequently misses the V-shaped 7-plets at the opening but the rest are managable.
#16 Jade Star (14.2, 1005851, 15.87FC) The song fits nostalgia well and the chart is very close to nos too. I expect higher scores if I drill harder. A comparable map is Pure Ruby, another classic from SHIKI but that one is far more trickier.
#15 AXION (14.6, 1002740, 15.87) A 14+ version of Jade star with a heavy taste of nostalgia. I should try to relax and the end for a better score though.
#8 U&iVERSE -銀河鸞翔- (14.4, 1005438, 15.98) The streams are easier than maps like Jade star (definitely easier than Pure Ruby) but I can understand I play these better than the 16.00 average. Looks like 14.3 to me.
#5,6 Daphnis Expert&Master (14.4, 1006012, 16.1; 15.4, 991324, 16.05) Another piano piece, and it is the last piece of puzzle for my road to 16.00. I am sure I can get higher score if I drill harder for both difficulties.
#3 白庭 (14.3, 1007310, 16.26) Narrow notes and two hand cooperation, both strengths of a nostalgia player. The last third is actually scary -- I think I was 1009k- going into that section.
#1 月の光 (14.8, 1005565, 16.41) All hail Debussy lol. I remember the classical remixes released on the April fools' day when I thought 14.8 is a joke but actually it isn't. They won't downgrade the song anytime soon, right?
Extra nominations
#32 [CRYSTAL_ACCESS] (14.6, 1001499, 15.74) those 1/4 spams are supposedly easy for me but apparently not. I am sure this will be on my best 30 in the future.
#33 Rule the World!! (14.0, 1006027, 15.70) The 1/2 spams are fun to play but 14.0 maps are hard to stay on the list in the future...I can't score SSS+ as from 13.8 or 13.9 maps, but score SSS on 14.0 is simply too demanding so far.
#35 蒼穹舞楽 (14.5, 1001600, 15.66) Japanese styled song that I liked and tried to grind, but getting a 1005k on 14.5 is just as hard as getting SSS on 14.0...
#36 《投影》 ~ Oh My Baby Doll (14.4, 1002617, 15.66FC) Got a FC very early on but further play proved that this really is a 14.4 if not higher, so I won't ask anything further from this map for now. Again, narrow notes FTW!
I first played Chunithm many years ago in Japan, but that was never consistent. When I started playing more one year ago I merely started at 12, slowly rising to 15.00. I was stuck at around 15.4 for a long time until I decided it's time to grind.
My first goal was 15.5 and I eventually made it at October last year. In order to reach the next goal aka 15.75 it took me considerable time to explore the right difficulty to go for. I spent so much time on getting SS on 14+ songs, it didn't help much in terms of rating but my technique did improve. I finally realized mastering Lv.14 maps is the right way to go. That was at the end of January.
16.00 once a distant dream now looked feasible and I decided to go for it. The two Lv.15 songs were very nice addition to the rated list, but there is nothing new other than that. It is all about improving results you've already had -- and now, 16.00.
What's the future plan if you ask me? Well I think it's better for me to take a break here and go back clearing new DDR maps (even knowing that Konami didn't push update for as long as a month already).
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