Lynjas. Or the duo unit Ninja Lyn. She has been my favourite unit in clearing stuffs and apparently it has attracted some interests among friends and servers. Why am I using her and how do I use her in clearing stages? I decided to start posting my Lynja solutions to GHB/LHB maps to my Youtube channel and this blog post serves as an introduction.
FE Heroes has entered the stage where any PVE content is essentially trivial for any veteran players with deep enough bench. The only challenges they can post are the Grand/Legendary Hero Battles(GHB/LHBs) with the newest units but inflated with all the disgusting mobs around. Yet players find it easy to clear even just with the most F2P units -- just those free units from stories.
To some it's easier to crush the stage with their newest toys. They can always create synergies that attacks the weakness of those challenging stages. Some players however, sticks to the same team over and over again and makes dazzling clears. Some heavily invests onto a single unit and perform turn 1 or true solo clears but I don't have units like that. Additionally given how quick the meta shifts, I hardly see the same unit true-soloing GHB/LHBs for an extended period. So like many others, I tried to clear the stages using the same team/idea over and over again.
In the early years, I used refined Celica plus 3 dancers. The idea is clear: fury Celica enters desperation and WoM range so that she can consecutively be danced. Savage on C to ensure chipping and AoE special if further chipping is needed.
Problem eventually arises though: you can only kill 4 units in a turn, often less than that in turn 1 because you need positioning. But there are 6 enemies at start and 3 extra every turn, meaning that you will be dealing with 4-5 enemies (including the 'boss unit' most likely). Maneuvering is hard when the dancers plus Celica are all vulnerable. At first dancers can tank a single hit with triangle adapt and stacked def/res, but that very soon failed due to inflated stats and passives.
Another problem is the need for diversified roles. To become an WoM anchor you need fury on A and possibly on S. But then you lose 2 slots to strengthen the unit. In order to chip, savage blow on C (and S) is used, or even an AoE special. But you could have used joint hone/drive otherwise. Finally there are vantage units forcing the use on hardy on S! There are so many desirable passives to use, many deemed essential. Celica eventually got overwhelmed and become impractical of clearing these stages.
It is clear that better action economy and diversified roles are needed in the team, and Lynja is the perfect solution with her duo skills. Adaptive damage, CD-1, post battle stat penalties and rein is so good when it comes to the need in firepower. But what's better than 4 Lynjas? 3 Lynjas plus a dancer. Dancer is more flexible as it allows extra action without needing to attack first which helps a lot on turn 1. With so many new game breaking dancers available now it's hard to say who's the best, but my choice has been the same -- duo peony as she has the duo skill that gives one further action, meaning that the maximum action in a turn is 8 with merely 4 units!
Here is the team:
1) Fury Lynja
Fury 4/Desperation/Savage Blow/Reposition
Speical is flexible (damage-type special or AoE)
S: Fury/Savage Blow/...
-HP with no merges or flowers would yield 36HP that fury 4 twice (instead of fury 7) is enough for her to enter WoM range. You don't want her to attack 3 times on turn 1 -- that makes retreating very hard.
2) Lynja2
Base kit + WoM + Repo + Hardy
Special is flexible but I used Lethality
Just in case there are vantage units but can be morphed into another nuker.
3) Lynja3
Base kit + WoM + Repo + Blade Session
Special is flexible but I used Blue flame (for diversity)
This is usually the unit that delivers the heaviest blow.
4) D!Peony
Base kit + WoM
C usually joint drive atk, S usually drive atk but both flexible
Pure support unit, support with Lynja gives free stat.
Notice that I have not fully optimize the kit. Most investments are cheap except the units themselves. I am sure they will be much stronger with better A and C skills! Other than Lynjas, Ninjorrin and Ninja Laegjarn would fit similar roles albeit not able to fly.
The team did well even in AR-O before save tanks becoming too tough, but for GHB/LHBs they should clear pretty easily. I also use the team to clear most chain battles. The key has always been positioning both in turn 1 and later turns, but I can't really exhaust all positioning techniques in one go. It is just easier for me to demonstrate them bit by bit in the videos. Below is my first in the series -- against Emblem Ike which is the toughest in a long time. Ike made a grave mistake: he became arrogant and didn't bring a healer. As a result multiple savage blow and AoE chipping put him down. This is a typical approach towards omnitank just like the maps against legendary Alears. I hope you enjoy the walkthrough and find it useful!
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